
38.Im Sorry What Did You Say?

It had been a full week since the entire future knew the truth about what happened to Erick and he was framed by Mon-El, unfortunately for him he was put behind bars coincidentally in Iron Heights Penitentiary

Obviously Erick wasn't really complaining but he recalled that Mon-El put alot of criminals in that horrible place; he may not like the guy but he somewhat hoped he'd be fine

A small buzz can be heard as Erick steps through the metal sliding door and into a large room with a glass panel standing in between him and the man he is visiting

The man who he has hated so very long..the man who caused him nothing more than just pain, he claimed that what he did was for the better and how he would thank him later; that man was none other than Eobard Thawne

The once great Reverse Flash steps forward from the darkness of his cell as he greets his son

Eobard:Hello Erick..it's been awhile since we've last talked to each other

Erick just walks up to the glass and crosses his arms

"Yeah ive been rather busy you know proving my innocence and all of that"

Eobard:Of course..even behind this cell I have heard some whispers about you being framed, how did you get someone like Mon-El to confess?

But Erick ignores the question as he looks around in Eobard's cell as Eobard turns around seeing what Erick is doing

Eobard:I don't suppose that you are going to break me out of here?

Erick moves his eyes to the clock counting down every second

"What's the rush? I have all the time in the world..though I can't say the same for you"

Erick gives off one of the most fakest frowns he has ever done as he mocks Eobard by pretending to wipe a tear from his eye

Eobard:Very funny..but at least I had more time than your mother ever did--wait that's right you don't know who she is

Eobard waits for Erick's reaction to set in but he does is just stand there with his arms crossed

"I don't need to know who my mother is..because if I could ask her one question, it would be..why would she ever want to be with some prick like you?"

Erick obviously knew the answer to the question as he studied Eobard's body language..one of the many things the Dark Knight had taught him was to see how you could push someone; and Eobard was his guinea pig for his first time

Eobard:I know that she loved me..and that was her first mistake, she trusted me with secrets that are mine alone to know..I knew what she could do just by herself; surely you've seen it..you've felt right?

Erick looks down at the ground as he uncrosess his arms as he clenches his fists

"What do you mean what she could do? I thought she was just human.."

Eobard:*chuckles* You're mother was far more than just human, Erick. She was special..I saw her in the battlefield..she wasn't as kindhearted against her enemies as you may think

Erick slams his fist against the glass as he coldly glares at Eobard

"What's stopping me from phasing through this glass and kicking your ass?"

Eobard:Don't be an idiot once you step in here your powers will be dampened..even if you did manage to get out, over a hundred guards will rush through that door before you can end me

Multiple grunts are heard outside of the room as the metal slides open as one of the guards comes flying out and hits the ground as Erick anger turns to a smirk as he phases through the glass and steps into Eobard's cell

Eobard:You won't kill me..I know you--

Eobard is punched in the face as he is sent flying back into the wall behind him as his body slumps down, Eobard groans in pain as he gets back up to his feet only for his face to be slammed into the wall

Erick grabs Eobard by the throat and effortlessly lifts him up into the air single-handedly

Eobard:T-That's not possible..your powers aren't supposed to work in here!

"Meta-human powers..but you never said anything about Asgardian ones.."

Eobard's eyes widen as he tossed around his own cell as Erick throws punch after punch as blood flies through the air and covers the walls around them as Erick tosses Eobard to the ground as he brings his foot down and breaks his right hand as Eobard screams out in pain

"I found out who my mother was quite a while ago..she's helped me actually, I recently found out that Asgardians aren't considered to be meta-humans so the dampeners don't work here..and as for the guards..well I don't wanna spoil the surprise.."

Erick reaches into his pocket as he pulls out a small device and holds it out and points it at Eobard

"I had a friend of mine lend me this nifty mind eraser..so here's what im going to do"

Erick grabs Eobard by the collar of his chest and forcefully stands him back up

"I'm going to erase your memory..and I'll occasionally come back to visit and we can do this all over again..you'll wake up with an empty memory and a broken bone"

Eobard coughs up some blood as Erick points the device at Eobard as a small flash of light engulfs the cell as Eobard opens his eyes again only to find himself in his cell with a broken hand and no recollection of what had just happened five minutes ago

Eobard:W-What happened?

He asks very confused as outside the room Erick just smirks to himself..he definitely had to thank Brainy for making this


Erick normally jogs by himself in the woods, he did like to do things without his powers such as cooking and exercising; he was taught to make use of every at his disposal and to not rely on something that can be easily taken away

This was one lesson he took to heart, even with his speed he had a lot to learn..still he had super strength but that was merely used for real threats..and among other lazy things

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