
chapter iv

the talk

So Slice met up with his ex-wife and stepson, at a local diner. Slice got out of the car, they walked in and sat down at the table, " what is going on Ryan, all of a sudden you kick us out, and now there is a woman there!? " you forgot I gave you to money to leave, I can't give you what you want, you want a 9-5 job, white collar man, you want a father figure to play catch with, that is not what I am, sorry, take the money move away to find what you want. and she is my adopted daughter, what you did was stupid and respectable on your, do not show up at my place again, said. Slice, " adopted daughter? asked, Tom, " yes, I found her when she was a baby, we name her, and raise her, she is been my focus, you two will be taken that focus from her, just go away the divorce is finally going away. He got up and left, Spike called him. " (what's up,) asked. Slice, " (we got a job, bro.) said, Spike. " (I am on my, has Clover eating now?) said, Slice. he paid for his stuff and got in the car and left, " (yes, and looking at me like why I am giving her rice with sheep liver and blood on in,) said. Spike, " (baby girl diet eat up and get gear up, I see you soon,) said, Slice, he paid for everything, and walked up and left, " my sister's name is clover have you met her? asked. John, " no, pop bear pull up at the house, and we load up the hummers, uncle Snowman sat my cooler and their bag of food in the car, "  why can I have what you have?" You won't like greasy food Clove. Said, Spike. " mess your inside up, Clover rides with Snowman,  Spike with me. We got in the car and left the city, "( we meet with the government and then set up and scope out the city, we are going in ingotneto, Spike on point A with the scope and camra, Snowman in the hummer as ears , Clover outside lurking as back up, and i be in the city. ) said, Slice.  The plan is set,  " (what is the issue?) Asked. Uncle Snowman, "( Vampires, people are missing and graves is turning up empty. ) said,   Uncle Spike. We arrived in  the city and pulled up at the Governor House, my ears going nuts, i growled, " i know Clove they are in the woods, ( we are being watch.) I started to change, " stopped it now Clover do not go after them. I looked at him and change back. " but when?" Never let them see us. We got out of the hummers, Slice walked. " show me,  i show him my eyes, " turn them back now, never change without asking us, maintain. " sorry uncle Snowman, uncle Spike and and poppa, they hugged me. " that what they want to lower you in the woods to take you out. Take me out, i am confused now, " kill you to make us weaker, Werewolves, Vampires, Hybrids and Dybirds know you are a savior to us, and stronghold to us, we lose you. Said. Uncle Snowman, " we be in worse shape and out match agian, the day he find you, it was a blessing from god, to turn the ties on them, do not give these F#cks what they want. Said, uncle Spike , i understand now,  they want me out of the way. Pop bear knocked on the door, the maid answers, " easy Clove, stay a few feet behind her, go that way like you are not following her. said, uncle Snowman, I shake my head and walk the other way, as he walked across the street. "( eas up guys she stopped,) my ears wingled, i picking up on something. " ( may i turn pop bear please?) I asked. "(Clover no, what you picking up on?) Answered. Slice, " ( there is another one out, he crossing the street, this is a trap we followed them, into something i do not like,) i said. " ( i see him Slice he stopped and look at me, Clove remains calm.) Remaining calm, he told me there are two and they were thinking to lead us into a trap. I am calm, "( there is three out tonight, said. Uncle Spike. " ( please let me turn now, we can take them!) I begged. "(Clove calm down now, plan back fire on us, he got brains,) said. Slice, " (we need to out fox the bat.) said, uncle Spike. "( get them to come to us, not us go to them.) Said, uncle Snowman, why human have to do things the hard way, i take a deep breath and exhale. " ( you feel better now?) Asked. Slice,  "( no really, they monking us to follow.) I said, " ( then we make there game ours, lets go set up  the trap, Snowman and Spike lower and be careful, Clover with me.) Said, Slice.  So we plan to bait in them in,  how, they are draw to the sound of your hearts and your blood, like drugs to a junky. Once they are hooked no way out,  as they slow approach the female,she heart their hearts beat and smell their blood, she is followed behind them. "( we set to get ready to interact,) said. uncle Snowman, they bring her to us and punch her knocking her to the ground, " times up vampire, said. Slice, she didn't spill where the hive is or where their building is, so we killed her by stating her through her heart, and she burst into ashes. " one down two more to go. Said, Slice. "  they learn from the other mistake bro, the second is not going to take the bait. Said, uncle Spike, " we need another plan. Said, uncle Snowman.  " send me i draw them in, i said. They look at me, " the wound go after a single lonely Dybird, said. Uncle Spike, " they all will. Said, uncle snowman, " Clover bring them to us, go find your pray, and call when you are ready, we will go set up, said. Slice " they going to try to get to you to make you follow them, don't Clove ignore you got this Clover. said, uncle Snowman, "do not change, show them this is your grounds and you are not going anywhere, said. unce spike, no chance I promised they do not get under my fur that bad, I put on my shades and head off into the crowd of people, looking for my prey to bait in, they got the trap set. my ears wiggled I stop in turn my head, this one got a sword he not going to follow without a sword fight, or will it, I walked his direction and pass him, " ( got one, be not might follow without sword display, I seeing if he will.) he pulls out his sword and follows, " stink Dybrid must die. he said, " (sh#t can you get him here Clover, do what you must,) said. Slice, " (it will be done, I heading there in a few minutes, ) I stopped and pulled out my sword, let the battle of the pieces begin, one way you will follow me, I stopped and turn around, " after you, we ran at each other, swing at each other, he swing right I block and jump kick him, he flew threw the air and hit the ground. I take off my shades and toss them up in the air, uncle Spike and uncle Snowam smile at each other, " the shades are up in the air, you know what that means right, asked. uncle Spike, " oh yeah she has a fun, (have your fun after bringing Clove,) said, Uncle. Snowman, " (thank you uncle Snowman, see you three in a few minutes,) flip up on his feet, people clear the way, we circle each other he rips his shirt off and flexes his muscles, he pulls out a second sword, this is going to be a while, We ran at each other the fight continues, as he swings wild at me, I back step blocking his swords, fun this more like work, I have a job to do. to get out and make him follow, watch me move, I swift kick him and taking him off his feet, I catch my shades and putting them on, I put my sword away in walked back up the street, he got up in followed behind me, " (the prey is following the bait, we on the way,) I said, as I walked in the building he walked in, Uncle Snowman knocked him out, and we tie him to the chair with eight hundred volts of Vu lights pointed at him, I hit him across his face to wake it up, " what the, you stinking Dybird b$tch is going to pay for that, he said. i cocked my eyebrow,

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