
preparing to go to earth 38... again!

A couple hours into the party, Kara started to get bored. Barry smiled a little and asked "are you ok honey". Kara smiled a little at Barry and said "yeah I'm ok, just a little bored". Barry chuckled and said "what do you want to do then". Kara rested against him while she held Dawn in her arms. Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her head. Kara asked "can we um, can we go home and do that thing we talked about, I mean we've been dating for a while now, and I haven't done it with you, I just have memories of doing it". Barry smiled and said "yes we can babe, let's go make those memories into a reality". Kara blushed and smiled. She asked "are we bringing Dawn with us to earth 38". Barry said "I don't think we should, none of us are going to be able to look after her, unless we leave her with Eliza". Kara said "maybe we should keep her here, we don't want Cadmus whoever they are to find out about her too, Joe is gonna look after her tonight, maybe he can watch her tomorrow, if not Jay and Nora can". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "come on then, let's give Dawn to Joe, ask Jay and Nora if they can look after her, then we can tell Alex too meet us at the DEO, that we'll be there tomorrow but no idea when". Kara giggled and nodded.

Barry and Kara headed over to where Joe and Wally were talking with Eliza and Alex. Kara said "hey guys". Eliza smiled and said "hey sweetheart". Barry asked "you haven't been trading embarrassing stories have you". Joe chuckled nervously and said "nope, why do you ask". Barry smiled and said "you have so". Eliza said "maybe one or two". Alex said "it was quite a lot, who knew that Barry was a singer". Kara smiled and said "me, he sings a lot when we are in the shower..... I mean when he is in the shower, we don't take showers together.... Like at all". Barry said "babe". Kara nodded and said "yeah I know, I should just shut my mouth, anyway, yes I've heard Barry sing, he's really good". Barry chuckled and said "well so are you". Kara smiled and said "thanks babe". Alex said "she definitely does, I've always said that she puts the Kara into karaoke". Barry said "that she does". Kara smiled and looked down with a red face. Barry chuckled and shook his head. Joe smiled and asked "are you guys heading now". Barry nodded and asked "you're sure you're ok with looking after Dawn for tonight". Joe nodded. Kara asked "can you look after her tomorrow, or if not, the Garricks can, we're going to ask them if it's ok before we go". Joe said "I have work tomorrow but I can drop her off". Kara smiled and pecked Dawn on the forehead. She said "be good for your grandpa ok". Barry chuckled and pecked Dawn on the forehead as well. He said "we'll try to be back as fast as we can". Joe said "it's ok Barry, we have a couple speedsters here to help keep the place safe". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara smiled and handed Dawn over to Joe. She said "we don't know what time we'll be getting over to earth 38 tomorrow, we'll meet you at the DEO". Alex said "that's fine Kara, I'll tell J'onn, we'll see you both tomorrow". Barry smiled and said "see you tomorrow, lets go see the Garricks and ask them if they can look after Dawn tomorrow". Kara nodded and said "see you both tomorrow".

As the two walked over to the Garricks, Kara couldn't stop smiling. Barry asked "what has you so happy". Kara smiled and said "can't I be happy that I'm getting to have you know.... Sex with my boyfriend for the I guess first time". Barry smiled and said "yes you can babe". Kara smiled and whispered "I made it easy for you". Barry chuckled and pecked her on the temple. He said "you are very special aren't you". Kara giggled and said "you're very special to me". Barry smiled and said "I love you". Kara smiled and said "I love you too". Jay smiled as the two approaches him and Nora. He said "hey lovebirds". Kara giggled and said "hey". Barry smiled and said "hey". Nora asked "where is the little cutie". Barry smiled and said "with Joe, he's looking after her tonight". Jay smiled and said "ahh, ok". Kara smiled and asked "can you look after her while we're on earth 38, we hope we aren't away for too long, we'll come back if Savitar shows up". Nora said "we're more than happy too, and we know you'll be back soon, I'm sure it Savitar does show up, your friend Cisco will be able to fetch you both". Barry nodded and said "yeah He will". Kara giggled and said "thank you both, can we go now Barry, I'm so excited". Barry chuckled and said "yeah we can Kara, we'll see you both later". Barry lifted Kara up and sped them home where they had a really fun and passionate night.

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