
A Government Law

Meeting everyone again was, uh, well, it was....it felt different. It almost felt like you felt a longing to reconnect with everyone. Of course Tim and Stephanie had forgiven you, in totally different ways, but you still had two more people to apologize to. Three. Four. Five? Maybe you should make a list.

Let's see here; Bruce, Debra, Barbara, the Birds, were the Outlaws still mad? Maybe you should apologize to Tim again for taking his girl. Ex? Maybe you should keep that one to yourself. Were you even dating? Jesus. Things just got extremely complicated.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard frantic banging on your door. It swung open and Debra entered frantically.

Debra: Come downstairs right now!

She rushed off and you followed. What the hell was going on here? You made it downstairs where you found everyone gathered around the TV. The only ones absent was Bruce and Kate.

Y/N: What's going on?

Tim: Nothing good.

Duke: This is just ridiculous! How could they do this?!

Y/N: Calm down! Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?!

Stephanie pointed at the TV and you looked. On the screen was the founding members of the Justice League as they stood in front of the United Nations. What was this even about? Bruce never said anything. You looked towards the President of the United States who was standing.

President: Let it be known here on this day, after the horrors that have unfolded across the world involving underage heroes, that the United Nation pass this new law. The Underage Hero Law will prevent any person under the age of 21 from engaging in any missions under the Justice League's  jurisdiction. This law also prevents them from acting alone. As if this moment, teams such as the Teen Titans and the Team will be disbanded.

Everyone: WHAT?!

President: Any person or persons who violate this act will either pay the fine of $50,000 or will be imprisoned until the age of 21.

Y/N: This is bullshit! Why aren't the Justice League stopping this?!

Tim: Because they can't. They're stuck under the UN's thumb.

Stephanie: What does that mean for us? The Team is, is gone.

She raises her hands to cover her mouth as tears began to fall. Tim clenched his fists while Duke stared at the TV in disbelief. Debra leaned on Alfred as she cried and Terry just stood there with his arms crossed. You turned to Barbara who just looked down. She wouldn't be affected since she was 22 but it couldn't be easy watching something you help build fall apart.

Y/N: Why is this happening?

Barbara: The attack on Sacturary revealed several underage heroes suffering from PTSD and resulted in two deaths. There was another attack while you were gone which ended in 10 deaths.

Y/N: It's a part of the job! We know that. We know what we sign up for.

Alfred: I'm afraid the world doesn't see it that way Mr. Y/N. They see young lives lost in a never ending war.

Y/N: Still. There has to be something....

Duke: We can't do anything! Don't you get it?! We have no League watching over us, no teams, nothing. We can't fight this.

You looked down at your feet. Was this it? No more being a vigilante because some assholes in suits that never met you are speaking on your behalf.

Debra: How are we supposed to get back to the future? If we can't work then how....

Terry: We'll figure something out. I'm trying to think if this was a problem in my tim....wait. what the hell?

Everyone turned to him before Debra sat up.

Terry: Did you feel that to?

Debra: It was like a new memory just appeared.

You looked at them shocked. Did the timeline just change?

Terry: This act, it was always a thing? Why didn't I remember it til now?

Debra: I remember the news talking about Batman seemingly being younger. This brought up the discussion on rather or not they should rewrite the act.

Tim: So this wasn't a thing before but somehow it changed the timeline. How?

You sighed. Did it even matter? This act spelt trouble. Debra and Terry had no way of investigating who sent them back here and you had no way of beating the living shit out of the person who erased your timeline.

You smirked to yourself. You slowly started to laugh before everyone turned to you. You looked up at the TV and grinned.

Y/N: Alright then. Game on.

You turned away with a plan.-----------President: Should we find any hero helping someone under the legal age limit, that hero will suffer severe and long lasting punishment. On top of that....

The President was interrupted when something suddenly stabbed into the podium. Everyone gasped before you walked through the doors in costume. You made your way down the aisle before you passed by the Justice League. Batman suddenly stood in front of you.

Bruce: Stand down.

Y/N: Stuff it.

You pushed past him and looked up at the UN.

Y/N: Hey dipshits. My name is Beyond.

Everyone gasped once again at your attitude but you didn't care.

Y/N: Who the hell decided on this law? Which one of you morons think you can speak for us?

No one claimed responsibility which made you laugh.

Y/N: Look at all of you. You all talk a big game until it comes down to it. Let me educate you all.

The doors behind you opened up and in came all the underage heroes you and the others could contact. The Teen Titans, the Team, even some that weren't affiliated with a team. All of them stood at attention.

Y/N: You think that we're in danger. News flash, everyone is in danger all the time. Have you been to Gotham? That place is a shit hole.

You turned back to Bruce.

Y/N: No offense.

You turned back to the UN.

Y/N: We know what we're getting ourselves into. We know that what we do is dangerous and that we can die. We know this. We don't need a bunch of old guys in suits to tell us that.

You then pointed back to everyone.

Y/N: Everyone here right now, those you speak for, are here to show you that we don't give a shit! So to hell with your fines and to hell with your punishments. If this law passes and you really intend to keep your word, then consider this a declaration of war. We were vigilantes before, and we'll be around long after.

You then looked the President in his eyes.

Y/N: So now the choice is yours. You pass this stupid fucking law and try to tell us what to do and be met with the full force of all of us, or open your eyes and realize that we made the choice to inspire others and help those in need.

All the young heroes began to cheer while you could see many of the UN members start to sweat and worry. Bruce looked at you and acatually smirked.

Clark: Looks like you taught him good.

Bruce: Your kid is here to.

Clark: Where?!

He looked around and spotted Jon among the crowd. Soon, every Justice League member spotted their kid or pupil in the crowd. You were all there. Standing in front, leading them all, was you. The President cleared his throat and straightened his tie.

President: Well then. You have made a, interesting case here today Mr...

Y/N: Beyond.

President: Mr. Beyond. Unfortunately for you, we have voted and the decision is already made. The Law will go into effect starting tomorrow.

You smirked under your mask.

Y/N: Ok then. Old school vigilantes it is.

You turned away and walked towards the others before stopping. You turned back one more time and glared at the President.

Y/N: What happens next, is on you.

Everyone turned and walked out of the hall leaving the room silent. The President looked down to Batman who was still smirking.

President: You ought to teach that boy some manners.

Bruce: I did. Taught him everything he knows

The President scoffed before slamming the gavel down ending the conference.

Elsewhere, you and the others stood around as you thought about what happened. You felt a nudge and looked over to see Cassie there.

Cassie: You know what you're going to do?

You nodded.

Cassie: Then go do it.

You smiled and nodded. You stepped up on a table and got everyone's attention.

Y/N: Look guys, what just happened sucked. A lot. I'm not one for speeches so I'm just going to cut straight to the point. We have no backing from the Justice League or anyone else. We don't need them. When they were young, they were like us. Now we're here. Together. That means one thing and one thing only. We're outlaws. Criminals. Vigilantes.

Everyone nodded in agreement. You practically just declared yourself an enemy of the state.

Y/N: Some of you know me, others don't. My story is a weird one. I'm from the future that was erased from time. I belong to no one and I have no home. I don't want to take that away from you all. If you want to turn back now then I won't hold it against you. No one here will.

No one moved. You smiled before you took off your cowl.

Y/N: I stand here as Y/N L/N. A hero turned villain turned hero. The public know me as Beyond. If you'll have me, I want to led you all. The future starts now.

Tim: Yeah!

Everyone began to cheer as you looked around at everyone. Time was changing before your eyes. Everything was about to change. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

Y/N: Time to leave a legacy.

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