
Chapter 27

Samuel doesn't look at me, but just keeps cutting the ropes. Once I'm free, I silently follow him out of the house. The guards are fast asleep on either side of the house.

Once we're a good distance away I ask, "How did you find me?"

"I saw you in the halls with those men. When I saw that they are taking you, I decided to follow. All afternoon, I've been waiting in the forest," he says.

"I'm so proud of you Samuel. For only ten years old you're awfully brave."

He puffs his chest out proudly and says, "Thank you."

"Did you see what happened to Zander and Sonia?"

"What?" He exclaims. "Zander is alive?"

"I'll take that as a no."

We head back to the castle. Then I think about something.

"Samuel, I can't let any of the men see me."

"Why not?" He questions.

"I don't know who I can and can't trust here."

He nods and says, "I know just the way."

He leads me around to the garden. There are guards roaming about everywhere. We duck and sneak around until we come across a wall covered in vines that have little flowers sprouting from them. I look at Samuel in confusion. He just grins and pushes gently against the edge of it. A small opening appears and I duck under it.

The space we enter is not big, but it's not small either. On one wall there is a large tapestry that has a picture of a mother holding a child. In the corner is a small table with three chairs and an empty vase. The stone floor has a worn and beaten rug lying on it.

"What is this place?" I whisper.

"There are secret passages throughout the castle," he starts. "Whenever I feel like getting away, I explore and hide."

We go through another door and Samuel leads me through dusty passageways. Finally, we end up in his room. We enter through a door behind a large tapestry in his room. By now, you can see a little bit of pink in the horizon outside.

"We should talk to my brother," Samuel says.

I hide underneath the bed as Samuel has someone go and find Ashton. Once they're gone, I get out and sit. We wait in silence for about ten minutes. Finally there's a soft knock on the door. In walks the prince. He looks exhausted with bloodshot eyes.

"Sorry it took me so long," he starts. "I was out loo-" he stops when he sees me.

I give him a small smile and he takes several large steps and gathers me in his arms. His embrace is warm.

"Iris! But- why- how did you get here? Where were you? I was so worried.  Are you okay?"

"Im fine," I mumble into his chest. I push away so that I can look at him. His green eyes sparkle with joy. "Samuel was the one who saved me."

"Tell me everything."

I begin my story and make sure not to miss any details. When I'm finished, he's dumbfounded.

"We need to tell my father," he says after a few moments of silence.

"How?" I ask.

"We'll figure out a way."

He stares into my eyes and I into his. Suddenly, there's a cough behind us and our gaze breaks. We both turn simultaneously and see Samuel standing there, an annoyed and disgusted expression on his face.

"Are you guys done being all gross? We actually need to do something."

The prince kneels down next to him. "I think you've done enough, bud."


"Sorry Samuel, but I think he's right," I chime in. "I don't want you getting hurt."

He looks hurt by my words but he just simply nods his head. I give him a hug and a small kids on the head. Because Ashton's room is right next door, we easily find our way through the passageway.

I step into his room and look around. There's a large bed in the center against the wall. On another wall is a fireplace. Everywhere I look, I see some sort of weapon. He has bows, swords, and knives scattered around. There's also a large desk that has papers scattered all over it.

"Sorry it's such a mess," he says sheepishly. "I wasn't really expecting anyone."

"Don't the maids usually clean everything up?" I ask.

"I don't let them. I don't like it when other people dig through my stuff."

"That's understandable. So what's your plan?"

"I have no idea."

Just then, a thought comes to mind. "What happened to Zander and Sonia?"

His eyes instantly fill with worry. "I don't know. My guess is that they tricked you and they still have them."

My stomach drops at the thought.

"You're probably right."

I'm furious. How could I be so stupid?

"It's all my fault," I say through gritted teeth.

"No, it's not," Ashton argues. "Nothing you could've done would have stopped him."

"I should never have come in the first place."

Tears begin to fill my eyes and my breathing becomes ragged.

He hugs me as I cry.

"Iris, you are beautiful and strong. Most of all, you are brave. Nothing can stop you."

I look up and he wipes my wet cheeks. Just as I think he's about to kiss me, I pull away and turn away so that he doesn't see my burning cheeks. I see something flash through his eyes but it's quickly gone.

"We need to do something," I state, still not looking directly at him.

"The question is what should we do. My father needs to be alerted, but we need to find a way to get him alone."

Just then, there's a loud and hurried knock on the door. I dive under the bed and the prince calmly walks to the door. He opens it and in walks a frantic Samuel.

"Samuel! What are you doing here?" The prince asks.

"It's Anita. She's gone missing."

What? I had forgotten that Anita was still here. I wish I had spent more time with her.


"They left a note and father told me to come and get you as soon as possible. He also gave me the note to show you."

I hear the crinkle of paper as Ashton reads it. Once Samuel leaves, I crawl back out and read the note.

"I need go see my father," the prince says angrily.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Go back to Samuel's room and ask him to lead you to my father."

He exits the room and I find my way back to Samuel.

He's sitting in his bed, fiddling with a knife and a piece of wood.

"Iris?" He asks when he sees me.

"I need you to take me to the king."

"Sure. It shouldn't be too far."

We enter the passages in the walls. All of a sudden, I hear voices up ahead. Who else knows about this passage? There's no where to go so Samuel and I slowly continue. I hold the knife that I thought to grab in the prince's room. Suddenly, the voices stop. We know that they've heard us.

"Who's there?" I call out.

"Iris?" I hear a voice call back.

"Who's there?" I ask again.

"Iris, I'm one of the prince's guards. Into view comes a middle aged man. He is accompanied by another similar looking man. They both have chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I know you, I think I've fought with you before." I say.

"Yes. How do you know about these passages? I thought we were the only ones."

"So did we. Why are you here?"

"That's our business not yours."

"Okay fine."

"Where are you headed?"

"We're going to hear the king's conversation with the prince."

"Well good luck."

We go our own ways and finally, we come across a small room. This room has several doors in it. Through one door, I can hear the king's heated voice. Pressing my ear up against it, I listen.

"Where is she?" The king asks.

"I don't know," I hear the prince say.

"You're lying!"


"Don't play games with me boy."

"I though you liked her."

"I did until you decided that it was a good idea to fall in love with her."

"What's so wrong with that?"

"She's doesn't have the right qualities. We need someone rich with a high title."


"No buts. I will find out where she is. Do not think that this is the last of this conversation. I will get rid of her if it means saving my people."

"Yes father."

I can hear them walk away.

I turn around and Samuel is no longer there.

"Samuel?" I call out.

No answer.

Suddenly, two hands grab me from behind. I struggle until something hits me in the head and everything goes black.

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