
Chapter 14 - Christmas Special

Oh Min-Hee had called music producer Tae Jae-Hwa on the night of Christmas Eve. When she conveyed to him first that she wanted to work for his demo he thought it was a scam call but when she gave him information about her, he said that he would call back and let her know.

Oh Min-Hee might have gone home during Christmas and would have tried to go back home during new year's but she didn't because her adoptive father was busy with his work since it is holiday season. Even Oh Min-Hee along with the other trainees didn't get a break during this month and at to go training as per usual therefore it was no use even if she went back home during the special days because she still had to commute.

On Christmas day, after the day's training was done, Jess dragged Oh Min-Hee towards the common area were it was decorated and the other girl trainees were mingling among themselves. Jess then said to Oh Min-Hee.

"You… didn't know… about this… right?"

"No. When was all of this done?"

Jess then gave a hard look towards Oh Min-Hee. Oh Min-His was slightly uncomfortable by the look Jess and replied.

"What? I was just busy so I didn't know of it."

Jess was exasperated when she heard that excuse. She then sighed and replied.

"Everyone was… busy here but… they all knew about it… through someone… else. Initially… I thought that… you would know…but when I… went inside… our dorm, I… realized that… you didn't know… about it. That's… when I… also realized that… you actually… don't have… any friends… beside me and… the others also… don't talk… much about you… when I… hang out… with the other… trainees. At first… I thought that… you hang around… with a different… set of trainees… but that… was not… the case… as I have come… to know… just minutes ago. It is… as if you… don't exist even… though you… attend… the same training classes… with almost… half of them. How… did you live… here without mingling… with anyone and… how the other trainees… ignored this beautiful face for… almost two months. I don't get… that and therefore… I dragged you… here so that you… get to know the… other trainees."

Then someone called Jess from one of the groups that was formed. Jess then went towards that group with me. They all greeted Jess and asked her who was she bringing along because they didn't recognize Oh Min-Hee. Jess then replied to them that the person she brought along was her roommate. All of them then greeted Oh Min-Hee and invited both of them to join them. Jess gladly accepted the offer and Oh Min-Hee just followed along.

One from the trainees from the group looked towards Oh Min-Hee and said.

"So you are the mysterious roommate that Jess talks about. So are you a vocal orientated trainee or a dance orientated trainee because I don't see you unlike your roommate Jess. Even though Jess here is a dance oriented trainee but she looks so much like Nayeon of TWICE if not for her unique hair color that she can just be here for the visuals and she would still get selected for a group."

Oh Min-Hee didn't say anything but Jess replied instead of her.

"Min-Hee…. attends the… same classes… as you… and me."

There was an awkward silence after Jess said that. The girl who posed the question also understood what Jess meant by saying they attend the same classes. Oh Min-Hee was a dance oriented trainee. The girl and the other trainees in that group couldn't believe that they didn't notice someone so beautiful who attended the same training classes.

To break the silence, Oh Min-Hee asked.

"Who planned this gathering and decorated all this stuff?"

Another trainee in her group answered the question while pointing towards someone that Oh Min-Hee felt quite familiar.

"You see that girl at the centre of the biggest group among the trainee's. Her name is Cha Eun-Sun and she planned this gathering. She is one of popular trainee and leader among the vocal oriented ones. We from the dance oriented group are more scattered and some from our side are also in that group. So the decorations with lights and the small Christmas tree were also done by that group. We on the other hand just crashing the party so that we could also enjoy Christmas."

Oh Min-Hee just wanted a simple answer but she couldn't guess that the girl trainee will give such a long winded explanation. Oh Min-Hee was surprised that cliques formed even though all the trainees don't speak when they are in the classes conducted by the agency. But she was not surprised by the fact that Cha Eun-Sun had the centre of attention at the agency as well.

Oh Min-Hee then drank the only drink that was available which was water. She didn't even bother asking why only water and no snacks was available. All the trainees knew about it and it was an open secret.

After spending an hour with the group, Oh Min-Hee said that she will excuse herself from this gathering because she was too tired today. The group nodded in understanding therefore the group along with Jess gave her farewell.

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