

Vestfold was calm, but Ragnar felt more vulnerable than he would like to admit without Skarde: luckily, he had his wife keep him company. 

This was the first time that the people of Vestfold had laid eyes on Lagertha, she was a beauty.

Lagertha was in her prime and she only got prettier as she aged so one wondered if she would ever leave it. 

She sat beside Ragnar, Ragnar knew that this was where she belonged but he knew she could not renounce her loyalty to King Askild so easily. 

It was strange, a Queen that was bound to serve another Kingdom. 

Ragnar knew that Lagerha would be happier here but he also knew she was in Kattegat to protect Bjorn from Askild. 

One would think Askild's influence would have been affected but he had learned a thing or two from Fredrik because it looked like his hold on the world was only strengthening. 

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