
36.The Departure

The Bifrost descended on the outskirts of National City as Thor and Sif arrived back where they had left as Sif dragged Mon-El by his cape as he still was out cold, a blur of red came to a stop as Erick was the first one to arrive followed by Kate and Kara

Erick looked down at a very broken Mon-El with his arm torn off and multiple bruises all over his face, clearly he was wrong..Mon-El wasn't exactly brought back in one piece; he excepted to feel some type of remorse or guilt but he felt nothing

He had a completely calm expression on his face as for Kate she was a bit surprised to even see Mon-El remotely alive she thought that he'd surely be dead..she knew her father was being merciful; the Goddess of Thunder turned her attention to the Girl of Steel

Waiting to see her reaction at her ex-boyfriend but her face was unreadable; she didn't know how to feel about she was seeing..her mind told her it had gone too far but her heart said it was the right; he was alive..isn't that what mattered?

Sif effortlessly tosses Mon-El over to Erick as the Daxamite lands in front of Erick as he kneels down, he taps his watch as it scans Mon-El a few seconds pass by as it indicates that he is indeed alive

Thor:The Daxamite was fortunate to survive our encounter..if his life was in my hands I would have not been so merciful; he would have suffered far more..

Erick gets back up as he replies back to Thor

"Trust me he deserves it but we need him to confess after this..he'll know what it's like to lose everything"

Sif nodded in agreement knowing her son would make good on his word

Sif:As he should..there are fates worse then death that await him

She knew his severed arm to the ground as Erick picked up and put him over his shoulder as he looked back at Kate and Kara

"If you want to leave, I'll understand..if not then you should be ready for what's going to happen"

Without even hesitating they both stepped forward they had already gone this far and they accepted it for what it was

Kate:We've stood by you this far we aren't going anywhere

Kara:She's right..the man I once knew is gone, so whatever you do to him is well deserved

Thor was more than impressed by his daughter's commitment to this cause, she was persistent..and he truly admired her for her loyalty to Erick

The God of Thunder gestured to speak with Erick for a moment as the hybrid dropped Mon-El as he excused himself as he walked past his mother, she gave a small smile as he smiled back at her

The King of Asgard and hybrid walked far enough to be still seen as Thor put both of his hands on the top of Stormbreaker as he stood in front of Erick trying to intimidate him seeing if there was even the slightest bit of hesitation or fear in the hybrid's eyes

But there wasn't even the small hint of it in Erick's eyes as Thor spoke first not just as a king but as a father

Thor:You have gone to great lengths to make one man confess to a crime he may or may not admit to

"If it means getting back what he stole from me back and doing the exact same thing to him then I'd do it all again in a heartbeat"

Thor:You have your mother's fierceness..but you have also gained my daughter's trust, I ask you both as a father and king..what are you true intentions for her?

Erick looks back at Kate and then back at Thor

"I just want to be someone she can trust..I want to stand by her side for as long as I can, she didn't see me as a bad person when she found out the truth..the trust we have---"

Thor:Is more than enough for me, Erick. I cannot stay on Midgard for any longer due to my obligations as king, I know my daughter can defend herself but she will need you to show her what she has been absent of her whole life.."

Thor moves his hands off of Stormbreaker as he puts his left hand on Erick's shoulder

Thor:I hold no jurisdiction over you son of Sif but I ask you to be with her..can you do that for me?

Erick nods his head 'yes' as Thor nods back satisfied with the answer he had been given


They walk back over to the other's as Thor walks over his daughter and hugs her tightly

Thor:Your mother would be more than proud of you, Kate..I know that I have protected you from all that has ever threatened you but you have a long journey ahead of you..one I have no doubt you will succeed in

Kate lays her against her father's chest as she holds back her tears hearing her father's words

Kate:I love you, Dad..

Thor softly chuckles as he parts from his daughter's arms as he puts his hand on her cheek and smiles

Thor:I love you too..

He kisses her forehead as the God of Thunder faces the Girl of Steel as he holds his hand out as Kara shakes it

Thor:You are more than welcome to come Asgard..you have your mother's heart beating inside of you..

Kara's eyes slightly widen hearing this

Kara:You know my Mom?

Thor:Asgard owes her a debt for she what has done for us in past

He pats her on the shoulder as Thor walks back over to where he stood before as Sif approaches her son and puts her hands on the sides of his face

Sif:You have made me proud..you may be the son of a villain but you have a good heart and are an even better man; I hope you gain more than just what has been taken from you..

She pulls Erick into a tight hug as he takes a deep breath as he let's out a shaky breath, all he has dreamed of is having a loving mother..and he did; she was proud of him..more than he could possibly imagine

Sif pulls away from her beloved son as she wipes the tears running down his face with her hand as she reaches into her pouch and pulls out a necklace and hands it to him

Sif:I may be worlds away but I will always be here for my son..here and most of all in here

She points to his mind then his heart, she hugs Erick one more time as she makes her way to Kara

Sif:*looks at Kara* I know we hardly know each other but I thank you for what you have done for my son..

She looks between both Kate and Kara

Sif:He has become a good man..I know he will continue to be one because he has the both of you in his life

She gives a short hug to Kate and gives a respectful nod to Kara as the warrior walks over to Thor, the king whispers something to Sif as she laughs hearing this as Thor holds his hand out as Erick, Kate and Kara all look confused about this

A loud roar of lightning echoes from above as something flies into Thor's hand; his former weapon..

Thor throws the mighty hammer at Erick as he catches it mere inches away from his face as Kate's widen in shock but her shock is turned to a very happy smile

Thor:Like I told you before son of Sif, you are more than worthy..use it wisely

Erick looks at his mother as she just nods in both confidence and approval as Thor holds Stormbreaker up in the air as the Bifrost comes down onto them but before he leaves, he tells Erick one last thing

Thor:You have my blessing young hybrid..

Erick tilts his head nor really understanding what he means by this as Thor and Sif vanish via Bifrost as Erick turns to Kate and asks

"What do you think he meant by that?"

Kate:I think I know..but um I'll tell you later..

Kara gives the same look of confusion as she turns to Erick as he just shrugs his shoulders as the hybrid walks over to Mon-El and picks him back as he puts him over his shoulder

"Looks like we have a confession to get.."

And he was right..it was time for the Daxamite finally tell the truth and for his sake he better give one..

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