
Bjorn's Request

A few hours prior, Bjorn was seen walking around Kattegat with Viggo trailing behind him like a dog. 

Ragnar was here yet Bjorn was dealing with some shady person instead of spending time with his father.

It was a bit strange but he understood Bjorn's obsession with Signy because he thought it would lead him to his brother. 

"I need to see King Askild," Bjorn blurted out, Viggo was surprised that he was actually giving him the time of day as Bjorn was rarely vocal with what was going on in his mind.

"Are you sure that is a wise choice? It is King Askild we are talking about…" Viggo said, Askild's reputation as a cruel King had somewhat changed after he showed "mercy" to Tyr Ragnarsson and forgave the Vikings that revolted against him but Viggo could feel it in his bones that Askild had gotten even more dangerous.

Evil is less evil when it can be perceived but now, Askild had learned to conceal that evil. 

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