
My Butterfly Effect

It was a calm night, hiding the massacre that occurred underneath it. With a sleeping, transforming Magister locked in the basement, and Cierra in the guest room, all was perfect for Virsal to act out his perversions.


On the bed sat Plus with her back straight, her whole body glistening under the moonlight coming from the wooden window. That, was a result of the honey that converted her being. Yes. Honey.

And the one feasting was Virsal. Hungrily scooping up the honey with his tongue from between her breasts, then down, down, down to her folds. The night was long with Pylis's occasional soft moans.


The world seemed to slow down for Virsal as Eyes Of The Hunt instinctively activated, to his left, was a huge, humanoid figure that just burst through his bedroom wall, sending rock and debris everywhere. Its hands were laiden with grey fur, predatory yellow eyes, and claws that reflected a dangerous cold light.

With not enough time to react, the furry, clawed hand grabbed his face, its size can be seen from how it easily occupied it.


Another bang reverberated across the manor as Virsals head was shoved into the ground.

On the other hand, Virsal was shocked– no, saying that would be an understatement.

'A werewolf? That is definitely a werewolf right? There wasn't anything like this in the show– No, more importantly, how did I not pick up on it with my Greater Sense, besides that....what the FUCK IS IT DOING HERE!'

The werewolf then felt an iron gril latchonti his hand, and slowly push it back. It, too, was shocked, what was powerful enough to rival it's pure physical strength? It's thoughts were interrupted by a sound.

"No one.. Absolutely no one, interrupts my snu snu time."

The werewolf didn't have time to be bewildered, as blood red eyes flashed from underneath it, followed by a double kick to the chest that sent it head first into the opposite wall.

'Compell didn't work?' thought Virsal as he regained his bearings.

Pylis has already left the room the moment the werewolf attacked, for she realised she would hinder her lord like she did earlier that day. Yet she still prayed for his safety. For now, she ran towards Cierras room and together they made their way to the basement, were its steel door would prove useful for their safety.

"What are you and why are you here." Virsal spoke coldly, his nails extending and blood eyes glaring.

A rough voice that could only be heard if a dog or wolf tried to speak human replies back, "Heh? A mosquito questioning me?"

Although Virsal was internally impressed at the pun, that was the only thing that did.

"Hah, why don't people I deal with just choose the easy way for once."

In the next moment he disappeared from place, with his hand in the form of a blade, he pierced the wolfs heart faster than it could react.

It howled into the sky in pain, then immediately but down on his shoulder, digging it's razor fangs into his shoulder.

"You really think this would hurt me?" Said Virsal.

The werewolfs ugly face (not to a furry) seemed to grin, "khhkkeehahaha, I admit, you're on a different level than the blood suckers I've met, but a werewolfs bite will affect you all the same..."

As his words fell, Virsals vision turned hazy and began to spin, he held his head with his hand as the werewolf fell lifelessly to the ground.

Since he was already topless, the damage was visible at a glance. Deep, black tooth marks that seemed to kill his tissues, all around it his skin was dead and veins black. Thankfully it didn't seem to spread, thanks to his rapid regeneration he thought.

But at the same time, it didn't heal either. Virsal could sense the werewolf wasn't completely dead yet.

'It probably needs a steak or silver to finish the job'

He casted Healing Light on his wounds, yet it was neigh, for it was unaffected.

Groaning, he dragged the werewolf by the legs and headed for the basement. 'Whats up with me dragging people tonight...'

Knock x3

Three knocks on the steel door resounded, he can hear them inside debating whether to open.

"Sigh, it's your lord and saviour, Virsal- pffft"

Even though he was hurt, he couldn't help himself.

The dorr opened with a quick yet noisy creak, and Pylis rushed to him, quickly noticing his ailment and asking anxiously.

"What happened?! Are you ok! Does it hurt?!"

Without changing his expression, he looked at her, Eyes Of The Hunt receded but his eyes were still blood red like a pair luminescent rubies. She didn't seem to care though, unlike Cierra who flinched and evaded his gaze.

"It's nothing, a dog bit me."

"Wha- what kind of Dog could do this?!"

"This kind" saying so, he finally dragged the 'dog' inside. Poor Pylis screamed from surprise.

"T-this is the dog?" Her voice shaky as she meekly pointed at the huge frame of the almost 3 meter tall werewolf.

Ignoring her, he threw the wolf into an empty cell and returned. All cells we're fitted with bars, but a steel reinforced wall and a similarly made door with an covered gap that can be opened to deliver food, and another marble shaped one to peek inside.

"Follow me." He ordered the girls. They followed him outside into the living area.

Sitting down on a comfy one seat couch, he patted his legs at Pylis, who got the hint and sat on his lap. She was still covered in honey, and only wore a single white dress that she got from Cierras guest room.

Virsal however, was lost in thought.

'Werewolves? Fucking Werewolves!? And from what I understand, there are other vampires as well. Is this not Game Of Thrones? No, it definitely is. Was this an alternative world, or is this an effect of my presence? Because even I know I've been leaking horrendous amounts of magic since I got here, and till now I have found no way to stop it.'

'Unless I get strong enough to control it, but I can't really do anything about the mana leaking for now. How should I deal with those wolves– Their bites actually inflict permanent damage on me, and I don't have enough time to sort through the knowledge sea to find a solution- wait...'

He stood up, alarmed, poor Pylis got thrown onto the floor.

'Don't wolves hunt in packs?'

He activated Eyes Of The Hunt, and for a moment, all was silent, until suddenly, his eyes darted to the left wall, he broke the wooden leg of the table and used it as a stake, then launched it towards it.

As if coming out to greet it, a werewolf, 3 meters tall, mouth wide open and fangs at the ready broke through the wall, the stake pierced through his neck cleanly, leaving a wide hole were it passed.

"Do you wolves HAVE A WALL FETISH?!"

Virsal hollered, then stepped on the werewolfs's head, crushkng it like a watermelon.

He looked ahead, his senses detected–

'Holy fuckin shit. They got the whole lineage or something?!'

Hundreds of bodies appeared in the dark, with his back to the girls he grimly spoke.

"Head downstairs again"

"But-" Pylis was about to interrupt but with held her own tongue. Clenching her fists, she dragged Cierra with her to the basement.

The reason Virsal gave his back to the girls wasn't to look cool, but to hide his wide grin. A predatory grin that, along with his shining red eyes and veiny face, gave rise to a horrifying image.



- Step 1: Gather Magic at the palms

- Step 2: Hit the target with your Palm

Result: Knock back +1000

Blood Essence Required: 10

Experience Integration: 10


A huge number of enemies, it was simple logic to have a shield or a barrier skill, however being a dothraki, he has inadvertently adapted to their culture of not using any shields or means of protection.

That is taking the term offense is the best defense to the extreme.

And in a fight where you could easily be overwhelmed by numbers, Virsal thought of a neat little skill, that although is very inexpensive and simple, will be a game changer in large scale fights.

Similar to a skill the Witcher has, he can release a pulse of magic by striking his enemy with his palm, launching them backwards a few meters. And since he has an absurd amount of magic, and has been adapted to use mana by a former skill.

Using what he collected of Blood Marbles after today's fight, he had more than enough for it.

It was high time he put it to use, as he had guessed his greatagic would amplify any magic abilities. Yet he knew, that his affinity for blood related skills even outclasses his magic.

The reason he didn't power up as much? He didn't have a reason to. GOT, as dangerous as it is, never really presented any major enemies during this time period, so he thought he could take his sweet time getting stronger.

But this...this changes everything.

Looking into the middle of the pack, Virsal spotted a figure that stood a full head above the rest. It's fur was a darker shade of grey that the others, it had no scars despite it's sharp eyes, leading Virsal to the conclusion these things had a regenerative capacity ti some exten.

Its physique was equally as menacing.

If all the other wolf's has a physique akin to a body builder, he had one that deserved the title of Mr Olympia.

"You're the alpha huh." Virsal murmured to himself, he was standing with only his black pants on.

_______________Virsal POV

We stood, separated by the mansions walls. None of them seemed to move, they were waiting for their leaders orders. Their Alpha.

Some stood on all fours while others on two, I wasn't gonna lie, this was a menacing sight. Usually I'd be excited to face enemies, but this time, I wanted to get things over with. I had enough carnage for a single night.

All I wanted was to have some 'innocent' fun with Pylis then cuddle in piece. Then these furry hobos come out of nowhere! Seeing them silent, I spoke.

"You broke into my mansion Scared my women, and cowardly attacked me while I was unarmed. So excuse me for what I'm about to say" I spoke with a low, almost whispery voice. It was deep and menacing yet not loud and barbaric.

Using Weather Control, I can slightly influence the wind to carry my voice, I had to master this on my own, because I thought it was cool...yeah I'm ashamed of myself too. But mental warfare is half the battle.

And having to hear me as if I was speaking directly into their ears is bound to shake em up a little.

"I'll tear your limbs apart, then SHOVE THEM UP YOUR FURRY LOOKIN ARSE!"

They looked at me confused, well, that was kind of an inside joke. I find it weird how I tend to make fun of things I'm actually seriously furious about.

'However the reason I did this was...'

One of the wolfs couldn't take it anymore, probably thinking 'How dare this blood sucking yada yada yada disrespect my whatever'.

As he dashed towards me, eyes gleaming, hands ever-reaching, I simply delivered a Martial Arts style palm strike. Yes, with the slightly squatting pose and my left arm held back and all.

'I was stronger!' and I wasn't afraid.

The wolf got launched backwards at full throttle, and landed right at their alphas feet, it was a humiliating display in my opinion. And it seemed he thought so too as he growled loudly, and motioned to his minions, who soon all scurried towards me.

Alright, let's do this. First I gotta dispel their momentum.

With that thought, I started using PULSE like a fucking Great Elder of the Demonic Sect. One after the other I launched them away, counting in the process. Soon enough it was raining puppies.

The only casualties I suffered were a few holes through my poor, poor wall, and my hand that kept getting scratched. Thankfully, it seems like it doesn't work the same as a bite does, and it promptly healed.

The Alpha hung back, and I couldn't resist smirking provocatively. It remained in place though. Fair enough, it wasn't like any of its underlyings was hurt, I only launched them away.

After my count reached 40, the torrential downpour of puppies finally stopped. This all happened so fast that the first werewolf I launched was just starting to get up.

A second later, the first ones to recover launched at me once more. Greater sense made it so I was always aware of their locations, and Eyes Of The Hunt helped me have enough time and perception to react to that. They worked beautifully together if I say so myself.

It was time to inflict some damage. As the first one arrived, I parried it's wayward strike with a downward wrist strike, then delivered a straight punch to it's chest.

What I expected to happen, was what usually happens, my hand goes cleanly through its chest. Yet what happened was completely out of my expectations.

Its body actually resisted my punch, and was sent backwards around 10 meters instead. The same happened to the few following It, then It finally clicked.

These nature-defiling, natural selection-tit sucking idiots had fur so thick it acted as armour. I read in my previous life that hair/ fur actually negated a huge percentage of incoming damage, and that reality was applied here.



Another thing was, while I had my speed and strength, they had something to counter that slightly, instinct.

Some avoided my attacks and parries out of pure instinct, which led to a few rather unsavoury injuries. They healed but bitch did it hurt.

Unlike their initial charge, they were now surrounding me and attacking from all directions, and I only have so many arms to be able to deal with 40 juiced up body building furrys, I was soon overwhelmed.



Too much pain that I stopped registering it. Yet I refused to utter a sound, I didn't scream nor utter a grunt. I won't give them the satisfaction.

Despite my words earlier, I was the one being ripped apart, heh. Was I too confident? Eww, that sounded like a main character thing.


I was in a pool of my own blood, as I regenerated more and more, my hunger continued to rise, thankfully, once it got to a certain point, I noticed my body automatically used what blood I had stored to counteract my hunger and consumption, aka using my Blood Essence.

Alright, that's fucking enough. I'm suddenly becoming sleepy, my minds blurring. Am I passing out? Well, worse that can happen is my hunger reaches a 100/100, I go berserk and kill everyone around. Pylis, I don't know why but, I get attached to women I declare as mine far too quick.

Is it to compensate for my mother dying? I don't know, why am I having an internal therapy session while I'm being ripped apart.

Pylis, just no matter what happens, stay in that bunker. Even those bastards won't be able to break in there.


"Virsal!" A clear, soft voice, ridden with worry and panic, flew into my ears. My eyes shot open, through the mountain of werewolfs on top of me, they revealed the figure of Pylis in the far corner.

What? What is she doing here. She shouldn't be here. She should've been INSIDE where it's SAFE. That idiot. Idiot. IDIOT! IDIOT!!!

One of the wolfs ravaging me noticed her, I watched as it smiled creepily and walked towards her, my blood still dripping from it's bloody claws.

No. No. No. No. Who does he think he is? She's mine. Mine. MINE. He can't touch her.

He can't, because she's mine. HE CAN'T TOUCH HER!





Pierce X10

And there was silence.


Author Note: Well, ummm, I got no excuse for the delay hehe...I do but, I don't think you'll wanna hear it. Anyways, I really enjoyed writing this chapter, 3000 words, the same as 2 chapters into 1. I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll strive for one a week for now. Thanks for reading <3< p>

Oh, and please do share your thoughts, such as questions, predictions of where this could go or ideas that you would like implemented. I'll read all of them🥰

I never really ask for stones buuuut, can I pwease have some?~ Eh? What do you mean the cutesy act isn't working? It's working fine!

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