
Ask Next Time

Fuyuki, Japan,

Edelfelt Mansion,

Roman POV,

In an atypical furnished office room with a carpet covered floor, shelves to the sides and a table to one end with a chair behind it and then a window behind said chair, a young man with one eye sat peering out of the window. His gaze was fixed on the Sun rising behind the clouds and admittedly, Roman found it to be a considerably beautiful sight, no matter how many times he'd seen it before. A cane lay against his chair, the same one he'd been using for years. He had a bit of kinship with it.

The night before was spent asleep.... Well, at least some part of it. After coming here and having Thea 'recalibrate' the place so that it was fit for someone of Roman's stature, Waver had gone to the basement to set up his workshop. Roman himself, of course, had no need for such things. Instant action abilities were convenient like that. That and Iskandar gaming all night with speakers on full made sleeping peacefully somewhat difficult.

Next to the office door, a certain fox girl slept on a sofa, a painting hanging above her. Tamamo no Mae had insisted she be the one to look after her Master when Thea was busy, something about how it was her duty and Roman had no problems. He wasn't going to behave like a eunuch and say he wouldn't mind either way, a sight such as this was rather pleasing for the young Trambelio.

As for why she hadn't taken up place elsewhere? Well, she had aptly judged that this would be the first place her Master would come to after waking up. Roman sighed, a small smile forming on his face, his servant was a certainly peculiar one. Shaking his head, the young magus walked out of the office, returning moments later with a blanket which he then used to cover the servant, despite knowing she had no need for it.

A harmless gesture.

"Heh. Women."

Followed by a not so harmless remark.

Limping his way back to his chair, the magus pressed a button on the telephone lying on the table and whispered, "Thea, do me a favour and check on Waver. The retard probably got carried away and ended up passing out." Roman was not like the traditional magus in most aspects.

"As you wish, Master." The reply came instantly, as was her duty.

A peaceful moment followed, only it seemed that it was indeed only a 'moment' as soon the telephone once more started ringing prompting Roman to nearly throw it out the window out of reflex, he managed to reel himself in though and only punched the answer button, picking it up in a curious manner.

"Roman Trambelio, say hi to your mum for me." Roman didn't know who it was but he didn't care much either.

"What a brutish way of talking, Lord Roman. Did your mother not teach you proper mannerisms?" A female voice, the higher pitch indicated that the speaker was young, the haughtiness and arrogance it carried though would make anyone confused.

"As a matter of fact," Roman leaned down with a shit eating grin, "No, she didn't."

"I forgot. Your parents neglect you for your lack of skill." The sharp remark was followed by a loud and haughty laugh which served as enough information for Roman to recognise who was on the other side of the phone.

"Yours don't and you still have a shitty personality." Roman mused with a small smile, "If that's how I was gonna turn out then holy fuck am I glad." The Trambelio didn't dial down his character even slightly even after recognising who he addressed.

"Tsk... Will this ever pass?"

"Nope, anyway. Who am I talking to?" He knew but he asked anyway.

"I see your idiocy translates to other parts of life too."

"I see your life is entirely composed of idiocy so you don't have to worry about such stuff."

"It's Luviagelita. Luviagelita Edelfelt! Where are you? I've found your mansion empty." Yes, Luviagelita Edelfelt, Roman's fiance (albeit, not by choice). Someone from an old magus family and young too, this attitude was understandable with how she was raised but it didn't mean Roman had to like it.

"Das ist egal. What are you doing at my mansion?" Roman had a bit of a hint to her goals but it never hurt to confirm.

"You ask like I wanted to be here. My grandmother ordered me to spend some time with you. I fail to understand why she sought this in the first place." Luviagelita was still less than pleased about being his fiance, and while she understood that something like this was inevitable, why did it have to be the shame of the Trambelio?

"Probably for the high quality magic circuits. And trust me, I would call this off if I could." Roman rested his head in his hand, he'd be losing his own last name.... Not that he held much love for it but still, his pride was wounded. He would go from Roman Trambelio to Roman Edelfelt if this marriage went through, Luviagelita WAS after all, the heir apparent of the Edelfelt family line, originating from Finland and acting as mercenaries from time to time. They were important backers of the Trambelio Family.

"I find that hard to believe, what else would you do then?"

"Take a step back homeboy, I have my own reasons."

"But, you have no other way of sustaining yourself?"

"I have more money than your family assets combined, you ass." Roman sighed, yeah, that one was true. Spawning gold and gems went a long way in gathering wealth in the current age.

"I thought you to be above lying." Luviagelita didn't believe him much.

"Consider offing yourself." Roman snickered, this girl was rather amusing to talk to.

"Still however, you not being skilled makes no real sense. High quality magic circuits of considerable quantity..." Luviagelita's voice turned to one of musing, she'd often spotted him with books of different thaumaturgical foundations and theories as well as in nearly all departments at least once in the few times she'd been there.


"You seem to be getting carried away, my dear fiance. I have no thaumaturgical attributes to my name despite my lineage and no affinities, I wouldn't like to risk discovering my origin yet." Roman shifted in his seat, his ability to not do proper magecraft stemmed from the lack of necessity of the 'process'. Something ingrained in his subconscious, this made conventional magecraft a costly (Mana/Prana and Od wise) and time consuming endeavour.

"I will praise how you make no effort to hide your shortcomings."

Roman could almost see the Edelfelt nod her head with folded arms and closed eyes.

"Still, I would like to be at least notified next time you use one of my mansions."

It seemed that she knew where he was, not that he was trying to hide in the first place.

With those words, Luviagelita cut off the call, when they'd first met she had been incredibly rude and hateful and the Edelfelt was slowly coming to understand that was wrong of her, especially when he'd been rather nice in his welcome. It wasn't like he'd asked for it so she couldn't exactly take out her frustration for it on him..... Though oftentimes she did, then felt bad about it the next day and yet, she didn't apologise for doing so.

"Right...." Roman smiled pensively, it was slightly rude to just cut off the call like that no? He'd have done the same though. With a small chuckle, the young magus stood up to leave, grabbing his cane. He had much to do today after all and much to arrange.

First though, first came the Matou. His motivation?

"They're fucking disgusting."

Yeah, that's where it started and ended.

None who'd watched Fate before could forget the Matou family and Roman wasn't exempt from that.

With a limp in his step, Roman Trambelio slowly left.

Not a few seconds after he'd left however, one of the 'sleeping' Tamamo's ears perked up and she opened one eye, running her gaze all over the office, the servant sat up rubbing her eyes. Sleeping wasn't really a necessity but it was nice, it was then that she noticed the blanket over and comically froze in her spot.

Soon however, the surprise was replaced by a bright, happy smile. "Uwahh." She placed her hands on her blushing cheeks, squirming in place, Tamamo no Mae... was a servant that ended up rather easily infatuated with certain types of people... Unfortunately, all of them feared her for being the nine tailed demon fox so she often ended up hurt instead, "Master is a nice person." The fox girl nodded resolutely, the thought that someone else may have done it never crossed her mind.


Roman walked into the main dining ro- no, calling it a victorian dining hall would be more apt, with a long and broad central table, paintings on the slightly cushioned walls, polished and expensive furniture, numerous chandeliers and paintings hung in different places. It really affirmed that magus noble families were neither lacking in money, nor well aware of the concept of humility.

The young Trambelio took a seat at the head of the table and snapped his fingers, the lights came on in a flash illuminating the luxurious place.

Soon enough, Thea arrived holding a tray with his breakfast and gracefully, "Medium rare steak, a fruit salad and tea. I hope it's to your liking, Master." The homunculus bowed politely and took her place behind his chair, ready to comply with any requests.


"It is my duty." Thea bowed with a small smile.

"Do we have any way of reaching out to Irisviel von Einzbern?"

"I think they'll probably be using the Einzbern castle in the forest." Waver 'walked' in, bags under his eyes and hunched back, he appeared very tired.

"Did you run into a succubus or something?" Roman asked curiously.

Waver looked at him in silence for a few moments, "What are you? 10? Anyway no, setting up the workshop took a lot out of me." The magus sighed, rubbing the back of his head, this was the least he could do after all the support he was getting, even if his skill wasn't the greatest... That and he studied the map of the city.

"I see. Send out a familiar." Roman ordered Thea, who was now giving Waver breakfast (which was strangely disproportionate compared to Roman's), with a thoughtful look on his face.

"As you wish."

"Tamamo will set up bounded fields and defences in that time!" Tamamo no Mae practically barged in, nearly throwing the doors off their hinges.

"And Master, thank you." She bowed with a beautiful smile, making both Waver and Roman stare for a few moments. Though, the latter was quicker to recover and only waved his hand in dismissal,

"No problem."

"Mou, just accept my thanks!" In a flash, Tamamo was hugging... or rather, she was hugging his head with a small pout, "Later then!"

Roman paused for a bit before shrugging, who was he to say no? He then turned towards Waver, "Now, for the bugs and berserker."

"Are you sure that's what they summoned?"


"That's going to be a problem..." Waver bit his finger, trying to think up an optimal strategy. A Berserker was a very powerful servant.


Share thoughts mfs.

As you can see, the physical inhibitions aren't the only price Roman had to pay for gazing at the Root. Though, Thaumaturgical Foundation isn't something you have, it's something you take up. He just doesn't cause he doesn't need to. Think of a foundation as a specific school of magecraft.

And for all the Sasukes out there, chill the fuck out. Just cause you don't think much about your parents neglecting you doesn't mean anyone who does is a bitch. You're just edgy as shit.

Also, for the genius that's using the TMfatefanon wiki, could you please shut the fuck up?

P.S: Can I get some reviews? Proper ones not spam.

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