

Back in Rogaland, Tyrgvve was offered the best service that he would find in the Kingdom despite his accusation of the attempt on his life.

Tryggve was satisfied with this move because he now had the perfect chance to have one of the Gardsson under him.

He had no plans of executing the younger brother but rather used him as leverage in the future.

A bargaining chip to say the least but the men he was in cahoot with were unaware of this move of his.

"King Trygvve, King Rugalf has requested to see you," A Viking of Rogaland said, they were keeping an eye out for him.

Tryggve's guards tried to escort their King but the Vikings hailing from Rogaland stood in their way.

"He wishes to see you alone," The man reiterated and this had Tryggve questioning just what the King could have wanted.

"I see…" Trygvve responded.

"Enjoy yourselves, men, I will be right back," Tyrgvve responded as his men slowly lowered themselves back to their chairs.

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