
Too God Damn Tired to Sleep

I was concerned for Pedro. He'd been face down in that deep round ass for a longtime. If not for the kneading of his Heavy Realskin fingers on the cheeks I'd assume he suffocated like a baller. Those could just be post flatline twitching though, so perhaps we'll still have a Viking funeral for him after this.

The redheaded reason I wasn't investigating whether or not my choom ascended to the halls of Valhalla grinded on my lap while beating my face with a pair of glorious tiddies. 'Destiny' kept my focus on her despite not being hella handsy like the other girls here in the Blue Moon Gentlemen's Club. The light kept hitting her just right, like a message from God.

Eventually I felt the need to bury the dog and tapped her hip to signal to get off in the room with the music blaring loud enough to drop your hearing score a couple points permanently.

"I'm getting out of here." I told her as the song came to the end, "You coming with?"

"No." she shook her head, "I'm heading home after my shift ends."

"See ya around, Destiny." I nodded and moved on.

I saluted Juanie and Pedro, who waved with his face still buried in thicc ass meat. Juanie was actually dating a girl who worked here, something that seemed hella fucked, but for whatever reason the guy was wrapped around his chica's finger.

As I walked out the door I got tagged hard, right in the ribs. I blasted back through the door and reached up to dig a fat gyro tech bullet out of my chest with the Sandevi-zerk active. It just managed to break the Heavy Real Skin after tearing through my armored clothing.

I sat up and raised my pistol, spotting the Tyger Claw sniper as he prepared the follow up round. I moved away from his line of sight and slipped my bowie knife out of its sheath, calculating the throw and tossing it, the blade moving at hypervelocity with the aid of my cyberlimb and Sandevi-zerk to arc over the balcony wall he had his tripod rifle braced against and returning the favor, piercing right through the plate and kevlar vest he sported and sinking into a lung.

I closed the distance and leapt up the balcony, the post tension concrete holding up, but the tiles shattering under the impact.

"Nice shot." I admitted before I twisted the knife in his chest and pulled it out and across his neck deeply before reaching in the cut and pulling down his tongue like a meat necktie. I hopped back down and found Pedro and Juanie peeking around the shattered doorway with their pistols drawn.

"Solo sniper." I told them, "Already got him."

"And how do you know there aren't any others?" Juanie shouted from behind cover.

"Visual confirmation. Unless a bunch of gonks are going to start shooting out of windows after the first guy failed we're good."

I had to zip behind my armored truck as about a half a dozen sumo types began launching machine gun fire from the windows of the building the first shooter was in. They didn't seem to care about actually hitting me, just putting as much lead down field as possible. Fortunately it was LMG fire and not the explosive rounds common in heavy machine guns these days. It would trouble me to get hit, roughly about as much as that sniper round, but the accumulation will shred me if they actually could pull off some effective firing.

My revolvers barked with each shot, hellish feedback but barely an inconvenience for arms like mine. It was straight doom for everyone they hit and anything behind them. Once the last Sumo popped like a overfilled water balloon, I opened a lockbox on my truck and pulled out a duffle bag full of first aid supplies. Then I opened up the back seat of my truck and folded the seat down, revealing my own light machine gun. A long and robust peace of equipment chambering .308 rounds, perfect for when you want your machine gun to hit like a sniper rifle. I put a bag of extra magazines and ammunition over my shoulder and grabbed the big beast of a weapon.

I dropped the ammunition off with Juanie after entering the club again and handed him the LMG, leaving him and Pedro to watch my back as I entered into the shot to shit Gentlemen's club. I spotted twenty total victims, but nobody flatlined yet. I knelt next to the worst of them and got to work stabilizing. Going by the location of the club, I doubt any of the patrons could afford Trauma Team and the cops and first responders were hours out if they'd ever come.

Considering a Medicine Score of 75 was enough to successfully remove advanced brain cancer, the guy under me was in no danger of dying now that I was taking care of him. I had him ready for bandaging and when I reached back to grab them they were put into my hand.

I turned my head slightly and saw 'Destiny' passing me what I needed and after I finished up with the guy she followed me to the next person. Together we made short work of stabilizing people much the same way Juanie and I made short work of cars together. I do all the heavy lifting, but the support gets everything done faster.

When we finished I I took a bottle of vodka off the shelf and used it to clean our hands of blood before I pulled an expensive bottle of whiskey out from behind the bar and found two glasses with no debris in them and poured us three neat fingers each. At least three for a normal person. Three Juan fingers will fuck a person up. "Made the right call not following me out." I told her as we clinked our glasses together.

'Destiny' made a face as the burn hit her, but took a big drink to settle her nerves.

"After seeing what you did afterwards I wish I wasn't needed at home right now." she managed to smirk under her tense eyes, "Wouldn't of expected those were a doctor's hands feeling me up earlier."

"Ha! I wish, chica. You barely gave up any play." I laughed as I finished my drink and poured the next one.

"There are enough girls working here to take that up if you really wanted it." she scoffed and her expression eased, "Hell, they'll probably hang portraits of you up in the locker room walls of wherever they end up while this place is getting repaired. Right under the words, 'Free Hand Jobs for Life.'"

"Damn, hoped I'd made it to blowies with all that effort." I grinned and knocked back my next glass.

"Should have let a couple of the guys die then." 'Destiny' huffed thinking about them.

"World could always use a few less creeps and assholes. Hard to tell in the moment though." I shrugged, "If you're good to go home, I'll stick around. Walk you out to your car. Take your time, Tygs might show up with more guys for round three. Maybe get the blood pumping this time."

She retreated into the back of the building and I had a good buzz on by the time she came back dressed in normal clothes as opposed to the standard ho outfits her coworkers sport when dancing naked.

'Destiny' grabbed onto my arm when she saw the handfuls of my gang chooms hanging out in the parking lot with Juanie and Pedro directing the show. That hand gripped harder when she saw the state of her little yellow Galena 240.

"Fuckfuckfuck." she whispered in pain at the sight of her bullet riddled ride.

I put a hand on her lower back and directed her to my truck, which survived the shootout beautifully after I armored it up to never let another incident like the sideswiping happen to my baby ever again. Bulletproof paneling, high strength runflat tires, CrystalDome windows, and a cannon on top. My Mackinaw was a proper tank now.

"Is that a cannon?" 'Destiny' gawked at the implement of destruction and I grinned widely.

Bitches love cannons.

If the cannon didn't have her soggy, then the sound of the beast of an engine running sure did. My Twin Turbo V10 has been known to provide sudden sexual satisfaction to beautiful women within fifty yards, let alone when parking there fine asses in my heated seats.

The truck worked its magic on the ride to Megabuilding 04, but the rampant hobo infestation plaguing this part of Santo Domingo sure could kill the mood fast. Fortunately she was still running hot enough to invite me up for a night cap.

After checking her kid in his bedroom in their small apartment, she fixed us a pair of Hot Toddys to melt off the last of the October chill clinging to us. She took hers seated on my lap and after sipping the drinks with a hand rubbing her hip for a while it devolved into a pretty desperate make out session that moved to her bedroom quickly.

She fell back onto her full sized mattress and I knew already that the poor thing wouldn't hold out under me. I undressed as she pulled her pants and panties down in one motion, then I lifted her off the bed and grabbed her round ass cheeks while she hooked her legs around my hips and slid down my cock.

"Damn." She gasped as she settled around my shaft.

We started working, and for whatever reason I was fucking into it. Hard. I'd had plenty of milf pussy, but for whatever reason this girl had me astounded. It was like she hacked into my brain's INI file and turned Breeding Fetish to True. I wanted to see her swollen with my baby and I want it yesterday. We went at it less intensely that V and I do during a warm up or cool down round, but when she finished I came so hard I felt like I shot a testicle up into her.

Those signs from God were right and this nut is my reward for following them. Praise God.


In proper Cyberpunk fashion, the title of this chapter was a line from the song, Gloria. I considered just using the song title, but then people would just think the chapter was titled after her name. Plus they are up at like 4:30 in the morning fucking after a high stress situation. For her at least.

I forgot to mention in the last chapter that I created and updated an Auxiliary chapter that now has all of Juan's Perks explained on them as well as all his Cyberware. I think I got it all and fucking hell was it extensive.

And no, Gloria isn't pregnant. Juan's oldest was his six year old in 2076, so we gotta wait a while longer.

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