
2. Power and Authority

Bewilderment of a level Valerian had never dreamt he would experience caused his mind to tremble.

'Do not be afraid,' he thought experiencing the opposite of that. Fear. Real fear made his breathing rapid and uneven. His heart rate rapidly increased as his pupils found their delicate structure being dilated.

Valerian's body reacted to those words negatively as adrenaline was produced and sent to all parts of his body.

"Do not be afraid," the individual like unto a man spoke, and a soft breeze seemed to carry Valerian's worries in its wind.

Calmness like never before set in, putting him into perplexion as he finally summoned the courage to speak.

"Who are you?" He muttered still unsure of his situation. His eyes slowly darted to his chest and a new stream of shock and astonishment filled his mind when he saw that a finger lay on him, stopping him from falling.

Although the individual had no solid ground beneath his feet he could stop him from falling with his mere finger.

"You have heard me," the man responded calmly. "I am a servant to He who sits above it all. He who rules and reigns, and is King forever more."

"I have come to deliver a message to you from Him," The individual announced in a tone that spoke well of how much he revered the person he spoke of.

"Who is this person?" Valerian found himself asking. At that point, he had begun to believe he was conversing with a real-life angel. But angels didn't exist. Did they?

"He is. But you will come to know him more," The man individual replied. His expression; as calm as one could be, and his words were of high value.

Valerian failed to understand the words the individual before him spoke. Nothing made sense actually. He was supposed to be dead already, but he wasn't.

'Or am I dead? Is this what death is? An illusion?' Valerian wondered, but his thoughts were quickly proved wrong by the individual's words.

"No. This is real. You are in the flesh. He who rules and reigns has sent me to stop your rash action and reveal unto you the truth. And what is to come," the angel explained in a tone that translated into authority.

Valerian remained silent at that point. Minutes seemed to pass, even if only an instant did.

"You have suffered and have been dealt with by the evil men under the power of the Liar. Your life has been that but of unhappiness and darkness."

"Your future manipulated to failure and death. A death that leads to the pit. But thus saith Him; who laid the foundations of the world. You have been given Power and Authority over the vices of the Liar and his kingdom. You have been given Power and Authority over the sky and the earth. Over the elements that consist."

"Whatever it is that you command will come to pass, as long as it is done in the fullness of Him who has allowed this."

"But with all this lies a great responsibility. In the time to come, you shall receive instruction on what to do."

"However, before all this comes to fruition, you must embark on a great journey, one that will reshape the way you see things, and prepare you for that which will soon come to be," The angel proclaimed loudly, his words reaching into Valerian's soul and tugging at it.

Great surprise and even disbelief reigned in the mind of the young man, and the angel seemed to know but kept his peace.

Struggle appeared on the young man's face. He seemed to have forgotten his leaned state, simply withdrawing his hand would be enough to send him plunging to his death, but that didn't matter now.

A sense of responsibility fell on his very being. It felt heavy, almost tangible, and it caused something within him to protest. Something that knew of the truth the being spoke of.

"What if I refuse?" Valerian spoke suddenly filled with a sense of rebellion and confidence, one that he would learn was false.

The individual kept silent however simply staring at Valerian with eyes that dripped with compassion and love.

"What if I refuse to take hold of this responsibility? I did not choose to have it. I never asked for it, so why do I have to take it," Valerian protested. Deep within him, however, was astonishment. He wondered why he felt so furious at the idea of taking that responsibility when he didn't even believe it completely.

"Out. Now," the individual commanded coldly, causing Valerian to take a few steps backward mentally. Had he angered the man, he wondered, beginning to recall his position.

"You have no place here. He isn't for you," The angel continued sending Valerian into more bewilderment.

'Who is he talking to?' Valerian questioned, but he suddenly felt light-headed, forcing his eyes shut.

He reopened his eyes later, this time his surprise had reached a whole new level.

It was sudden and incredibly swift, but he felt like something of great weight had departed from him. Through his head.

A sense of clarity he didn't know he lacked befell him at that point and fear set in again.

"What have I been trying to do?" His eyes were wide open, his voice shaky. The same shaking befell his body.

Of course, he knew the answer to his question, but it left him perplexed and mortified at the same time.

He had tried to kill himself, and had been happy about it!

A gasp unknowingly escaped Valerian's mouth and he looked up at the figure in shock.

"Who are you?" Valerian asked for the second time, but this time he meant it. He could feel it now. He wondered how he had missed it before, but now it stood unmissable. The individual before him was filled with it.

He didn't arrive at that realization through his normal sense. Something trembled madly whenever he gazed too much, and soon a sense of weakness filled him. Deep into his bones.

Deep fatigue threatened to make Valerian pass out, but the individuals words reached his ears.

"In due time the reason for all this will be revealed. For now, I bid you farewell for your journey," The individual announced and a warm sensation unfolded in Valerian's whole being.

It felt like home, and it made him hunger for more of it.

But things changed when the individual suddenly moved backwards relieving his finger of Valerian's entire body.

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