
Chapter 1: Speaking with Ayanokoji

[Ayanokoji Pov]

[October 13th]

"What do you intend to do, Horikita? Are you going to tell Kurushima about it? What about Kushida's betrayal at the Sports Festival? He knows of someone betraying us, just not who. He is probably investigating it on his own, currently."

"No, I'll deal with Kushida on my own. I'll bring her to work together with the class, no matter what. If I were to involve him, she'd get troubled. And knowing him, he'd tell our classmates about her."

Although Kushida was, in terms of the information network, very valuable to us, Kurushima had one, too, with an almost similarly large one.

Of course, people see him more as a threat than Kushida, so he's not getting much information, if it's regarding the Special exams. Kushida in return, could. 

She had her value, but... if she's sabotaging our class, then she's entirely useless. I'll make a couple of preparations for having her expelled, if it has to be. 

"You seem confident. Do you happen to have an idea how to deal with her?"

"I think... I might," she muttered. 

"If you say so, I'll leave it to you, then." I tried to walk away, until I felt her holding my sleeves.

"Are you not interested in knowing why Kushida wants to expel me? Where do I know her from?" she asks. 

"I am. But are you interested in sharing that information with me?"

"Kind of. In return, I want to know something in return."

"If it's about my past, as I already told you, I won't tell you anything about it."

"That's not it. It's about Y, or however you and Ryūen refer to them. Do you have any progress regarding your investigations, yet?"

"Not quite. I'm in the same spot as Ryūen, because I believe it might be someone from Ichinose's Class."

"Surely, you have figured out more than just that, do you?" 

"It's not as easy as it sounds, Horikita. There are no traces of Y, besides these two Anagrams. Ichinose's class, it's where it all happened. It's quite difficult to imagine that someone else from another Class could go unseen by everyone, at all, sneak it inside Ichinose's class without anyone noticing, and return, like usual." 

Even for me, it'd be quite a difficult thing to do so. That person would have to need insights into their habits, know when they sleep, or be in there, itself, as it's someone from there, who put the Anagrams there.

I know where Ryūen is coming from. After all, someone who's able to do this, without being present in Ichinose's class is quite the dangerous opponent, who was able to pull off such a stunt while remaining completely hidden.

But it is not impossible...

I asked Sensei whether she saw something strange, like someone appearing in Class B's tent, from Ryūen's Class, Sakayanagi's Class, or our Class, but there was nothing suspicious for her, after all.

I knew she wasn't hiding it from me, since Sensei also wanted to achieve Class A and was ready to threaten me for it, so she would tell me of a threat, if there was someone, behind the Shadows.

If Y isn't in Ichinose's Class, they're even far more dangerous...

"Besides, we don't even know their gender, at all. The list of suspects is too high, Horikita. Although Ryūen seems to believe out of some reason it's a guy, and I suspect, Y contacted him, at least once, after the Exam."

I'll investigate that mystery, soon enough to see where I'll get the remaining pieces, like the remaining Anagram, or something else, Ryūen is hiding.

Like an E-Mail, perhaps?

"But thinking of someone sabotaging their own class..." she muttered.

"It's possible. Just like your case with Kushida, there might be someone else in Ichinose's class; perhaps, who does this?"

"True enough..."

"Speaking of Kushida, I'll tell you about it..."

Horikita explained to me that both she and Kushida attended the same middle school, and of the 'incident' that took place, in her year, of an entire class being broken apart.

In short, Kushida's one-sided misunderstanding and hostility are the cause of all of this. For Kushida, keeping her past hidden is important enough to her that she is willing to go to all of this effort to hide it completely.

But I'd also prevent other people from knowing my past.

And there are probably other students like Kushida, too, such as Hirata Yosuke, Karuizawa Kei, or our leader, Kurushima Kaoru... 

I know from Sakayanagi something majorly took place in his life, for it to be regarded as 'hellish' despite her knowing of the existence of the White Room, so I do wonder, what happened, in actuality.

On the Internet, nothing can be found about him. But people like Horikita Manabu or Koenji, did verify his credibility as being from a rich family.

Although Horikita does not seem to have heard of Kurushima, despite her brother clearly seeming to have.

What surprised me the most, however, is that even Horikita Manabu isn't willing to hand over the information of his past. 

I guess, unless Sakayanagi intends to reveal it, and not even other people, I'll wait until she does her step, regarding him. 


Taking the staircase because the elevator didn't arrive, I arrived at the 4th Floor. When I opened the door, I could see Kurushima winking towards the closing elevator, but quickly, he noticed my presence.

"Ayanokoji-kun, you took the stairs? I don't think I've heard of any student voluntarily taking them, instead of the elevator, until now."

"Is that so? I just didn't like waiting that much."

"Oh, I see. It must have taken long, then."

"Yeah, it did."

Since our rooms were next to each other, we walked in the same direction.

Kurushima seemed to scan his keycard against his door panel, and I scanned my keycard against my door panel. 

"Ayanokoji-kun, you're X, aren't you? The one who won for us the Inhabited Island Exam, are you not?"

I stopped my movements, abruptly.

How did he...?

Was I that...?

"I wasn't doing this to make you uncomfortable, Ayanokoji-kun. Be at ease."

"You already seem to be fairly convinced that I am the 'hidden' mastermind of the Inhabited Island Exam. Is there any reason why? And why do you doubt Horikita?"

"You see, if Horikita was that capable, she wouldn't need to ask me for the message behind the Anagram, would she? Besides, it adds up, all now. You were along Horikita in Sudo's trial, and you're the closest person in the class to her. Changing leaders, if it was you, it certainly was possible, wasn't it?"

"I just followed her orders. I didn't do anything. Horikita deliberately chose to retire from the exam..."

"I'm not trying on forcing you to anything, Ayanokoji-kun. As a matter of fact, I just want to know something."

"What precisely?"

"Are you perhaps the traitor? The one who provided Ryūen with our class competitions?"

"Me? No, not at all. But why would you suspect me, Kurushima?"

"Is that so? But you being the traitor would certainly make sense, would it not?"

"Make sense? Please elaborate?"

"I had the intention of doing so. It might sound slightly unreasonable, but if you had the intention of avoiding Ryūen, would it not be better to make him believe he has control over you, thus preventing him from suspecting you being X?"

"With something crucial like a secret about who you love, or something embarrassing, for you to betray the class? You'd avoid Ryūen's eyes easily with that, wouldn't you?"

Since Kurushima has no idea that I actually wanted to confront Ryūen, it does sound reasonable, by having myself look like a pawn in the game, to avoid his suspicions.

For him, I helped the class, when he was unable too, but I did it, because of Sensei. If it wasn't for her threat, I wouldn't have done so, I believe.

Logically speaking, having myself either stand out or doing that, was the best way to avoid Ryūen, if I wanted.

Of course, I decided the latter approach, but it's not unreasonable to conclude this, so I know where he's coming from.

"But you didn't predict we'd be at the losing team, did you? Class A is the class consisting out of the academically and athletically fit students, and seeing how 2-A and 3-A were outperforming the Sports Festival, losing was something they neither expected, nor you."

"In other words, we wouldn't have lost so many Class Points, in your reason of belief, would we? Team Red wins, we get either 2nd Place, or 3rd Place, with minimal to no punishment..."

"But I guess, if you have one Class with 0 Class Points in your Team, while there are two other classes in the same year being by a large margin better than them, it might be reasonable for them not to participate much."

"And since they didn't participate in the Sports Festival much, there doesn't seem to be a negative punishment for their classes, like Negative Class Points, per example."

"It makes sense for me to suspect you, doesn't it, Ayanokoji? After all, you clearly want to avoid Ryūen's eyes, so you seem like the most likeliest, actually."

If Kurushima phrases it like that, it naturally makes very sense.

But to his disappointment, I wasn't really the traitor. I also wouldn't become Kushida's scapegoat, so I'll deny the fact of being the traitor, naturally. 

Truthfully answering, I shake my head. "It does make sense for you to suspect me as a Traitor, but I'm not, Kurushima."

"Huh?" he looked at me confused.

I looked behind, seeing the elevator slowly arriving. "Let's head in my room and speak there."

Immediately, I swiped my keycard, entering the room along Kurushima. He took his shoes off, put them on the floor, and headed along me to my bedroom. 

"But that doesn't make much sense, does it? If it isn't like that, were you expecting me to get injured by Sakayanagi and Ryūen, thus taking the attention away from you of being X in the Final Run, by standing out?" 

"No," I replied, stoically. 

"But if you're not the Traitor, nor wanted to initially plan on partaking in the Final Joint Race at all, making Ryūen not suspect you of being X..."

"You actually want Ryūen to confront you, don't you?"

He realized it, after all. 

"Who knows?"

"Then you're really not the Traitor, after all. I'm sorry for suspecting you, Ayanokoji."

"Don't worry, it makes sense, if you explain it like that. But what do you intend to do with this new information, Kurushima?"

"Nothing, so don't worry. Although I'd like you to work together with the class, I can't force you, neither can I force Koenji. I have confirmed now that you aren't the traitor, so you can be at ease..."

"I see. How's your investigation going so far? Aside from me, did you have any other potential suspects?"

"Not really. I was convinced it was you, after all. But as long as the presence of a traitor in our class is here, they will prevent us from advancing further. We should... solve that issue, immediately, with them..."

"How do you think about that, Ayanokoji? The presence of a traitor in the class?"

"Like you, Kurushima. But Horikita, she said, she'd like to solve it on her own."

"Horikita?! She must know the traitor, then, don't she? She was targeted, after all, deliberately, but not like me, from Sakayanagi, but from Ryūen. They must be in deep contact..."

"Do you trust her?"

"I do... But I wouldn't like to be kept out from these kind of things. If Horikita needs help, please tell her that."

I nodded. "Will do."

"Also, thank you, once again, for the help you have done until now. Even though I'm the leader of the class, I couldn't help regarding some matters at all."

"I'm still a bit too naive... But nonetheless, I'd like to express my gratitude directly, not from Horikita, but from me, personally."

I don't think I can fool him any longer of being X. For that, the individual called Kurushima Kaoru in front of me is too perceptive.

"When did you know, precisely, that I was X? The one who won the Island Exam? And if so, why did you decide to confront me now?"

"When, huh?"

"Well... let's see, it was during the Zodiac Exam, actually. But you know, I think you were aiming for this, actually. For me to confront you of being X, didn't you, Ayanokoji-kun?"

"I'm not sure if I'm following you right, Kurushima."

"You really don't have to act clueless, Ayanokoji. You see, if you wanted to keep your identity from me as a secret, you wouldn't have sent Horikita to confront me with the leaf at all, would you? The single reason why I'm sure it couldn't be Horikita was because of that."

"You knew that very well, and aimed for this, actually. You're quite the cunning individual, I must say, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Knowing that your group also was the reason Class A lost 50 additional Class Points in the Zodiac Exam, it just makes gradually more sense. I never suspected anything, but you were the one who won Sudo's Trial, wasn't it?"

"You made them retract their complaints, by planting fake camera's. Am I right, with all the points I have mentioned so far, Ayanokoji-kun?"

I nodded, in agreement.

It seems like I wasn't underestimating Kurushima, after all. His abilities, they're certainly more than great. Just from this conversation, I got ahold of many valuable things already.

His ability to deduce was perhaps his best weapon.

Although, of course, for the things he lacks, in regard of me blackmailing Manabe, incinerating the situation with the bullying of Karuizawa in the first place, then making her dependent on me, where details he could not know. 

And I doubt, Hirata would hand over to him the information that I wanted to 'talk' with Karuizawa Kei, having his permission to write an E-Mail on his phone with a meet-up with her, as he regards it as useless information, since he does not know what happened there, actually. 

Kurushima won't figure out the case with Manabe, nor me being responsible for his girlfriend's injury at the Sports Festival. It shouldn't be. 

And if he does, then him being Y might be the likeliest, after all. 

"You deduced this much this soon? Why did you never confront me, Kurushima?" 

"Until now, you never did anything detrimental to the class, did you? Besides, there's a reason you'd like to remain quiet. For that, you also happened to incinerated Horikita as your scapegoat, after all.

"Of course, I had the intention of confronting you, once I knew of one of the people in our class being the traitor, but well, it's my first day after being written off, after all, from my injury..."

"I wanted to confront you alone, without possibly hurting your relationship with Horikita-san, so I waited until now. After all, if it was like I suspected, I didn't hold you at fault, for doing the things you did."

If I was the Traitor, he wouldn't have minded it, huh?

Of course, I would have done it unlike Kushida out of other reasons, so that itself, would not be regarded by him as betrayal from the class, huh?

"But what is your actual goal with this? Wanting that the two of us meet-up? Did you want to confirm something, or did you want to discuss something with me?"

He caught on it, huh? That's the problem with people that are capable.

They're very hard to manipulate, in comparison to other's. But even so, I'd like to confirm something, from this, too.

"I wanted to speak with you about Y. Do you have any suspects? I'd like to hear your opinion. Perhaps, we can reduce the list of suspects being responsible."

"I see..." he nodded. "So you too, have no real clue of who that person is, do you?"

I nodded. "I don't have many potential suspects, but they're definitely from Class D, Ichinose's Class..."

Just in case, I observed Kurushima's expression, upon micro-expressions. 

While I did sometimes mention Kurushima might be also possible of being Y, I didn't really suspect Kurushima.

I didn't have a reason to suspect him, frankly.

Everyone knew of Ryūen having spies, in the other classes. Katsuragi, us, and Ichinose, and also, the Sakayanagi Fraction. 

In short, there were tons of suspects.

"Suspects, huh? Like you, too, I'm inclined to believe it's someone from Ichinose's class. I might even have someone; I too, suspect..."

"Let's put it all together, firstly. Ryūen sends two spies, one in our class and one in Ichinose's class; two Anagrams appear, perhaps even more."

"The one known Anagram is a message warning about someone using the Island Exam to win, namely you, while the other one is still unknown to us, in possession of Ryūen, thus leaving us with no conclusion."

"The individual called Y deduced your strategy, and warns Ryūen, for some reason. Ryūen uses the proposed strategy to his advantage, and intends to retire, winning this Exam, probably."

"However, you were able to somehow avoid that, and you made us achieve the first Place, regardless of the predicament we were placed in."

"Ryūen seemed to have the intention of confirming, whether you're real or not. Otherwise, I don't believe you'd have won regardless, would you?"

I still observed Kurushima, that didn't change at all, but I genuinely wanted to know who the individual called Y currently was.

Being deceived by someone, my actions being predicted, manipulating Ryūen, making me almost lose, who would it be, and if so, can I learn something from that person, then?

Unlike Ryūen, I do have a reason to suspect Sakayanagi. Essentially, it's because she knows of the existence of the White Room. 

Of course, like with Sakayanagi, there might be someone else here, who could have been able to know of the White Room, too.

Primarily, Kurushima seems to be the ideal person, since he's from a very affluent family, apparently, but... when I first introduced myself to him, at that day, it was the first time he ever heard of me, and the name Ayanokoji, itself.

I'm sure of that. He didn't know me, until that time. Not even when he saw me staring at him, during the wait for the bus to arrive.

That isn't the reaction of someone who knows of a government Secret Facility, and sees the Masterpiece of that place fleeing. Sakayanagi saw me from the glass, apparently, but Kurushima neither heard of me nor had he seen me, before. 

That's one of the primary reasons I don't suspect him, as much, for being Y. Naturally, he could be it, and hides his abilities enormously, even being able to fool me, but what reason would he have? 

I'm doing it, because of that 'man'. I'd like to contradict him and prove him wrong. But Kurushima doesn't have a reason, does he? 

I'm not sure if someone who's on Top of the School would have any reason to hide their abilities, unlike me. In particular, when you consider, Kurushima is able to break perhaps national records for his age, like in the Sports Festival... 

Sakayanagi, Horikita Manabu, Koenji Rokusuke, they all affirmed Kurushima Kaoru. The boy in front of me is someone very affluent... 

However, it doesn't seem like neither he nor his family had any connections to that 'man' at all. Of course, there could be a case where he might not have realized it, but given the perception he displayed so far, that's an unnecessarily thought.

My surname is quite rare, you know?

And that 'man' has quite a lot of connections, actually. Kurushima said, he grew up his entire life in Kyoto, so he perhaps never encountered that 'man'.

Besides, he might be from one of those families that opposes that 'man' and his ideas, so he probably didn't introduce him to them.

While these cases are rare, they're not entirely impossible.

Seeing how kind he's to every individual, regardless of their class, that doesn't seem to be unlikely, actually.

So there do exist people that oppose that 'man', huh? 

If I had the intention of freeing myself, should I...?

No, to begin with, I don't know much about him or his Status outside. But nobody would antagonize him, from those who know him. 


Perhaps someone in Class D might know of that 'man'.

I should make investigations whether someone is coming from an affluent family there, which would logically also make them be able to meet him. 

"There was a piece of paper, on the beach, with the one Anagram. It was a trap from Ryūen, it seems." I answered. 

"But he didn't discover you, regardless, did he?"

"Yeah, because of the Cruise Ship. It didn't stay on its position. It's natural after all, that it might change its position, as anchoring in the mid-ocean is quite challenging. It's not really recommended, after all."

"That was the loophole in Ryūen's strategy. It could have worked, but he should have taken that factor into consideration, too. But observing his Camp Spot with the Telescopes wasn't a bad tactic at all."

"There was a reason why it worked well, since Ryūen's Camp Spot was at the starting location, from where you could easily observe it from the Cruise."

"True enough, I guess." Kurushima said. "But knowing him, he probably was excited, wasn't he? To know someone might be hidden in the Shadows..."

"Yeah, probably."

While my involvement in the Inhabited Island Exam could only be speculated on by Y, I couldn't help but deny I did help the class pretty frequently.

The Midterm Exam Papers, and Sudo's Trial. If Y was under the impression I'd help the class there too, they must have done their plan in that corner of belief. 

If Y is in Class D, there's a perfect person, who suits these criteria's.

He knows of Kurushima, says he was compared to him a lot in the past, who is the Co-Leader of his class, while also being the person who gave Ryūen the three identities of their VIP's in order to have him eliminate us and Sakayanagi.

The individual I was speaking of is Ryuji Kanzaki... 

Like Ryūen, I arrived at this conclusion, too.

Out of slight other reasons, however.

Kanzaki seems to be someone from an affluent background, so it wouldn't be impossible for him to have connections with that 'man' or knowledge regarding the White Room. 


Would he give himself that easily price?

The Sports Festival... that was when he mentioned of being in charge of knowledge of Kurushima, likewise with being compared to him, in the past...

He did say it was in the past, huh?

So he wasn't compared to him, after one certain point anymore with him, was he? 

Kurushima Kaoru...

Who are you, really?

What are you hiding? 

What did you experience that even someone who knows of the inhumane existence of the White Room, regards your life as hellish? 

I'm curious about these kinds of questions...

But sooner or later, they'll be answered...

"Kurushima, you lied, didn't you?"


"Regarding the Zodiac Exam, to the class. You confirmed the VIP Pattern by confronting Ryūen, did you not? Isn't that the reason you suggested Poker, so you could observe whether Ryūen was aware of the Pattern or not?" 

"It seems like that information cannot be hidden by you, Ayanokoji-kun. That's right, while I did have primarily suspects, I heard of someone seeing both Kanzaki and Ryūen together, while Ryūen himself made slight hints, during poker."

"I confronted him, and as such, I was able to prove that being the right Pattern, while only being sure of 3 People, our class VIP's,"

"Like you, he seems to have done reverse psychology, fooling Ryūen, didn't he? In the end, Ryuji Kanzaki appears to be the most suspicious of all."

Of course, Kurushima was true with everything. I took being his substitute on a whim, actually. But I guess, I'll delay our confrontation, then, Ryūen.

If the chance arrives, I'll let you break her, perhaps. I had some other intentions, but I don't mind spontaneously changing my plans regarding Karuizawa Kei. 

"You agree with me, right?"

I nodded. "He's certainly on the list of suspects; I believe Y to be the likeliest."

Saying that, I observed his facial expression. If Kurushima was Y, he must be quite happy about that revelation of me agreeing with him.

But none of that was the case. Neither his expression nor anything else changed.

Not even the slightest. 

He looked rather troubled, instead. "I see... If he's that person, he was able to fool us with his acts, then. Did he also tell us about their camp spot for that reason?"

"I'm not sure, Kurushima..."

Sensei didn't notice anything, nor did someone else. The radar is being recorded by the school, so in any case, the only class where it could work, is in Ichinose's class, without suspicion... 

That's my primary belief for Y being in Class D, Ichinose's Class.

Fooling the teachers and the school—can someone really do this, here, in this school?

If so, who? 

I'm not sure why, but being deceived, and having someone predict my strategy, it was the first time I ever experienced such a thing.

And I welcomed it, for some reason, surprisingly.

I wanted to know and learn about people. So that I can be taught, where I'm lacking currently.

In this school, there was an unknown opponent, a giant, within my year, who might... be able to beat me, perhaps? 

I didn't expect an individual like that to be here, actually.


If I could control and master such a person, it would be enjoyable, wouldn't it?

Stimulating their growth, observing them, learning from them even perhaps, in the time I'm here, and at last, proving that 'man' wrong.

Even if it's not Kanzaki, and Y remains quiet, I'll find that individual... 

Not for interfering with me, but because of my own goals...

And if it's not someone who has knowledge of the White Room, it's even better.

Because that individual will be even more capable.

So capable, that they fooled me...

I wonder...

Who Y is?

I don't believe it's someone from Sakayanagi's class, truthfully, as much as I argued whether she was in fact responsible for it, or not, previously.

Because she heard of the Anagrams the very first time, when I mentioned it to her, when she confronted me. She wanted to fool me, but was unable to do so.

Of course, she wouldn't tell it to me either, since it's also for her as a test, to see whether I'm truly the masterpiece of the White Room, so why help, then? 

And if she was, at the very least, someone from her fraction would have reported it back, so there shouldn't be a reason for her any signs of slight shock, for a small duration of time, was there?

Currently, only a couple of people know of the Island Exam, and Y being behind Ryūen's success.

Alongside me, there should be a couple of people Ryūen trusted, while in our class, it's just Horikita and Kurushima, since Ryūen deliberately revealed it to her. So for her, it was quite a shock to know someone else interfered with me. 

She didn't know the precise details of what happened all behind the back, just what her fraction did, to interfere with Ryūen, while also assuming our victory, because of either me, or Kurushima.

Minutes later, our conversation ended.

"Anyhow, I think I'll head back, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Sure," I nodded. 


[Kurushima Pov]

[Ten Minutes Later]

Ayanokoji, you'll investigate Kanzaki, while I can focus myself on my soon-to-be meeting with Chairman Sakayanagi for now. I should start with some preparations on turning the 360-degree camera in front of his room off.

It's not long anymore...

During Mid-December, I'll finally have the information in my hands.

But, Ayanokoji, I didn't think you'd analyze my micro-expressions to determine whether I'm speaking the truth or not.

You're more capable than I thought...


Does the name Paul Ekman perhaps say anything to you?

He conducted various psychological experiments and research on facial expressions and emotions. His work focused on identifying universal facial expressions and understanding how they correlate with underlying emotions.

Like the case with Kushida in the bus, they make a brief and subtle facial movement that usually lasts for from 1/25 to 1/5 of a second, revealing an emotion a person is trying to conceal.

In Kushida's case, she couldn't conceal her anger, irritation, disdain and shock, for a slight moment, when she realized Horikita would attend this school, too.

In that corner of time, she revealed her true emotions, for a split moment, which we call, Micro-Expressions. 

Of course, it's not like I didn't anticipate any of this already. I didn't approach Ayanokoji out of no reason, after all. 

Although he has no reason to suspect me. In case, he might have asked Sensei if something happened, she wouldn't be able to tell. She doesn't know I hid my signal, after all.


I'm getting really excited...

It's not long anymore...

Chairman Sakayanagi...

Soon, I'll confront you...

And don't worry, the Poison along with the remedy is ready, too...


A/N: And this concludes the Chapter. 

I think I mentioned this once, but here's the official confirmation of Ayanokoji suspecting Kanzaki, actually.

Like Ryūen, it seems unbelievable for him that someone from outside approached their camp. In particular, since Chabashira would tell him if there was someone, when he asks her. Nonetheless, it's Kiyo whom we're talking about.

Although he doesn't suspect Kurushima, he observes him regardless. Not like it particular worked.

Also, there's finally the reason why Ayanokoji wanted Horikita to approach Kurushima, because he wanted a situation to happen where they speak.

Once the fact with the traitor was revealed, you could say, Ayanokoji expected Kurushima to confront him, but as we know, the rib fracture happened.

Was it planned beforehand?

Koji predicted Kushida would betray the class in the future, after all, so he wanted to make Kurushima aware of a traitor. You could say, he also realized this, too. Making yourself look like a Pawn to avoid suspicion, that is.

Kurushima 'should' think he interfered because he was forced to retire, so him doing this, was to avoid suspicion, if you logically guess. 

In some way, both of them were able to confirm various things about the other. 

Also, Kurushima also does not want to expel Kushida, well, since he can control her, however he likes, after all. 

Knowing that Horikita wants to do this herself, and Ayanokoji doesn't tell him about it, does make things easier. 

How did you like the chapter? I hope it's good enough.

Also, do you think Kurushima did slight mistakes in regard of his identity being Y? Not in this conversation, but in general, in the story?

Would be interested to hear that.

Anyhow, that'll be all.

PS: I was able to solve the thing with the review now. If you'd like a AI Image of Hiyori, there you go. I'm a Hiyori huge simp, lol.

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