
The New Red Pt. 4

You and Spoiler arrived at the scene where you found something unexpected.

Y/N: Good god. You have got to be kidding me.

Spoiler: Who's this creep?

Y/N: Rewire. One of villians. From time! This bastard is causing problems in town! HE'S GOING DOWN!

You boosted your way through the crowd just as Rewire turned around and saw you rushing towards him. He screamed as you collided your fist into his helmet sending him flying back. You stood there triumphantly.

Y/N: Well that was PAH!

Something slammed you in the rib which in turn slammed you against the wall. You picked yourself back up and looked around for your attacker.

Y/N: N-no way.

Y/N: Sheik?!

Sheik: Long time no see Bats.

He launched another sonic wave which sent you flying. Spoiler jumped out and started to attack him but you were unable to help when a gooey substance wrapped around your wrist and ankles.

Inque: Batman. What a surprise.

She lifted you up then slammed you back down onto the ground. You slid out a batarang and cut yourself free. You stood up and faced against Inque before Sheik showed up as well. You faced the two of them before you heard a scream and turned just in time to see Spoiler being thrown your way. You caught her and set her down before facing your villains.

Y/N: This is bad. Three against one with these guys? No way is this ending well.

Inque moved to attack but three gunshots distracted her. Her body ripped in three places but she brought herself back together as Red Hood landed next to you.

Red Hood: Looks like I came here just in time. Who knew we weren't the only ones who ended up here?

Y/N: So far it's me, you, Kat, Dee, Ten, and now these three.

???: Better make that four.

Both you and Red Hood suddenly grabbed your head in pain. You forced yourself to lift your head only to find...

Spellbinder: My old friend Batman.

Y/N: Spellbinder? This day just can't get worse can it?

His mind bending crap ended letting you both to stand up. You both prepared to fight just as more goo wrapped around your ankles.

Y/N: What the HEEEEEEELLLLLLLL?!?!?!?!?!

You were thrown away like yesterday's trash by Inque who followed as did Spellbinder. Red Hood was about to follow but Sheirk and Rewire stopped her.

Rewire: No way punk! You're ours.

They both rushed towards her while you landed. You jumped back up just as another one of Inque's arms slammed you through a wall. Spellbinder then came through and threw another "spell" at you making your head spin. You tried to get up but Inque slammed another arm down.

Meanwhile Red Hood worked at trying to take down the other two villains who were making quick work with her. Shiek launched a sound wave while Rewire shocked the ground. The combo attack knocked Red Hood on her ass before Rewire attacked again sending her flying back against Spoiler.

Rewire: Well this is lame. Why don't we go help Spellbinder and Inque with beating down the Bat?

Shiek smirked under his helmet and started walking towards where the others went.

Shiek: Let's.

You were slammed back down on the ground again as Spellbinder used another attack to mess with you. Your mind was spinning causing you to puke just as you felt a violent shock through your body. Rewire and Shiek joined the other two in your beatdown as you felt bones breaking and blood begin to pour  from fresh wounds.

Y/N: Damnit.

You could only lay there as your villains beat you to a pulp. Suddenly gunfire rang through air just as your vision began to blur. Soon, you were consumed by the darkness.-----------???: Time will now end because of you. You were the start and now you will be the end!

The time beam grew in power as the man laughed.

???: GOODBYE Y/N L/N!----------Your eyes shot open as pain shot through your body. You groaned as you grabbed your side. You found yourself shirtless and wrapped up. You were in your room.

Y/N: The hell?

You scanned the room to find both Stephanie and Debra sitting on the couch asleep. You remembered the reason why you were in so much pain and sighed.

Y/N: Shit. And to think Debra was the one to save me.

Alfred: And what luck you have.

You found Alfred walking towards you with a tray of medicine.

Alfred: After Ms. Quinzel saved you, her and Ms. Brown brought you here to be healed and for you to rest.

Y/N: What about the bad guys?

Alfred: Master Wayne is working on it now. He suspects they had something to do with the recent robberies. You don't need to worry for that now. You did worry quite a few people. Namely a few special women in your life.

He looked to the coach which made you roll your eyes.

Y/N: No idea how many times I need to remind you Alf but I don't have a harem. I'm just dating Helena.

Alfred: For now~

He walked out of the room with a thumbs up. You simply sighed.

Y/N: Whatever.

You heard shifting and looked through your bangs to see both Stephanie and Debra staring at you.

Both: You're awake!

They both leaped over the couch and rushed to you. They both caught you up on what you had missed. Apparently Stephanie took your advice and broke things off with Tim for a bit while Debra continued her training with Bruce who pushed her past her limit and then some. You thanked her for her help but deep down you needed answers. Answers you couldn't find right now. Maybe rest would be good.

Besides, Debra can pick up your slack. You decided to sleep it off and closed your eyes. Rest is good. Rest is what you needed. What you truly needed.

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