
Chapter 2 - FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!

The last regiment never came.

Klaus and his Krieg commissar, Wolf, were all there was for leaders.

Night had fallen. The Orks had arrived faster than anticipated, but they were already set up to deal with the Orks.

The tanks flashed in the darkness as they sent shells hurling into the Orks, sending their body parts flying.

The Kriegsman fired their lasguns, a constant stream of red littered the Orks. The red beams would briefly reveal the number of Orks before the rounds disappeared.

The fight had just began and although it looked as if the Kriegsman we're winning, the number of Orks hidden in the night were left unnoticed.


(Kriegsman POV)

My gun hissed as I fired an oppressive barrage of rounds into the mass of Orks. The screams of Orks filled my ears, the tremors their large army sent threatened to topple the hill I stood upon.

The tank let out a deafening boom as it fired into the masses, Ork blood and guts flying into the air, bathing the other Orks in red.

A chill ran up my spine and I spun around with my gun raised.

An Ork had speared one of my brothers, splitting him in two.

I shot through my brethren body and shot through the Orks head, sending it's body into the ocean of darkness below.

While my other brothers and sisters fired at the large Ork force, I had a gut feeling something was down in the darkness.

Upon the hiss of my gun and the light provided by my lasgun's round, I saw the toothy smiles of Xeno scum.

I grabbed one half of my dead brother and took his grenades, overloaded my lasgun and slung it over my shoulder before flipping open my shovel, and pulling the pins on the grenades strapped to my bandolier.

"For my ancestors," I uttered before running and jumping into the ocean of darkness, my shovel ready to swing down.



(Klaus POV)

On one of the hills, I saw an ocean of darkness illuminated for second as a huge explosion erupted with Ork blood and guys flying everywhere.

"They are hidden in the darkness, do you think we should move to the second phase?" I asked, unperterbbed at the loss of my brethren, for this was the greatest gift I could give them.

"Call it," Wolf nodded.

I pulled out a flare and fired into the sky, it's whistle being silenced by the gun fire.

With a blinding flash, the landscape around me was lit up. I looked toward the Orks and the once ocean of darkness was now illuminated with the glints of controrted metal.

The roars that the Xenos unleashed upon being found out shock the ground.

Such a failed attempt to intimidate us. We are Kriegsman, death is our dream, the dirt is our entitlement, and service is our duty.

"Remember brothers and sisters! We shall rain the fury and rage of the Imperium upon these disgusting Xenos! We will triumph while those that abandoned their duty have forsaken the Emperor! Today we appease our ancestors." I shouted, amping up the regiments of Kriegsman behind me.

"Move into position!" Wolf called out.

In an instant, I heard the Kriegsman form rows of firing squads, ready to shoot down their enemy.

I watched as the tanks upon the hills were overrun by Orks. In the blink of an eye, the hills exploded luke geysers and lit up the sky like fireworks.


The sound ripped through our forces, making my coat flap violently and my hat almost flying off into the abyss

The force the explosions sent would make any normal man fall to their knees, but we Kriegsman stood tall and proud, happy that our brethren died as we all hoped.

As the flare light died down, I pulled out my power-sword and activated it, illuminating the night with a blue light.

"Kriegsman! Fire!"

The canyon lit up as thousands of lasers tore through the horde of Orks. The guns all hissed in unison, reverberating off the canyon walls.

Wolf pulled out a radio from one of the Kriegsman signallers, "Now brothers!" He yelled over roars, the hisses, and the screams.

From atop the canyon walls, tanks fired down upon the Orks.

I could feel the excitement exuding off my brethren behind me, clearly excited about the next order, and I couldn't blame them, my blood was pumping as well.

I raised my sword in the air, the weight of excitement making me feel light. "Kriegsman, fix bayonets!"

The unanimous clicks followed my order before I swung my sword forward.


As one, we all took one step and shock the canyon walls as we charged the barrage of tank shells and the forest of Orks.

I was in front and I had my sights on an Ork already.

It was either my heart beat banging against my ribs or it was because I had gone deaf, everything was silent.

I guess the Orks were happy, because they began running at top speeds, meeting us in the middle. I could see the Ork that I had marked, he saw me and a smile spread across it's face.


(Normal POV)

The Kriegsman clashed against the Orks like ocean waves.

The tanks on the cliffs fired down on the Orks, their body parts, blood and guts flew on the battlefield and painted the Kriegsman in green as they pushed the Orks back.

Of course, even though the Kriegsman pushed back against the Orks, many died, making their brethren step over their bodies.

This ferocity, the slaughter they unleashed, their unfaltering, almost suicidal, morale brought a smile to the Orks.

With endless amount of enemies, the deaths of their comrades by their sides, what was there not to love.

Few of the Orks climbed over their brothers in arms and jumped at the Kriegsman, only to be shot out of the sky and being laughed at by the Orks not fighting.

"Move, I wanna fight against 'da 'umiez!" An Ork in the back shouted.

"Wait yer turn, I fight 'umiez furst" An Ork argued.

"Shut up, I fight 'umiez furst, I bigga" Another Ork shouted.

The Orks that had to wait their turn argued as they is patently waited to get to the front where the fight was.

Klaus' plan was working and now they were almost out of the canyon.

Ork 1: "oi, why should ya get ta fight da 'umiez furst? I'z da biggest an' da strongest!"

Ork 2: "biggest? ya might be, but strongest? dat's debatable. I'z da fastest, an I'z gonna get ta da 'umiez before yer do."

Ork 3: "fastest? yer might be able ta run, but kan yer fight? Iz da sneakiest, an' i'll take out da 'umiez before dey even know wot hit 'em."

Ork 4: "sneakiest? wot's da point uv sneak'n when yer kan't even take down a single humie? I'z da best fighter, an i'll make sure dey all regret eva kross'n our path."

Ork 1: "listen up, lads. We're all orks, an' we all love a gud scrap. So how about we all go 'n togetha an' showz dese humiez wot we're made uv?"

Ork 2: "aye, dat's a gud idea. We'll all get our chance ta fight, an' we'll have each other's backs."

Ork 3: "Sounds like a plan ta me. Let's get ta it, lads!"

Ork 4: "Waaagh! let's showz dese humiez wot it means ta mess wit' da orks!"

But as they went to fight, they were cut down by Klaus and Wolf with their power-swords.

Wolf and Klaus lead the charge, fighting the biggest of the Orks or those that held the biggest threat.

Wolf wielded his power-sword and pistol, shooting the Orks that jumped over their brothers and cutting down those stupid enough to look away.

Klaus wielded his power-sword and shovel, hacking and slashing, setting an example for the Orks.

Any other commissar may have called Klaus and Wolf suicidal and reckless, but they are Kriegsman, it would be heresy if they did anything less.

Any other regiment may look upon the two and be inspired or scared by their ferocity, but the Kriegsman simply saw them as brothers that we're doing what they were supposed to.


(Klaus POV)

I survived, some how.

The battlefield was littered with Ork blood and guts. There were very few Kriegsman that could be seen, but their bodies were probably buried below the Ork corpses.

My gasmask lens glinted as I turned around to see the sun climbing over the mountains. We had been fighting all night.

I looked toward the giant plumes of black smoke that I saw yesterday and sure enough, they were still there, the only difference was that I was able to see a huge machine contorted with metal scrap making is way closer to us.

Footprints snapped me out of my gaze as I looked to the side and saw Wolf, also staring at the machine.

"What are your orders?" Wolf asked.

I turned back to look at the machine before replying, "Loot any weapons we can use, Xeno and Kriegsman alike, then we rest for the fight ahead."

Although using Xeno weaponry was heresay, we will all die before we return, and anything that can help spill more Xeno blood is worth it.

"The men might not like that," Wolf said as he knew as well as I.

"Our goal is to hold the line, all of us will die, might as well spill as much Xeno blood as we can," I responded, putting my hands behind my back and standing taller as I continued to stare at the Ork warmachine.

Wolf said nothing, he turned around and relayed my orders to our brethren, also having to explain the reason, with was tensly agreeable.

I watched as I saw on the deck of this monstrous war machine, I saw a giant Ork covered in metal armour.

"The Ork warboss," I muttered, and although I wasny sure if it could see me clearly, I activated my power-sword pointed at the war boss, declaring my challenge to him.


(Ork WarMachine)

The Ork Warboss watches as his war machine advances toward the Kriegsman army, and a cruel smile spreads across his face as he sees the direct challenge of Klaus. He raises his power claw and roars out to his troops, "OI, YER GITS! SEE DAT ARMY OVA DER? DEY TINK DEY'Z WON, BUT DEY AIN'T SEEN NUFFIN' YET! GET READY TO KRUMP 'EM GOOD AN' PROPA!"


As his war machine rumbles forward, the Warboss eagerly anticipates the coming battle. He shouts out to his troops, "GET READY TO CHARGE! WE'Z GONNA SHOW DEM KRIEGSMAN WOT ORKS ARE MADE OF!" With a mighty bellow, he leads his troops into battle, eager to crush the enemy and claim victory for the glory of the Ork race.


Chur, Author here, now I know there are grammar mistakes, but I'm too hyped to get this prologue done that I don't care unless it become unvearable to read.

Hope you enjoy the adventure.

For the Emperor!