
Let's Stop Pretending

Word Count: 1005

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, possible trigger, fluff

A/N: request from

Summary: He'd notice how tired you began to look, noticed the way your smile had stopped reaching your eyes. You thought you hid it well, but you should have known lying to the devil was useless.


You leaned against the wall of the elevator, a tired sigh escaping your lips as you rubbed your eyes. Your limbs felt heavy and exhaustion wrapped around you like a blanket. As you watched the numbers raise, you briefly wondered if you had enough time between here, and the penthouse to sleep for a few seconds. However, your phone began to buzz, and you fished it from your pocket.

It was a text message from one of your friends. You frowned at the angry looking words, displayed on your screen. You slid your finger across the screen, clicking on the message. Your already poor mood instantly plummeted when you read the message.

Your fingers typed at the screen, typing out a message, attempting to explain why you hadn't shown up. That you had been working a double shift. It didn't take long for your 'friend' to respond.

You felt angry tears, you felt foolish for even tearing up over such a ridiculous situation. However, your last few weeks had been, for a lack of better word, hell. You'd been so distracted with the angry texts you had been receiving that you didn't notice the doors open.

"Are you crying?"

You looked up from your phone, at the handsome devil that stood by the piano. You wiped your eyes quickly, giving Lucifer a laugh that even you had to admit sounded far to fake.

"No, I was just yawning."

Why were you lying to him?

"Oh? Are you tired then?"

You nodded, choosing not to answer him verbally. You shrugged your bag off your shoulder, dropping it onto the couch, as you walked past Lucifer. He raised an eyebrow when he heard the heavy thud.

"What on earth do you have in that, bricks?"

You laughed a little, pulling the stacks of files from the bag. Lucifer looked a little surprised at the amount of work you held in your hands.

"Did you bring work home for the next week?"

You glanced back at the files in your hand, your eyes dulling for a moment.

"Actually, I need to have this all done tomorrow."

Lucifer looked at you shocked, and then concerned.

"? You'll be up all night! Why would your boss give you such a horrendous work load?" Lucifer frowned.

You gave him a smile, a smile that was so tired, so defeated, that it crushed his heart.

"I volunteered to do them."

It was such an obvious lie, a lie he wanted to call you out on. But the look on your face, the way you silently pleaded with him not to pry, left him silent.

"Right, well I'll see you when you come to bed then, yes?"

You nodded, and Lucifer gave you a small kiss on your cheek, making you smile a little. You watched him go, and turned back to the pile of paperwork in front of you. The truth was your co-workers had dumped all of their workload onto you. You would have refused if it wasn't for the fact that they had threatened to complain to your boss about you. They had complained so much that if they did again you feared they may cost you your job.

Although that's what you told yourself, you still felt overwhelmed, trapped, and just drained. You couldn't remember the last time you slept more than a few hours. Couldn't remember the last time you had even a moment of rest. It had apparently pissed off your friends, but Lucifer didn't seem bothered by it at all. Without him you honestly thought you might have given up. That didn't change the fact that everything these last few weeks was beginning crushing you just a little more every day.


Lucifer jerked from his sleep, with an unpleasant feeling settling over him. He sat up, listening into the darkness of the room. Then he heard it, an almost inaudible cry. He slid out of bed, wondering through the darkness of his bedroom. When he stepped out into the living room his heart sank. You sat on the couch, crying as silently as you could, most likely trying not to wake him.

"Y/N, my dear what happened?"

You jumped a little, unaware that he had been standing there. You were quick to wipe away your blinding tears.

"Lucifer, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

He approached you, moving the papers on the couch aside, so he could sit down.

"Oh love, you needn't apologize. Why in dad's name would you think crying alone in the dark is better than waking me up?" Lucifer asked.

You didn't answer, but fresh tears began to obstruct your vision.

"Now then, when shall I stop pretending not to notice what's been going on with you?" Lucifer gave you a soft smile.

At first you looked surprised, that he knew, but you should have known he did. Lucifer was too observant to miss something so obvious. So, you dropped your facade, and you let him in.

"Now please." Your voice wavered.

He pulled you into his arms, holding you close as he ran his fingers through your hair. As you cried, he stared at the mess surrounding you.

"Tomorrow we'll make a splendid show of you quitting that dead end job, and we'll find you a better one." Lucifer muttered.

You nodded, and he held you tighter.

"It'll be ok love, you're strong, and I'll be here for you through anything. All you need to do it tell me." Lucifer said.

You latched onto him tighter, finding comfort in his arms.

"I love you."

Although your voice was muffled from laying against him, he still heard you, and he smiled, kissing the top of your head.

"I love you too."

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