
Red X

Red slowly opened his eyes to see a bright light shining down on him. He rolled over and felt a numb pain in his shoulder. His body hurt. He sat up and looked around the room. It was all white. He was on a bed of some kind and was now wearing a white shirt with a pair of grey sweats. He lowered his collar enough to see a well done bandage wrap on his shoulder.

Red: Where am I?

He didn't get an answer. Instead a door opened and in stepped two figures. He recognized both immediately.

Red: Well, shit.

Superman Batman? He really messed up. Then again he did kind of beat up four Batkids so it kind of made sense. Surprisingly, neither looked very angry. Superman seemed happy while Batman looked almost, glad. What was going on.

Superman: Good to see that you're awake. We've been waiting for a while.

Red: How long?

Batman: A week.

A week? He had been in their custody for a week? Sudden a thought crossed his mind.

Red: What about Jinx and Terra?

And now the heroes looked confused. They looked at each other.

Superman: Those two are currently in their cells. We'll be turning them over to the authorities after we get your statement so don't worry.

Don't worry? Don't worry?! How was he supposed to stay calm?

Red: So I'm guessing you're sending me to?

Batman raised a brow.

Batman: You'll be taken back to the Manor.

The Manor? What Manor? Batman noticed his confusion and realized what was going on.

Batman: You still don't have your memories back.

Great. Batman knows. Red watched as Batman moved across the room before returning with a tablet. He handed it to Red who gave him a questioning look.

Batman: The files on this device have surveillance from the last year. They start from your first time in the cave til the day you disappeared. Watch them if you want answers.

With that, Red was left alone once again. He looked down at the tablet and debated with himself on what to do. Seems like it couldn't hurt. Red clicked play on the tablet.

The video showed Red sitting at a table next to a man dressed in gold and blue. They were with the rest of the batkids along with Batwoman and Batman. The one he didn't recognize was a man dressed in red and black. It looked like a kind of future suit. He listened to their conversation and learned that the two strangers were from the future. He continued to watch until the meeting seemed to be over. The man in the suit was now talking to the batkids about who he was. They all revealed their identities until it was down to the man.

Red felt his stomach drop when the stranger took off his helmet. It was him.

There was endless videos to watch. Every single one showed Red interact with everyone from the alley to people he had never seen before. Some of the footage was in first person from the watch or the helmet of the suit or from security cameras. He watched as the boy he once was grew and changed. He watched his brightest times as well has his lowest. This continued until he reached the final video. It was of him freaking out as his memories were erased.

The video came to an end and the boy was left in silence.

So, this was who he was. Every single question was answered. Every single memory from the moment he ended up trapped in the past up til he lost everything. He allowed the tablet to fall to the floor as he ran a hand through his hair.

???: What the hell?

He didn't know what to think. His head hurt. The door opened and in stepped Batman. He looked at the tablet and then at the boy.

Batman: You watched all the tapes.

The boy just nodded.

???: Who am I? Really?

Batman didn't answer right away. He instead walked over and sat on the bed. He reached up and pulled the cowl off.

Bruce: I ask myself that question often. For a different reason.

The two sat in silence for a moment until Bruce reached into his belt and pulled out a red bandanna. He handed it to the boy who looked at it for a moment. Eventually he took it and tied it around his neck.

Bruce: You're time is gone. You're stuck here in this time. Klarion was in control of your emotions. We were lucky enough that the Titans East and the Team were able to contain him. He was handed over to the supernatural branch for investigation.

The boy nodded. He had learned that through the tapes. His memory of the time before he showed up in the past was gone forever. He only knew what he had told the others.

???: Am I supposed to feel so alone?

Bruce didn't say anything. He instead placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. Tears began to fall as you grabbed the bandanna. Bruce moved to wrapped his arms around you as you finally let everything out.

Frustration, anger, sadness, loneliness, happiness, worry, fear, everything you had felt over the last year. All of it came out as you sobbed into Bruce's shoulder.

You're Y/N. Y/N Wayne.---------You found yourself standing in front of two holding cells. In the left one was Jimx while Terra was on the right. Bruce stood behind you while Superman stayed close by.

Y/N: So they're going to be sent to Belle Reves?

Bruce nodded. At least they would be with Kid.

Superman: Croc is still at large though we're moving in to find him.

Croc got away. Good. At least, you thought it was good. As a hero you wanted to get the criminal off the street but, as Red, you wanted him to be safe. At least he has Dex.

Bruce: We can arrange a meeting between the three of you if you'd like.

You debated the idea in your mind for a moment. That brought you to now as you sat at a table. The door opened and Superman escorted Jinx and Terra inside where they saw you. Their eyes grew wide.

Jinx: Red?

Terra: You're ok!

Superman sat the down at the table and activated the magnetic pull on the table that would keep them from moving around freely. He then nodded to you and left the room.

Y/N: How are you guys doing?

Terra: We could be better but we're just glad your alright.

Jinx: Though, why didn't they lock you up? You're the more dangerous on.

The two girls laughed at the joke while you just sat there. You knew what was going to happen yet it still hurt like hell.  Red wanted to break their restraints and storm out but Y/N, you knew what was right.

Y/N: Because I'm not who you think I am. I'm not Red.

The two girls looked at each other. Jinx began to laugh nervously.

Jinx: What are you saying?

You stood up and stared at the table.

Y/N: I'm sorry. But you're both better off with me out of your life. I wish you both the best. Maybe in another life, we could've lived like king and queens.

You then walked away and out the door. You could hear their hearts shatter just as the door closed behind you. Bruce watched as you began to walk down the hall with your hands in your pocket.

Y/N: Let's go. We have some work to do.

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