
Standing On The Edge

Word Count: 730

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, possible trigger, abuse, depression, attempted suicide

Call 1-800-273-8255Available 24 hours everyday(This is a suicide hotline number, and if you don't want to call them, you can message them instead.)

A/N: Request from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. If anyone is having thoughts like this or you feel alone or hopeless, please message me. You are not alone, and I'm here for anyone who needs someone to talk to. And no matter what you may think, or what you are told, absolutely no one deserves to be abused, physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Summary: Who would have thought the Devil would be the one to talk you down.


The air was cold, and the breeze pushed your once neat hair in all directions, but you didn't care you just continued to stare at the city below you. The stars on any other night might have looked beautiful, but not tonight, not now.

You took a careful step onto the ledge, the air only getting colder as you did. It was almost too dark to see the ground below you, but surprisingly that didn't make this any easier. Your breath was shallow, and your heart raced.

"Are you going to jump?"

The voice startled you, and you turned your head to look at the person standing by the door to the roof. You hadn't heard the heavy rusted door open, or his footsteps falling onto the gravel of the roof.

"I'm not sure yet." You muttered.

He took a careful step forward, but seeing your body tense he froze.

"I thought this building was abandoned."

Your voice was hollow, and your expression seemed completely broken and worn out. You looked exhausted, like you hadn't slept in such a long time.

"Oh it is, I was passing by though, it's very hard not to notice someone standing on the edge of a building though. I'm surprised no one else is up here to be honest." He mused.

You looked back at the dark street below, he was right, you were in plain view of everyone.

"People notice what they want to, not everyone goes out of their way for a person on a roof. So why did you?"

Although you asked, your voice made it sound as if you didn't care either way. Like it wouldn't change what you were about to do.

"Curiosity, perhaps I'd like to know why." He shrugged.

That caught you off guard, and your thoughts came to a stop. You turned, just slightly, just enough to look at him.

?" You repeated slowly.

He nodded, and you noticed while you had been distracted he had moved closer.

"Yes, why... why do you feel so hopeless, that this wound seem, so inviting to you?"

That question, that simple inquisitive question, left a heavy feeling in your chest. It provoked emotions you thought you'd buried it a last effort to save yourself from pain. Yet, the answer was no puzzle you knew exactly why.

"I'm tired of hurting."

It was a simple answer, but the words were heavier than anyone could ever know.

"I don't see any bruises."

You gave him a sad smile, knowing he knew exactly what you meant, but was keeping you talking, keeping you longer in this world. He was getting closer with each question he asked.

"Sometimes, words leave bigger scars then knives do."

He watched you turn away from him, your eyes becoming misty.

"Do you have a name my dear, I'm Lucifer Morningstar."

Your voice was quiet and almost inaudible as you uttered your name, but he heard nonetheless. He smiled, close enough now to grab you, but he didn't, simply held out his hand for you to take.

"Y/N, would you like to talk for a bit?"

You left your arms limply at your sides, refusing to even meet his eye anymore.

"I didn't. I thought I'd finally made peace with what I came here to do." You sounded confused, and a little frustrated.

"And now?"

When had you started crying?

Lucifer gave you such a kind smile, holding out his hand to you, still inviting you to step off the ledge. Inviting you to talk to someone who would actually listen, someone who had gone out of their way to keep you from taking that final plunge into darkness.

"I'm not sure anymore..." You let out a shaky breath.

Lucifer grabbed your hand, the look he gave you wasn't pity, but rather understanding.

"Then it's time to step back from the edge love, wouldn't want to do something you might regret." He said softly.

You took one last look at the ground below, it no longer looked inviting, and your stomach became unsettled.

"I guess today isn't my day." You agreed.

You let him help you down, but he didn't let go of your hand.

"Let's get you out of the cold my dear, you seem like you have a few things on your mind."

You nodded, your feet firmly planted on the ground.


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