
Major Fischer (2)

Major Fischer's ice elementals threw several ice spears at the Blirdoth, but the monster easily dodged them. The damn beast was much more agile than he thought it would be. Fischer knew he had to develop a new strategy quickly, or the Blirdoth would overpower them. He signaled his team to fall back and regroup, hoping to find a weakness in the monster's defenses.

The Blirdoth dashed toward the man, who used his two summoned creatures to stop its charge. Despite Fischer's efforts, the Blirdoth was too strong for his ice elementals to handle alone.

While the ice elementals did their work, Fischer jumped backward while his two creatures unleashed a torrent of ice on his enemy. The move was highly acrobatic, and for sure, only a skilled fighter would be able to make it. The Blirdoth roared angrily as it shook off the ice and charged again toward Fischer.

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