
25. Eliza & The Twins


Lena’s heart pounded as the ‘Welcome to Midvale’ sign came into view.


“We're home!” Kara announced happily.


“Yay!” Jamie cheered, clapping her hands.


Lena wanted this.  She was excited for this.  Why was she so nervous all of a sudden?  She'd met Eliza before. The woman was incredibly kind and smart as a whip.  Honestly, Lena adored her. Now, however, with her new status as Kara's, Alex's and Maggie's girlfriend, she was terrified.  She'd heard how the eldest Danvers had reacted to their relationship with Maggie, and she didn't want that same reaction to be directed at her.  Not that Eliza was ever unkind to the detective, but just the thought of being rejected by Alex and Kara’s mother worried her deeply.


The reporter took her hand and rubbed her thumb soothingly across her knuckles. and she remembered that the Kryptonian had confessed to knowing her loved-one's moods, just by her sense of smell.  She must have smelled Lena’s nervousness. “It's OK, honey. I'll talk to Eliza first thing. Everything will be OK.


“What's wrong?” Jamie wanted to know.  “Talk to Grandma about what?”


Lena and Kara looked at each other before answering.  “Well,” Kara began, “Your grandma isn't exactly happy that your mom and I have decided to date other people.  She thinks it's setting a bad example for you girls.”


“How is it setting a bad example?” Jamie frowned in confusion.


“Well, for one thing, she thinks it will cause you to want to have more than one partner when you start dating, and it would be setting you up for failure.”


Jamie turned her nose up.  “I don’t want even one partner, let alone more than that.”


“Yeah, well, you say that now, but who knows how you’ll feel when you get older,” Kara told her.


“The same, I’m sure,” the preteen scoffed.


“We’ll see, I guess.”


When they pulled into the long, elliptical drive, the blue Porsche 911 was already parked in front of the house, and the others came out from inside to meet them.


“We didn’t know how you’d feel about us touching your stuff, so we just didn’t mess with anything,” Maggie told Lena.  “But if you want help, say the word.”


Lena smirked.  “Far be it from me to deny you your chivalry, my darling,” she schmoozed with a kiss.


“Oh, ho, ho,” Maggie chuckled.  “I see what you did there. I like it.”  She popped the trunk on the Porsche and revealed it’s contents.  


“Oooo!” the twins both said in unison when they saw the presents.  They were as big-eyed as could be.


“Lena, you got us presents?” Jessie jumped up and down on the balls of her feet.


She chuckled.  “Of course I did.  What kind of person would I be, if I didn’t get presents for my two favorite girls?  Hmm?” The adoring looks she was receiving almost made her tear up.


“Thank you, Lena,” they each told her, without even knowing what the gifts were.  


Goodness, could these two get any better?  “You’re welcome, sweet girls.” She received their hugs with relish.  There was no better love than these two snuggly kiddos, that was for sure.


“Can we open them?” Jessie asked excitedly.


“On Christmas morning,” Lena answered brightly.


“Aww!” Jessie mourned playfully.  Then, “You want us to carry your stuff for you?”


“Why, thank you, but don’t you have belongings of your own that need carrying?”


“I can do both, I’m strong!”


Lena chuckled.  “Well, alright, then.  Do whatever you like. Except, don’t open anything.”


“OK!”  The younger twin grabbed the biggest suitcase out of the trunk of the Porsche and started hauling it upstairs right away.  She didn’t even grunt or give any indication that she might be struggling with the case that Lena herself thought was fairly heavy.


“Little showoff,” Alex chuckled.


Lena and the rest of the group started grabbing things and taking them upstairs to the bedrooms.  The kids would be sleeping in their old room that was basically still their room when they stayed at Eliza’s.  Lena loved the cute little teddy bear theme. The adults would be staying in the guest room/Alex and Kara’s old room.  They had brought an extra queen-sized air mattress in order to accommodate the four of them. The question still remained as to which couple would be in which bed, or at least, no one had told her yet.  Perhaps she should settle the matter. “Who will be sleeping where?”


“Do you have a preference?” Alex asked her.


Lena bit her lip.


“Kara,” Maggie and Alex said in unison, smirking at one another.  The CEO and the Kryptonian both blushed.


“OK,” Alex told her, “You and Kara can take the air mattress, and Maggie and I will take the bed.  “I’m warning you, though, Kara sleep floats, and she steals the covers.”


Lena chuckled.  “Noted.”


They shuffled around one another to put their belongings in order, and when they were done, they headed downstairs to the living room where the twins curled around Kara like little koalas.


“Where’s Grandma?” Jamie wanted to know.  “You said she’d be waiting for us.”


“Better us waiting for her, than her waiting for us,” Alex told her.  “She’s taking off work early just to spend time with us. Although, honestly, I did expect her to beat us here.”


“Mama, can we have some cocoa?” Jessie asked.


“That sounds like an acceptable thing to pass the time,” Kara answered.  “Who wants cocoa?”


“I’ll take some,” Lena agreed cheerfully.


“I’m good,” Maggie said.


“Me too,” said Alex.


“Four hot cocoas, coming up!” the reporter announced, and she and the twins headed for the kitchen to make them.


Lena followed closely behind, mostly because she wanted to see more of the house.  So far, the home was bigger and more gorgeous than she’d expected. The garden out front was elaborate by anyone’s standards, and the decor made the space feel roomy and welcoming.  The kitchen was no different. It invited you in to sit down and make yourself at home, so that’s exactly what she did. She sat down at the little breakfast table with Jamie, while Jessie and Kara warmed milk on the stove and measured chocolate into it.  Of course, Jessie made a bit of a mess, but she cleaned up after herself, so Kara kept quiet on the matter.


Lena was glad to see that the reporter didn’t nag her daughter for being a little messy.  She was just a kid, after all. So far, she really liked Kara and Alex’s parenting style. They never yelled at their kids, and definitely never berated them.  Even when the girls were being stubborn and not going to bed at bedtime, the Danvers never really raised their voices much. She definitely appreciated that. She’d seen some of her peers berate their children, or like Lillian had done to her, simply say things to make them feel small and insignificant.  Alex and Kara just took away privileges like screen time and social activities. Those things alone seemed to be pretty big motivators for the kids’ obedience. Of course, Lena had only been around for a short time, and she’d never really seen the girls act out in a big way, so maybe she was mistaken, but verbal abuse just didn’t seem to be a part of the Danvers way of life.  They were such a pleasant family. She was so thankful to be a part of it now.


When the cocoa was done, Kara poured them all mugs, and as if the smell had magically enticed her, Eliza walked through the garage connector door.  


“There’s my girls!”


“Grandma!” the twins leapt from their seats and squeezed her.  “Grandma! Grandma! Grandma!” they bounced around the eldest Danvers like little jumping beans.


“You want some cocoa?” Jessie offered.


“Sure baby,” Eliza obliged.


The Kryptonian poured her a mug, and she hugged Kara and Lena before they all went into the living room where Alex and Maggie were cuddled up watching some random action flick on TV.


“Hi, girls!”


“Hi, Mom!” Alex turned off the TV and got up and hugged her mother.  “How are you?”


“Good, thanks,” she kissed her daughter on the cheek.  “Hello, Maggie,” she hugged the detective.


“Hi, Eliza,” Maggie squeezed her cheerfully.


“How are you, dear?”


“Good, thanks.”


“Did you all have a good trip?” she looked at Lena when she asked this.


The CEO nodded.  “Yes, I had a blast.  Your girls are very fun to spend time with.”


“Well, I’m glad you think so,” Dr. Danvers smiled at her.  “I see you brought your own car? It’s very pretty. I bet it’s fun to drive.”


“Thank you.  Maggie and Alex certainly have enjoyed driving it.  I know I do. You’re welcome to have a turn while we’re here.”


Eliza’s eyes sparkled.  “You wouldn’t mind?”


“Not at all.  I have full-coverage insurance, and the car has practically every airbag imaginable.  You’re perfectly safe.”


“I’ll take you up on that,” Eliza told her with a grin.


Lena hoped the woman still smiled at her like that after Kara told her about their relationship.


“Mama said we could go get ice cream when you got home!” Jessie announced.


“She did, did she?” Dr. Danvers put her hands on her hips.


“You sneaky little things, getting cocoa, knowing we were supposed to get ice cream!” Alex accused.


“Oops!” Jessie looked down at the mug in her hands.  “I forgot until just now,” she claimed.


“Yeah, right,” Alex scoffed.  “If you start spazzing out after having cocoa and ice cream, there will be consequences.  We'll start taking away presents.”


“What presents?  You guys haven't put any out yet!” Jessie complained.


“Well, we don't want you getting tempted.”


“We haven't done that in years!”


“Because we've hidden them away for years!” Alex argued.  


“Maybe we should have lunch first?” Eliza suggested, changing the subject.  “I’m hungry. Shall we stay here and make something, or go out?”


“I wanna stay here!” Jamie told her.  “Your cooking is better than any restaurant!”


“Yeah!” Jessie agreed.


“Oh, really?” Lena asked.


The twins nodded emphatically.


“Yep!” Alex stated proudly.  “My mom’s the best cook you’ll ever meet.”


“Oh!  Well then, I’m honored!” Lena told her.  “What can I do to help?”


“Today, you’re still a guest,” Eliza answered.  “You just sit back and relax. You can be family and help do things tomorrow.”


“Oh, that's not necessary,” Lena told her.


“I insist,” said Dr. Danvers, with a raised eyebrow.


Lena chuckled.  “Well, alright.”


“Same goes for Maggie.  In fact, why don’t you kids take Maggie and Lena for a walk around the property while your moms and I make lunch?”


Jessie gasped excitedly.  “Yeah!” She chugged her cocoa and put it in the kitchen sink, then ran upstairs to grab her and her sister’s jackets.


“If you ladies don’t have your own coats, you can use one of Alex’s or Kara’s hanging in the front hallway,” Eliza informed them.


“I should be good in this,” Maggie indicated her usual black leather jacket with the quilted pattern on the shoulders.  “I’ve got a sweater on underneath.”


“Are you sure?  It gets pretty windy out there.  At least grab a scarf on the way out.”


“Sure thing, boss,” Maggie agreed easily with a two-fingered salute.


Lena took a second to remember what she’d brought with her.  A couple of sweaters and light dress jackets, but nothing heavier than the high-quality Yale hoodie she was already wearing.  “I think I might need a jacket. I don’t think what I brought will be heavy enough in the wind.”


Kara grabbed one of Alex’s leather jackets from the front hallway and put in on her.  It was a little big, but that was useful to fit over her sweatshirt. “There. Perfect.”  


Lena only just remembered not to kiss Kara in thanks.  She cleared her throat, “Thank you.”


Kara looked like a predator, ready to pounce.  She must have a thing for girls in leather jackets.


“Come on,” Jessie pulled on Maggie’s arm, “We’ll show you our treehouse!”


“Oh, cool,” the detective commented.


“Who built this treehouse?” Lena asked worriedly.


“Our Grandpa Dan,” the girls answered, as if she were just supposed to know who that was.


“Who’s that?” Maggie asked helpfully.


“He’s our grandpa.  Grandma Maureen and Grandpa Dan?  Grandma Maureen is Grandma’s best friend.”


“Oooooh, OK.”  Clearly Maggie had been as confused about this as she was, so she didn’t feel so bad.


“Come on!” The girls pulled them out the door and into the yard.  “We have binoculars and everything! Sometimes you can see the boats in the water!”


Eliza smiled after her granddaughters as they lead Maggie and Lena away from the house.  They were so cute with those two. Her grandkids really were the sweetest kids she'd ever met.  They loved everybody, even if it was someone their parents shouldn't be dating, or someone their parents were ill advised to be friends with.  They didn't care, as long as they were loved in return. And these women appeared to love her grandbabies quite a lot. Or at least they put up a good front.  She really hoped it wasn’t a front, though, for the girls’ sake. She’d met her share of fake people in her life, and these two didn’t even register on the scale, so she was hoping for the best.


She turned back to Alex and Kara, “OK, let’s get started on lunch, and you can tell me what is it you wanted to talk to me about.”


Kara looked startled.  “How did you know we wanted to talk to you about something?”


“Alex texted me.  Something about the girls?”


“Oh, that,” Kara sighed with relief and followed her wife and mother-in-law into the kitchen.


“Was there something else?” Eliza was curious now.


“Um…” Kara paused.  “Y-yes, there is something else, actually.”


“Yeah, but you didn’t need to send the girls away for us to talk.  It’s not one of those kinds of talks.”


“Ah.  Well, talk to me anyway.”  She started taking chicken and vegetables out of the fridge.


“OK, well, where do we start?” Kara asked thoughtfully.


Alex had no such questions.  “We told the girls about being half-Kryptonian today.”


Eliza raised her eyebrows.  “And? How’d they take it?”


“Good?  But Jessie is very upset that she doesn’t get to have powers.”


“Oh, good Lord,” Dr. Danvers rolled her eyes.  “Can you imagine Jessie with powers? She’d be all over the place, and we’d never be able to catch her again.”


“Nah, she’d still come back for cuddles,” Alex pointed out.


Eliza chuckled.  “Right. She’d come cuddle us to death.”


They all laughed.


“How’d they take the Alpha part?  They didn’t freak out about that?”


Alex shook her head.


Kara scrunched her brows together.  “No, actually, they didn’t say anything about it.  Now I’m wondering if they even got that part. They kind of got stuck on the fact that they were really my kids, and we had a big emotional moment, and then the next thing we knew, Jessie was asking about powers.  We might have to talk to them again, just to make sure. Shoot! I knew we got out of that too easy!” She pouted at her wife.


“Sorry, Angel,” Alex rubbed her back soothingly.  “We’ll get through this. We can get through anything.”


“I guess so.  I'm just so nervous they're going to hate me for giving them my weird alien genes.”


Dr. Danvers put down the celery and knife she was holding and grabbed ahold of Kara.  The Kryptonian was always so self conscious about being different, and being rejected by her own kids would be anyone's worst nightmare, especially hers.  “Kara, honey, your kids could never hate you. They're too kind and loving, and you know why? Because you guys have loved them so well, they don't know how to hate.  It's not in them. You're a good parent. They might be upset at first, but they'll come around. I'm certain of it.”


“Thanks, Eliza,” Kara sniffled, looking gratefully back at her with those big doe eyes.  It was never any wonder why Alex fell for this little “angel,” as Alex called her. Anyone could get lost in that look of innocence her eyes retain, no matter what she goes through and how much she endures.  She couldn’t help but feel her daughter-in-law’s pain with that look, and she welcomed the hug she received from the younger blonde.


“You’re welcome, dear,” she said, going back to chopping veggies.  “Now, what else was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”


The Kryptonian went back to looking scared.  “Um… Well… Alex and I have some news.” She took her wife’s hand for reassurance.


“Are you pregnant again?” Eliza asked interestedly.


“No!  Why does everyone keep asking that?” Alex huffed.


“Well, I guess it was just the way Kara said that, combined with what I found out at Thanksgiving that you guys were talking about having a baby, and Jessie was so excited about it.  I thought maybe you changed your mind.”


“No,” her daughter assured her.  “We are definitely not having a baby.  Maggie doesn’t want one at all, and we just brought Lena into the relationship.  No one wants any babies.”


"What?!"  Eliza slammed her cutting knife down on the counter.  She hadn’t thought anything of it when Kara mentioned wanting to bring Lena with them for Christmas.  Now, of course, she realized how stupid she had been. “Oh, my God. You brought Lena into your relationship?!  Are you kidding me with this nonsense? How the hell do you keep on finding women to agree to this kind of thing?  What am I supposed to tell my grandchildren?”


“The kids gave us permission before we even thought about bringing it up!” Kara answered, verging on whining.  “They know it’s unusual, and they know they probably won’t be able to do the same thing, but they still told us it was OK.  Lena and Maggie aren’t just some random girls that we liked that we thought we’d date because we were bored. They are very, very special women that we completely adore, and it burns in our hearts to be with them.  Alex and I would never break up, not in a million, billion years, so this is the only way. I don’t know how we got them to agree to it, but I’m not giving them up for anything. Not a single one of them. I can’t.”


Dr. Danvers grit her teeth and tried to take deep breaths.  Kara was nearly considered an adult on Krypton before she came to earth to be considered a child again.  She understood that some things were so ingrained into the girl by the age of 13 that they were just irrepressible.  She didn’t know this one was one of them until it was too late. Now she didn’t know what to do to convince her daughters that this was unacceptable behavior.


“Mom, I know what you want to say, so you can just save it,” Alex told her, not unkindly.  “We are so in love with these women. We love them almost as much as we love each other. Given time, it might be just as much.  There’s no going back. Those kids fell in love with Lena the second they laid eyes on her. They were the first ones all-in. As soon as we realized that Lena was even better than what she claimed to be, we couldn’t help but start falling for her too, head first.  I mean, I know maybe we should have waited a little longer-”


Eliza scoffed at the ridiculousness of that statement.


“But when the universe throws you that one perfect moment, you gotta take it!  And we had that moment last weekend, and so we asked Lena if she would be interested in being a part of our relationship, and she said yes.  She said she’d been hoping we’d ask. There was no hesitation in her whatsoever.”


Dr. Danvers was starting to get a familiar pain in her eye that she always got when her daughters infuriated her.  “Listen. Maybe the kids could come live with me until you guys get this craziness out of your systems. They shouldn’t be around this kind of behavior.  It’s not good for them. Besides, you’re always saying how Midvale schools are better than National City. They could come back and-”


“Mom, no, no, no!  That’s ridiculous. We are not crazy, and we are not getting anything out of our systems.  The girls are fine in National City. They love Maggie and Lena just as much as we do. Taking them away would just hurt everyone.  This is how things are with us now. You can take it, or leave it.”


Eliza’s heart hurt.  She just knew that her daughters were setting their children up for failure and heartbreak later on in life.  The problem was, there was nothing, short of forcefully taking the twins, that she could do to protect them, and that just seemed much too extreme a measure to take against her own kids.  They weren't trying to be malicious, after all. They were just… misguided. She really needed to talk to the twins herself. Maybe she could help steer them clear of their parents’ misbehavior.  For now, she would try and compartmentalize and calm down. She didn’t want the kids or her guests to come back in and start worrying because she was upset about something. She chopped and mixed silently, while they finished making lunch.  Her daughters had cooked with her enough that she didn’t really need to tell them what to do anymore, which saved her the irritation of speaking to them until lunch was ready.


She tried to console herself with the fact that, despite the unwanted situation they were in with her daughters, Maggie and Lena really were delightful people, and she couldn’t say she didn’t see what her daughters saw in them.  It was loud and clear that these were exceptional women with strong characters and good hearts. Why they would agree to be in a polyamorous relationship was beyond Eliza’s reasoning, but here they were. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her.  “What about your um… Secret parts?” she asked Kara.


The Kryptonian nodded.  “They know about everything.  They both figured out I was Supergirl before I even thought about telling them.  After that, the other secret was a bit easier to reveal.”


Eliza felt a bit faint, so she sat down in the nearest chair.  “Kara, exactly how many people know you’re Supergirl now? This is far, far too many!”


Kara didn’t look regretful at all as she said, “It’s fine!  Everyone who knows is completely trustworthy! I promise you!”


Dr. Danvers sighed heavily.  “You girls are going to be the death of me.”


Kara pouted.


Alex rolled her eyes.  “Come on, don’t be so dramatic.”


Eliza glared at her daughter.  “You don’t know dramatic.” She got up and opened the back door.  “Girls!” she called. “Lunch is ready!”


She heard a, “Woo-hoo!” from somewhere in the direction of the treehouse, but she couldn't tell who it came from.  Probably Jessie.


The kids ran ahead of Maggie and Lena, who were strolling casually back towards the house, holding hands and swinging them back and forth as they walked.  It was a disgustingly adorable sight, and Eliza resented having to admit it. At least she didn’t have to admit it out loud.


The twins ran into her arms, and she took comfort in their embrace, kissing their sweet little cherub faces.  There was always something so soothing about holding her grandbabies. Ever since they were born, they’d possessed the power to enchant her heart and make all her troubles melt away.  It had broken her heart when they all moved to National City, but she knew her girls had to make a way for themselves in the world. They couldn’t stay with her forever, even if she wanted them to.  She couldn’t be selfish and keep them home, just to make herself feel better. Baby birds had to learn to fly on their own. And for one of her kids, that meant literally!


“How would you girls like to go ice skating with Grandma after lunch?  Just the three of us?”


“Yeah!” the kids cheered quite loudly, jumping up and down and hugging her some more.


“Oh, nice!” Maggie commented.  “A Grandma outing! That sounds like fun!”


“Yes!” Jessie and Jamie both agreed.


“Who’s hungry?” Kara singsonged.


“Me!” the kids answered.  “What did you make?”


“We made a chicken salad and a cucumber salad.”




“Can we have chips?”


Alex handed them some plates and napkins.  “If you go set the dining room table.”


No arguments were made, and soon everyone was sitting down to eat.


“Wow, this is amazing,” Lena told Eliza.  “I’m very impressed. In fact, I’ve been impressed since I got here.  Your home, your garden, your cooking, everything is just wonderful.”


Dr. Danvers wanted to be mad at her, but the woman was just too sweet and kind.  “Thank you, Lena. I appreciate that. But a woman of your wealth and parentage has probably seen much better than my little household.”


Lena smirked.  “You’d be surprised.  Money doesn’t always buy taste, nor does a more expensive home provide more warmth.  Your home is so… not just beautiful, but welcoming. It feels like a nice little safe haven especially they way it’s perched over the water.  I can imagine it would have been quite nice to grow up here.”


The Danvers girls all nodded in agreement.


“Yeah, and you should see Alex and the twins surfing.  It’s a beautiful sight,” Kara shared.


“Yeah, but we have to wait for summer for that,” Jamie pointed out.  She gasped as she had a thought, “Are we all going to come here for a summer vacation too?”


“I would love that,” Lena told her.


“I’d have to make sure I got the days off ahead of time,” the detective said, “But yeah, sounds good to me.”


Eliza wondered if it was wise to be making plans so far ahead in the future, but she kept her mouth shut on the issue.  She didn’t want to start any unnecessary arguments.


“I wouldn’t mind learning how to surf,” Maggie added.  “You wanna teach me?” she asked Alex.


“Sure thing,” the redhead agreed easily.  “I bet you’d look sexy on a surfboard.”


The eldest Danvers rolled her eyes and cleared her throat.


“Sorry,” Alex told her.


Eliza spent the rest of lunchtime asking Maggie and Lena a million getting-to-know-you questions.  There were still a lot of things she didn't know, and she needed to ask about them. When lunch was over, she rounded up the kids to head to the skating rink, leaving her daughters and their girlfriends to clean up.  “Lena, can we take the Porsche?”




“I don't want to ride in that deathtrap!” Jamie complained.


“It's perfectly safe,” Lena assured her.  “Check the features online, if you like.”


Jamie took out her phone and did just that.  “There's no crash rating,” she complained.


“What do you know about crash ratings?” Alex demanded.


“I thought all cars had them.”


“Just go!  You'll be fine!”


The elder twin still looked quite fearful.


“Come on!” Jessie insisted.  “Don’t be a chicken! It’s just a car!”


“I just want to ride in Grandma’s car,” Jamie argued.


Eliza couldn’t fathom how a kid would choose to ride in a boring old Toyota Prius rather than a beautiful brand-spanking-new Porsche, but that was Jamie for you.  Always the over-cautious one. It sometimes seemed as though she got all the reservedness, leaving none for her wild little twin sister. “Alright, well, whatever we’re going to do, let’s get to it!”


The twins practically skipped out the door, kissing everyone on their way out.  “Bye, love you!” they called as they left.


Eliza drove them to the skating rink in her own car, foregoing the Porsche until she could drive it around later on her own.  She had a plan. First, she would let the kids play and have a good time. Then she would take them out for ice cream, like they wanted.  Then she would ask them about Maggie and Lena, and about the possibility of becoming Alphas.  She knew she couldn’t pressure them, or they wouldn’t open up to her as well.  She’d have to be very casual about it, just so they knew they weren’t in trouble or under interrogation.  They were sensitive little souls, and they shut down under emotional pressure.


When they got to the rink, they rented skates, and the girls were a size bigger than last year.  It made Eliza a bit sad. Her little girls were growing up so big. They were already a size 8, which really was not so little anymore, but they would always be her little girls, no matter what happened or how much time passed.


The rink was rather crowded, but they didn't mind.  They held onto one another as they skated, laughing and giggling and having a great time.  It let Eliza forget about her concerns for a little while and just enjoy being with her grandkids.  They were so cute!


After about an hour, Eliza started to get tired, so she sat down and had some coffee, and let the girls skate out the rest of their energy.  By the end of the second hour, the twins decided they were ready be done, so they turned in their skates and headed out.


“It always feels so weird to walk normally after skating for so long,” Jessie commented.


Eliza chuckled.  “I know what you mean.  Now, shall we go get ice cream, or are you too cold?”


“Ice cream!” the twins cheered.


“That's what I thought,” she laughed.  “Antonio's? Or Coldstone?”


“Antonio's!”  The twins answered.


“Garbage cans!” Jessie clapped her hands.


“Ugh!” Eliza teased.


“Yes!” Jamie bounced up and down.


“Your moms are gonna kill me.”  A garbage can was a literal miniature plastic garbage can with chocolate ice cream, filed with all sorts of things from brownie bites, to cookie dough, to gummy worms.  They were huge, and covered in sprinkles and syrup, and of course, the kids adored them. Eliza only let the girls order them on special occasions, and this was as special an occasion as any, so she made no arguments.


When they got in the car, she figured she’d go ahead and start the conversation.  “So, what do you two think about Maggie and Lena? Hmm?” She tried to make her tone neutral, so they’d answer her honestly.


“They’re the best!” Jessie answered excitedly.  “We love them sooooooo much!”


Jamie nodded her head emphatically in agreement.


“Tell me what you love about them,” she prodded.


“Don’t you love them, Grandma?” Jessie sounded worried.


“Of course I do, but I want to know what you love about them.  You’re the ones that get to spend time with them. I’ve only met them a few times.  Help me out here.”


The kids relaxed and started regaling her of all the tales of the heroics of Maggie Sawyer and Lena Luthor.  Which sounded like a novel Eliza would quite enjoy reading, actually. They pulled up to the ice cream parlor and ordered their ice cream, while the girls continued to sing the praises of their mothers’ girlfriends.  It seemed there was no end to the wonders of those two women in her grandkids’ eyes.


“So you’re OK with your moms dating them?”


The twins rolled their eyes.  “Yes, as long as they keep it a secret and don’t go causing problems, we’re fine with it.   Mama is an alien, and she doesn’t seem to understand how earth relationships work, so we’ll just let her have this one.  She deserves to be loved. She does so much good for the world. We owe it to her to let her be happy. We might mind, if Lena and Maggie weren’t so awesome, but we don’t want to give them up either.  We really, really love them.”


“You understand that it’s not normal, though, right?  I mean, when you girls grow up, you will be hard pressed to find other people who want to be in a polyamorous relationship.  You can’t go around expecting to be able to do what they do. It just isn’t likely that it will work. I’m not sure how it worked out for your moms, but most people in our society hold monogamous relationships in the highest regard, and straying from that norm would be very hard.”


“You don’t have to worry about that, Grandma,” Jamie assured her.  “I don’t think I’ll ever be dating.”


Eliza wanted to scoff at that, but she held it back.  “Well, you’re too young to know for sure, so for future reference, try to stick to monogamy, OK?”


“OK,” Jamie chuckled, shaking her head.


“And always use a condom,” she added.


“Grandma!  Gross!” Jamie exclaimed.


“I’m serious!  I don’t want to be a great-grandmother until after you both finish grad school.”


“Grad school?  I’m going to be a cop, like Maggie!” Jessie announced.  “Maybe even a detective, one day!”


“What?” Dr. Danvers huffed.  “Don’t do that! That’s too dangerous!”


“I’m not afraid!”


“Yes, I know.”  Eliza shook her head in dismay.


“I’m not going to grad school either.  I’m going to be a dancer,” Jamie proclaimed.


“Oh, really?  When did you decide this?”


“Ever since everyone told us we were the best dancers at the Christmas recital.  Dancing is the most fun thing in the whole world, and there would be nothing better than to be a professional dancer, and get paid to dance.  That would definitely be a dream job. I'd do it now, if Mom would let me, which she won't.”


Eliza nodded.  “OK. That I can live with, I suppose.  Less chance of you getting shot by a criminal, that’s for sure.


Jessie rolled her eyes.  “They have vests for that, you know.”


“They don’t cover your whole body, you know,” Jamie remarked.


“They cover the important parts.”


“Not the face.”


“They have helmets for that.”


“They don’t wear them all the time.”


“They wear them when they need them!”


“Girls, that’s enough,” Eliza told them sternly.  “Let’s talk about something else, shall we? Your moms told me that you found out some new things about yourselves today.”


“Yeah, Mama’s really our real mom!” Jessie exclaimed.  “How cool is that? But I don’t think I really understand how it all works.  She’s our mom, but she’s our dad? How?”


“They didn’t tell you?” Eliza asked, concerned.


“Yeah,” Jamie spoke up.  “They said Aelfuzz- ”


“Alphas,” Eliza corrected.


“Alphas,” she tried again.  




“They said Alphas have…” she whispered the word, “penises,” then continued on at normal volume, “But I’ve seen Mama in a bathing suit and stuff, and she doesn’t have one of those.”


Eliza sighed.  She should really make Kara do this explaining, but she’d wanted to have this talk with the kids, so she would go through with it, and she would answer all their questions to the best of her ability.  “She does. From what I’ve been told, it stays on the inside most of the time, until it needs to be used.”


The girls were quiet for a moment, then Jessie spoke up.  “It must be really small, then.”


Dr. Danvers wanted to renege on the whole conversation at that comment.  She sighed again before answering, “Quite the opposite, from what I understand.”


“This is all so confusing,” Jamie shook her head in dismay.  “Women that can make babies, and men that can have babies?  It’s like a bad sci-fi story!”


Oh, boy.  “Sweetie, I know it’s a lot to take in, but please be careful in saying things like that.  Your Mama is very sensitive about it.  She knows it’s just one more thing that makes her different, and she gets self-conscious and feels like a freak.  If you love her, you won’t make her feel bad about it.”


“I’m sorry,” Jamie pouted.  “I didn’t mean to be mean to Mama.”


“It’s OK,” Eliza assured her.  “Mama isn’t here to hear you.  Just watch what you say around her.  OK?”




“I’m interested to know how you feel about having the potential to be like her one day.”


“Yeah!” Jessie cheered.  “I want to have powers just like Mama!  When can we start our tests?”


Dr. Danvers shook her head.  “No, sweetie, that’s not what I meant.  I meant how do you feel about maybe becoming Alphas someday yourselves?”


The girls little brows scrunched up in confusion as they processed.  


“You mean, we might have…”  Jamie didn’t seem to want to finish her sentence.


“Wait…” Jessie mumbled.  “What?”


“No, no, no,” Jamie started hyperventilating.  “No, no, no, no.” She started rocking in her seat.


“Grandma?” Jessie’s voice sounded so small.  “I don’t want my ice cream anymore. I just want to go home.”  There were now tears streaming down both the girls’ faces.


Jamie had quieted down, but now she was just holding her head in her hands and rocking back and forth.


Fuck.  She’d broke her grandkids.  Ice cream left unfinished, she managed to corral them back into the car to go back home.  When they got back to her house, the kids ran inside and upstairs to their room, slamming and locking the door behind them.


“What the hell?” Alex demanded.


Eliza gave her a sheepish look.  “I asked them how they felt about possibly becoming Alphas some day, and they just freaked out.”


“Oh no!  What should we do?” Kara worried.


“Ah, give ‘em some space for a minute,” Maggie told her.  “They should have got this earlier. They need to process.”


“I agree,” said Alex.  “We’ll go talk to them in a little while.”


The Kryptonian didn’t appear to like that idea.  “I don’t like it when they cry. It hurts my heart.  I just want to hold my babies.”


“I know, sweetie, but right now, we’re locked out, and we don’t need you to go breaking down the door.  They’ll come out when they’re ready to come out. Until then, just sit down and try to relax.” Eliza knew that was easier said than done, but she needed Kara to at least try.


The twins stayed in their room for the rest of the night, only coming out once each to sneak into the bathroom, take their showers, and run back to the bedroom, much to everyone’s dismay.  Kara tried knocking on the door a few times throughout the evening, but they wouldn’t answer. She kept using her x-ray vision to check on them, but she said they weren’t really doing anything but drawing, and she couldn’t see what, from the angle.  By ten o’clock, the twins had put themselves to bed, so the adults really had no choice but to do the same.


“They didn’t come down to eat, or say goodnight, or anything,” Kara mourned.  She was always the one most affected by her children’s distress. And it didn’t help that she was probably feeling as self-conscious as could be.


Eliza felt bad for her daughter-in-law. “Then they’ll wake up at three in the morning and clean out the fridge,” she assured.  “It’s what they do. You know that. They won’t starve. Let them sleep on it. That always helps a situation.”


Kara pouted, but agreed to go to bed, so they all said their goodnights and headed to their respective rooms.


Kara couldn’t sleep.  She was worried about her kids, and an attempt at distraction by Lena only got her riled up to the point of frustration.  Now, her heart and her cock were both aching. She gently extricated herself from a sleeping Lena’s arms and headed downstairs and sat on the couch.  She looked at the clock. 1:03am. How was she going to get any rest with her mind going at a million miles a minute? She took some deep breaths and let them out slowly, trying to find some peace.  Usually, when she felt like this, she could make love with Alex, and it would help take the edge off, but she couldn’t do that today. It was that time of the month for both Alex and Maggie, and Lena wasn’t ready to have sex yet.  If the shower wasn’t right next to the twins’ room, she would just say forget it, and take her wife in there anyway, but the way things were, they would just disturb the girls more.


She headed to the kitchen to find some snacks.  Eliza had bought a bunch of different cereals for the kids and put them on top of the refrigerator, so Kara grabbed a box of Cocoa Pebbles and the milk out of the fridge and sat down at the breakfast table to eat.  About forty minutes later, Kara had almost finished the box, when her children entered the room. She had been so absorbed in her thoughts, she hadn’t even heard them get up and come downstairs. She froze like a deer in the headlights.


The girls just stared sleepily at her.


“Hi,” she said stupidly.  “Um, I’m sorry. I’ll just get out of your way.  I know you’re probably really hungry. I’ll go.”


Jessie stepped in front of her.  “Don’t go,” she whispered. “You’re the only one who understands.”


“Understands what, baby?”


“You know.”


“You mean about Alphas?"


Her daughters nodded.


“I’m so sorry,” Kara started crying.  “I didn’t mean to… I mean… We didn’t plan…  You guys weren’t supposed to… I mean… I didn’t mean to pass my genes onto my kids, but we didn’t know we could get pregnant when we…  You know. We were just two kids in love. We didn’t mean to make more kids. I mean, we were happy when we found out, but still, it was an accident.  Really, the best accident anyone could hope for, but that’s my opinion.” She sniffled loudly. “I don’t really know how you guys feel about it.”


The kids hugged her.


“I’m so proud to have you as my mother, but I’m scared of turning into more of a freak than I already am,” Jessie told her.


“You are not a freak!” Kara said angrily.  “You are the two most beautiful things on this planet!”  The kids started crying at that, and she hugged them probably a little too tightly, but neither of them complained.  “We all love you girls so much, and there’s nothing in the world you could do to change that. Don’t you ever forget it.”


“We love you too, Mama,” they sniffled.


“You guys are probably really hungry, huh?” she asked them, stroking their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.


They nodded.  “Yeah.”


“You want Mama to help you?  There’s lots of food left over from dinner for you.  We didn’t forget about you, while you were locked away in your room.”


“Yes, please,” Jamie answered meekly.


Kara helped them get their food out of the fridge and warmed some of it up in the microwave.  When they were all set up, she reminded them, “Don’t forget to clean up after yourselves when you’re done.  Don’t make Grandma clean up after you.”


“OK,” the girls agreed.




“Yes, Jamie?”


“Does it hurt?”


“Does what hurt?”


“When your…  you know… your…” she gestured towards Kara’s waist.  “You know! Does it hurt when it comes out?”


Kara shook her head.  Part of her was mortified, and part of her wanted to laugh.  It was very confusing. “It hurts for a couple of days when you first get it, but not really after that.”


“How old were you when you first got it?”


“Almost seventeen,” she told them.


“Whoa.  That’s a long time from now,” Jessie breathed.  “Do you go pee with it?” she wanted to know. “Or do you pee like a norma-  I mean, like a human girl?”


Kara did grin at that one.  “I pee like a human girl.”


“I think that’s kind of a bummer,” Jessie commented.  “What’s the point, otherwise?”


Kara pressed her lips together.  She didn’t exactly want to answer her first thought, which was, ‘for fun!’  Nor did she really want to suggest to her children that they should be making babies with them.  She settled for, “That’s just how it was on Krypton.”


“I want to learn more about Krypton,” Jamie announced.


“Me too!” Jessie agreed.


“I can teach you all kinds of things,” Kara told them.  “Things you’d never believe in a million years.”




She stayed there with them, telling them stories until they finished their food. When the kids were done eating and cleaning up, she sent them back to bed, but the girls begged her to sing them to sleep, so she sang them “Your Song” and “Moon River,” and they were out like a light.


When she went back to bed herself, Lena smelled so good, Kara wanted nothing more than to fall into her softness and bury herself inside, but she couldn’t.  The CEO stirred when she returned to their bed. “It’s OK, baby, come here,” Kara held her arms out to the brunette, and they settled down together.


“Is everything OK?” Lena whispered.


“Yeah.  I was just talking to the girls,” she whispered back.


“Are they OK now?”


“I think so.”


“That’s good.”  


“We’ll see, at least.”  She was able to finally drift off to sleep this time.

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