
Choose Your Fates!

London, England,

Clock Tower,

"You stand here today to answer for...."

McDonell spoke as calmly as ever, his presence more noticeable than usual and his gaze strangely fierce.... Sitting up there, the Lord of the Department of General Fundamentals felt a plethora of emotions.... estranged by the notion of having to judge his own flesh and blood...

...Perhaps it was his own fault, for neglecting the child but how? The kid had no potential, nothing to him, nothing of merit, yes McDonell was a family man but that was too much no? ...But now, sitting there... He no longer knew what to think.... That same 'talentless failure' now stood down there with a grin etched across his face, on trial for crimes modern magi couldn't hope to commit...

Sure the absolute best of them could destroy a city given time but that was just the thing, he'd done it instantly, with three separate spells...

Sitting there.... He felt disappointed.... The youth's tattoo riddled chest and arms playing no small part in that... It was disgraceful for nobles as prestigious as themselves.... Of course the older man had no way of knowing Roman was actively trying to get rid of the markings that came with becoming Ahriman.

"The destruction of the Japanese City of Fuyuki."

Silence enveloped the courtroom, the affirmation of the reports more than enough for the wind to be knocked out of the lords there, taking away whatever they could have said.

"The destruction of an ancient ritual and the Holy Grail."

Even those not 'in the know' among the twelve lords felt that the young man before them was a bit too much... The crimes he stood accused of sounded like they came from a different age, a different realm of possibility... Yes they had their egos and their pride but they were smart enough to realise that meant jack shit.

"The destruction of the Matou Family line."

McDonell clenched his fist and spoke with closed eyes, conflicted..... His policies, a meritocracy, demanded Roman be praised and rewarded, not put on trial like this... yet, his personal feelings didn't allow that.

"Loved doing that, 10/10, would do it again."

Roman snickered, completely disregarding any semblance of sanctity and instead, enjoying the occasion, enjoying the affirmation of his deeds and enjoying the looks on the faces of his oh so dear 'audience'.

"The destruction of the Einzbern family line via house Peligor."

These were matters that so long as kept under wraps, would never be questioned by magi. After all, fuck did they care?

"Ah, I need to thank Camus for coming in clutch."

...Clearly, the intention here was to somehow restrict Roman, something the Magician noticed long before his hearing began.

"Inappropriate usage of magecraft to further personal assets... Note that I refer to the establishment of numerous weapons tech companies, industries as well as the establishment of factories and companies for common use goods of the non-magical world... It is suspected the land for these... 'activities', was acquired illegally as well."

This was something that would earn Roman the disdain of most if not all magi that actually mattered. They hated modernisation after all, reveling in the fact that 'Anything uneducated commoners can do with tools, we can do with Magecraft' and bearing great dislike for even things like electricity.

"That's actually totally legit..." Roman chimed in with a small clap of his hands, walking around and eying everything in the room, turned out you could solve a lot of problems just by throwing money at them, "Most people have a price.... or families... or both?"

Meh, he'd never said he was a saint had he? Course Roman had used his abilities to persuade, create and establish all that he had over the course of nearly two decades..., "And fuck is wrong with that?" He wasn't allowed to do anything because they branded him with the status of a cripple?

In the 'commoner' world, money spoke for more than his disability.

"You magi are just uppity cunts."

Roman shrugged, amused all the same, thanks to the time period he was in, establishing his companies and such had been far easier than it would have been in the 21st century... Though, to be fair, it was supposed to just be a front for his vast wealth considering there was no other way for him to explain where all his money came from.


"Shush, woman."

".....Would you like to lose your other eye to a woman?" Lorelei humoured the disrespectful Trambelio, shifting in her seat ever so slightly, her tone carrying a hint of amusement amidst the usual pride.

Roman tilted his head ever so slightly, reeling it back just by a bit and pointing down.

"Do you believe in gravity?"

".....I can not see how that correlates."

"My point exactly, now shush."

"Enough!" Eulyphis was quick to cut in, annoyed with this sham of a trial already and many agreed, what kind of trial had the accused just mouthing off at everything... Not that they possessed the courage to express their thoughts like him anymore.

"Oooh, did some spirit slip it in while you were sitting?"

"Damn brat, who do you think you are?!"

Roman pretty much plastered a shit eating grin on his face, and pointed at the old man, "The guy standing on trial for destroying a city."

"....." Eulyphis didn't know how to retort to such a statement.

Marisbury Animusphere's lips parted into a small smile, this was indeed as fun as he'd been hoping. He sent a glance towards McDonell, curious as to how the man would react to such disrespect... It was a bit surprising and disappointing when he just carried on though,

"Moving on."

The Lesser Lords didn't dare to speak, the gravity of their situation slowly setting in... The fact of the matter was, the man infamous for his sharp tongue had the power to back up said tongue and had had it all along... He'd even made fools out of them all.... They couldn't be angry though... Nay, afraid was more appropriate.

"Unsanctioned aid to the criminal factors in the countries of Italy, Russia and Mexico. The provision of trade channels between these factors largely affecting the power balance and wealth distribution as well public safety and health."

This accusation didn't warrant much of a reaction from anyone, they couldn't care less about the 'public'.

"It's neat to have influence."

Was the only thing Roman responded with, whistling away as if it didn't make him a criminal.... Those people did a lot for him, the 'acquisition of land for these activities' as his dear father had put it had been greatly added to by these very people.

It was also a good source of income though, the manpower and influence also played a significant role in the 'why' of his activities.

"And lastly, the murder of your own mother, the second lady Trambelio.."

In the face of this, most realised the man was a magus through and through but.. Roman's lax smile faltered for a moment..no, it just disappeared.. That, wasn't something he was proud of... She was still the woman who'd given birth to him even if she'd repeatedly informed him of just how much she wished that wasn't the case.

Still... She'd attempted to have him killed not a few years ago.... Perhaps some may call it an overreaction but that was his retaliation to an attempt at his life...

The woman was still his mother though and that act was one he still wasted time thinking about.

"That is all.... What say you?"

"H-Hold a moment..... Was the cause of your late wife's death not natural?" Karmagliph held up his hand as he spoke, visibly taken aback by a piece of information he hadn't been in possession of prior to 'this'.

"That is what w-"

"I did it, now stop talking about it." Roman cut them both off, not willing to have the conversation or even listen to it.

"All of them?"

"JA! Did em all. I'll fucking do it again."

The Magician laughed loudly, grinning at his 'judges', "What will you do? Make a decision. Come on! I wanna see what you've got." A bit of a bid for time... A messenger that SHOULD have been here by now wasn't, leaving Roman to wonder if something was wrong.

"Then... in light of the severity of these crimes... I propose... A Sealing Designation."

Audible gasps resounded throughout the courtroom.

"You're supposed to be my father? Enttäuschend."

A Sealing Designation in name, was an honour. It meant that a magus had been deemed special and had to be preserved.. There were few who would legitimately be deserving of such a thing.

In truth though, it was a death sentence. Someone who'd been given a Sealing Designation would have their flesh rended, their magic circuits, eyes, nerves and brains extracted and pickled in preservation fluid.

It was essentially given to those that posed a significant threat to the Mage's Association.

In that aspect, Roman truly did deserve a Sealing Designation...

Yet... Many a magi were shocked by this proposition.


It came from McDonell Trambelio Elrod.

The HEAD of the Democratic Faction, their main agenda being that merit defined all...

In that regard, this proposition was hypocrisy.

It disappointed many of the Lords from the Faction, including both the Edelfelt and Inorai Valualeta Atroholm.. This was a betrayal of the very principles they believed in.. A betrayal of the main reason they sided with him and obeyed him...

"Do you really hate me that much?"

Roman sighed, significantly disappointed... a part of him had been looking forward to his father's reception once he revealed his accomplishments, as he liked to call them.

"But well, alright. Fuck you."

Roman clapped his hands together just as the doors to the courtroom were thrown open and a well dressed man came running in, gasping for breath.

"What is the meaning of this?"

McDonell's fierce gaze shifted to the intruder, as did the gazes of all present there then.

"M-My Lord... The Trambelio estates a-are... They're under siege by unknown forces!"

Roman's mouth split into an eerie grin.

"And our assets... T-They're being seized!"


"That.... we don't know!"

Roman laughed again, "I'll explain how, but first..." He dramatically placed a hand over his chest, holding out the other to the 12 Lords,

"Pass your judgement! Choose your fates! My father seems to have chosen his."

"Very well, Roman."

Marisbury smiled warmly, "I disagree. The Animusphere do not support this decision.. and seeing as the Trambelio have no appreciation for their own, I extend an offer to adopt you into my house."


Share thoughts mfs.


In case there's any confusion, feel free to ask.

Roman got a long ass list of crimes but thing is, the proof evidence whatever doesn't even matter here. What matters is what the Twelve Lords decide despite that and they ain't impartial at all, their words is, quite literally, the law.


Someone pointed this out last chapter so I thought to clarify. Marisbury Animusphere's existence isn't just limited to the FGO main timeline, in other timelines (like this one) the Grail is corrupt and once he finds out through personal investigations, he abandons the idea of obtaining a wish. In the Grand Order timeline, he does participate in the War, summons Solomon and wins going on to establish Chaldea.


You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face

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