
America's Troubles

New York, America,

Central Park,


Sitting on a bench, Roman hummed to himself, staring at the clear blue skies above with a curious glint in his one golden eye... America was... well, he didn't know what to expect when coming here really, having never had much affinity for the nation and not much relation other than the money he leeched off them selling weaponry and the connections he had here. He softly patted the head of the chi- woman drooling on his lap..

To passers-by, it was a certainly strange sight that they would most certainly remember for some time to come.

A one eyed man wearing a black suit, his hands covered by gloves of the same colour and a cane by his side surrounded by trees.. That in itself was strange enough but that wasn't where it stopped, no, the nail in the coffin was the casually dressed incredibly, perhaps supernaturally, beautiful grey haired woman sleeping on him without a care in the world, a number of empty beer cans lying at her feet.

The gazes he got varied from estranged to a few warm ones.

There was no comical scene where he had jealous gazes sent his way, not really. If anything of the nature, they were lusty or awed ones sent towards the sleeping Kagetora which seemed to not even register his presence thanks to his one eye and the cane.

"Yo, young man. No problems in the journey right?"

"Nope, none at all."

Roman closed his one eye, smiling widely at the older man staring down at him sternly, noting how the civilians passing by had slowly been reducing in number since a few moments ago.

Well made hair, a stout figure covered by a grey suit and a cane in his hands.. Roman noted the man's gaze held a lack of emotion, as typical of magi but also seemed to portray nostalgia.., "Woah..." He clapped his hands a few times, "You're like a picture perfect mafia leader, Galvarosso."

"You wouldn't be wrong in that, Galvarosso Scladio.. Why call me here so abruptly, Trambelio?" The older man, Galvarosso, took a seat right next to him, putting both hands over his cane and staring at the pavement instead of Roman.... He paid no heed to the sleeping Kagetora.

"My oh my... Is using my name supposed to be a tactic?" Roman slightly tilted his head, leaning forward to stare at his face from the side, "If so, bravo. I'm practically shivering here, you know the name of the guy whose name just about everyone knows."

"I'd heard of your personality, seeing it in person is something else." Galvarosso cracked a small smile, only now meeting his 'adversary's' gaze... The Scladio Family, originating from the Sicilian Mafia was one of the two greatest magical governing bodies in the nation of America and same as the other, was connected to the actual Government holding no small amount of influence or power.

The Mage's Association couldn't bring them down, no, they failed at it.


"What is this supposed to be? Realised the folly of engaging the Holy Church and come begging us 'lessers' for aid?"

Their information network was nothing to scoff at either.

"The fuck you talking about?"

Unfortunately, the Trambelio was a person whose nature could render almost all gathered information useless.

"....?" Galvarosso stared at him in a moment of confusion, what other reason could he have coming to America?

"I came here cause I figured you greedy pricks wouldn't be able to keep yourselves from poking us." Roman rested his head in a hand, sneering, "What? Don't tell me you think your government wouldn't try to capitalise on our conflict?" If he did think that despite his age, he was a damn retard. Well that and he'd already contacted the government as Lord Trambelio, their representative would be here sooner rather than later, "So I thought I'd fuck with yous first."

"Five Great Mafias eh?"

New York's New Five Great Mafias, Scladio Family, Cascade Family, Zafu Association, Badgers Alliance and the Jam Bullets, each with influence reaching well beyond national borders and forces beyond ruthless, engaging in nearly every crime known to man with not a hint of remorse or hesitation...

"I see... Why call me then?" Galvarosso stared at him in mild curiosity, lighting a cigar for himself, there was more to this than met the eye wasn't there?

"Cascade, the lot in control of all illegal channels. Badgers, the Russians.." Roman grinned wider than before, "Those two been moving in on your business lately no?" The Magician had never limited his activities to the continent of Europe, no, he had sunk his claws in something in almost all parts of the world over the course of two decades.

"How do you know that?" Alarmed... Galvarosso Scladio was alarmed, something that rarely ever happened. That was information none other than his own top brass were privy to, how come this young man had..., "The other two?"

"Ja!" Roman enthusiastically raised a fist, "The other two. While you were busy having hard-ons for kids a quarter your age, they were busy expanding and consolidating but...There's something they need for that right?" He opened and closed his fist, humming a bit as if unaware of what the word was.


"Where do you think they got it from? Who better than someone who wants nothing other than your destruction?" Roman tilted his head, his tall figure casting a shadow over the stout mafia 'king'.

"And why do you want my destruction?"

"I don't, giving a reason is just more convenient."

"They'll never succeed, we have magi." Galvarosso dismissed the threat entirely, the Scladio couldn't be brought down by the Mage's Association and had been adopting outcast magi into their own ranks for decades now, there was no way human forces could ever even hope to strike them down from their current standing.

"You keep telling yourself that." Roman relaxed back into the bench, releasing a small content sigh... America would intervene one way or the other once the conflict started, by removing or disabling their own versions of the mage's association, they would have much less to deal with..

In that case attacking the Scladio was easier because the other organisation was an official department of America's government, with access to even the country's nuclear arsenal should the need arise for it and virtually unlimited funds...

They didn't get along with the Scladio either so this endeavour would serve to make them more 'amiable'.

"The government will interce-"

"The government of this proud nation will do no such thing to help the scum of the Earth... Why would they aid leeches?"

"What she said."

The one that interrupted Galvarosso wasn't Roman, no it was a seemingly young girl that had somehow managed to approach the two men while completely hidden from sight..

With light ankle length hair, she was dressed in a gothic manner and carried an umbrella, her gaze and face appeared highly enthusiastic while her gaze was deeply unsettling. She tilted her head at Galvarosso, leaning down uncomfortably close to his face before once again tilting her head to an unnatural degree.

"Greetings, old man. Why don't you just fall and die right here? Your people are thinking of betraying you~.. And and, you think they wouldn't know you hold no loyalty for this nation?" She spoke something so out there with a cutesy high pitched voice, biting at the air before pulling back...

"And..." She turned her gaze to Roman and reached out for his face with small pale hands, "Ah...Ah... Welcome to America, Lo.. Lord Roman~" Her voice hitched and her pupils dilated as her breathing became laboured, "One such as you... I've.." She slowly raised both hands to her cheeks, blushing deeply, "Oh so.. longed for our meeting!"

"...Toll, ein Perverser." Roman shrugged idly, expressing his disappointment and curiosity regarding the girl, while observing the men in black suits slowly drawing closer... They weren't his, so they were probably hostile.

"Where are my manners, pardon.." She bowed her head to him before coughing and bumping her fist against her modest chest, "Francesca Prelati, it is a t-true honour!" Her enthusiasm was actually genuine, with a perverse love for fun, chaos and suffering, it was only natural that she then behave this way towards Roman.., "I represent the interests... of this nation... Ah but do not fret or misunderstand, it is m-merely a job." She squirmed in place, hugging herself with both hands..


Both Galvarosso and Roman shared a moment of silence...


Francesca felt a shadow suddenly appear over her and slowly turned her head to see a pale man with fiery red hair staring down at her.., "Are you hostile?"

"Hehe... That depends." She put both her hands together, squirming more, "I wouldn't dare oppose R-Lord.. Roman, but the geezer..." She tilted her head, dropping all emotion instantly, "Yes, I am hostile..."

Sighing, Galvarosso Scladio raised a hand and snapped his fingers, "It seems I was right to think this would devolve into conflict."

"Hey not me, I haven't done shit other than sit here and look pretty." Roman raised his hands in surrender, still smiling at the older man, he wasn't going to meddle in the matters of another country, especially not if he stood to benefit from not doing so, "Yo Heartless, back down, let's watch."

The red haired man stared at Francesca for a moment before nodding at Roman and walking to his side...

"Please gimme a moment kay?" Francesca winked at Roman and laughed gleefully as dozens of armed magi approached. The little girl raised her hands to either side and giggled, her voice echoing in the park, "Now... please die~!"

In an instant, all magi lost their heads and warm blood sprayed around, dirtying the grass, a strange symphony of falling corpses and giggling.

Incredibly cruel, obsessed with making things interesting, sadistic and terribly powerful... That was Francesca Prelati and she, was currently greatly interested in Roman Trambelio... She was centuries old and had never managed to throw the world into chaos and turmoil as fast as he had, nor could she play with the hearts of men as he did...

"I've been looking at you for a looong time now, Lord Roman~."

"What a coincidence.."

Roman grinned as Kagetora vanished from his lap and appeared next to Francesca, holding two spears to her throat.

"The ritual to summon the...boar has been prepared."

Kurou Adashino, Heartless whispered to Roman in a barely audible voice.


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