
First Job

Haoran continues to stare at her apartment, pretending not to hear her question.

Ai Mi felt ashamed and at the same time angry that he didn't respond to her question.

"Why would I tell you?"

Did Zhi Ruo ask him to not tell anyone? Particularly her? Why are they keeping it a secret? What did they do that must be kept confidential?

Asking so many questions at once made Ai Mi to have a headache. She clenches her jaw tightly and turned to look down, blinking severely to make her gradually becoming red eyes to be unnoticeable.

Haoran looks down at her head, making it seem like she's a bit short. He found her reaction to his response cute and not harsh.

Is this how cute and soft she is when she's out of the company? So why is everyone afraid of her?

"I was with Zhi Ruo. We took coffee and went to the amusement park together"

Really? Coffee? Amusement Park?

How come she didn't notice them? Her house is beside the amusement park so, how come...?

Or wait... She fought with Munchen.

Agh, that guy really needs to leave this world... He's such a foe!

"Sounds fun" Ai Mi says as she flung her hair to look back up with an invincible sad emotion.

Haoran stares at her face to pick any sign of hate or dislike for Zhi Ruo but he found none.

So why is Zhi Ruo all... Angry when she hears Ai Mi's name?

Is she her secret enemy? Does she badmouths Ai Mi? Is she scheming against Ai Mi with the other employees?

"You seem lost in thoughts. What is it?"

Ooops... He got busted!

"What? No, I'm not thinking about anything, I'm just-"

"Just what?"

Ai Mi cut right into his sentence, her eyes forward before she turns to look at him.

"Thinking how nice it will be if we go get coffee"

What? Coffee? Now?

Ai Mi stares at Haoran stunned, but her expression didn't surface. "Go get some rest, tomorrow's your first day" she says and unfolds her arm as she continues.

"Don't spend the night going out to get coffee with girls, it'll stunt your growth" she looks away to another direction, where a married couple are chatting happily. Her hands are held together behind her.

Haoran felt the sensation of her wanting to go but can't due to the fact that he's her employee. She ignoring him makes him look like a fool but her ignorance make her seem so unserious.

"Goodnight then" Ai Mi don't look back at him.

Crazy girl. She's really stubborn.

He starts to walk away from her slowly.

"Goodnight" she whispers as she turned to look at him walk away. Her heart has jumped several times during their chat, but no one can detect it no matter how hard they tried. She's physically unreadable.

Ai Mi then focused on the pieces of ceramics on the ground.

Staring at a guy caused this... She really need to work on her absentmindedness cause it's really paying off.

Haoran. What a guy.


The next morning...

Haoran was up before 6:30am. He got a hot bath, standing beneath the shower like a lazy man. When he got out, he used his towel to dry his body and hair and quickly got dressed.

He rubbed his usual gel cream on his hair. Feeling how fluffy it was for some time.

Oooh... He likes the touch of that.

Afterwards, he got dressed in his casual wear. He saw a lot of people in the company wearing a T-shirt and a pair of trousers so... He shouldn't be afraid to be one of them, right?

He wore a black sleeved shirt and a pair of black tight trousers that made him nearly lose his breath.

His calf looks more like a woman's calf, so he should probably display them for a while.

And now he's at the front building, staring at it with his heart beating nervously.

He sighs and takes a step into the company.

As he walks down to the receptionist, his face is as hard as a stone but he is panicking inside!

Why is everyone looking at him that way? Is he some suspect?

"Haoran Feng Ying. I came for a job interview yesterday"

The receptionist nods as she checks her sysytem and brings out a white card with his name and photograph on it. All his necessary information is on that card.

"This is your check-in card. What will make the securities to allow you to enter and exit the company everyday. Please do not lose it"

Haoran stares at the card in his hand and nods.

Cards. When you think you can keep it well, you won't know when it'll slip out of your old pocket.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, Ma-" the receptionist immediately corrects herself and says "Mister Haoran"

What did she want to call him before? Mayor?

"This is Bella" Haoran turns to the young, cute woman standing beside the receptionist.

"She's the leader of your department, so she'll be leading you to your office, where it will be disclosed to you the rules of the department and what your department works on"

Bella smiles at Haoran seeing his eyes on her now.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mister Haoran" her stretched hand yearning to touch his perfect looking palm.

"You too" Haoran says accepting her handshake.

"Right this way please" Bella says and leads Haoran off as the receptionist continues to talk to the other new people waiting.

As they pass so many people in their departments working on one thing or the other, Haoran felt nervous.

The main reason supposed to be for working on his first job but however, it's because of the deadly, cute, hopeful and disgusting looks all of the workers and leaders shoots at him.

Is he a criminal? Why the bad looks?

"Okay..." Bella says as she steps into a demarcated large office at a corner of the company.

About 8-10 workers stood up seeing them enter the office and upon hearing the voice of Bella.

"Haoran, my is Bella Qin once again, and I am the leader of this department"

Haoran nods, listening attentively.

"This is the designing department of Global Japan Products. We are the designers of various products and the packages of these products are also designed by our department" Bella pauses, letting the introduction go down the brain of Haoran well.

"Okay. So, I'm Bella again, and these are our co-workers. That's Mr Wu Hang, over there" she points at an old man, probably in his late sixties or something.

"Miss Zhi'ai, who is going to be desk partners with you, so take note"

Zhi'ai nods at Haoran and he does the same.

"You'll get to know the rest later. So, your desk is over there" Haoran turns to take a look at it.

It's neat and tidied. Nice.

"Your first job will start from paperwork"

Paperwork? Meaning…?

"You'll design your product on a piece of paper, however sketched we will take it. Next, you'll be invited to the leader's board where we'll give you the chance to pitch your idea..."

Haoran takes note of all this. Gosh, it sounds like hardwork.

"After that, Miss Ai Mi will decide…" the aura around Bella begins to become dangerous as she mentioned Ai Mi's name.

"If you're suitable for a promotion, or not"

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