
Interlude: News Broadcast

"Good Morning, Night City! This is Kim Cool streaming the news live, brought to you by HETAP. Now I know everyone's news feeds are lit up right now with everything going on in Santo Domingo, but Kim Cool is the very first broadcaster to get to the truth of the matter. Arasaka. That's right folks, this is not the Valentinos as everyone seems to think, but actually a false flag operation by the Japenese megacorp attacking off the books assets for Militech.

And they almost got away with it to if not for one gaping hole in the plan. Adam Smasher."

The stream showing the fighting, rioting, and looting going on in Rancho Coronado swapped to another drone following Big Juan as he entered a 6th Street hideout in Arroyo. The drone didn't follow, but the cyber-armored man emerged soon after covered in another layer of fresh blood.

"There he is everyone! Adam Smasher in the chrome! Rarely seen since Arasaka was forced out of North America, the Legendary Night City Boogeyman has returned with a vengeance, leading a massive attack on the 6th Street Gang, and in his typical style maximum civilian casualties and collateral damage are guaranteed. Mr. Smasher, how does it feel to be back in Night City?"

Big Juan's helmeted head looked at the news drone that approached him, realizing that once more the media was going to tank his Street Cred with their hot take on the situation.

"Mother fucker!"


This snippet is for the guy who recommended a news drone PoV. Cheers choom.

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