
Final Push

The news of Arvid's capture spread throughout Kattegat. No one could believe it, as he had been the trusted right hand of Asger, a highly respected man.

This was good because it served as a stern message to everyone: no transgression would go unpunished. At noon, Arvid was brought out and hung by his feet for all to see, a disgraceful sight

He was insulted and cursed by Vikings and children alike, though none realized he was already dead inside. The offer from the man who had taken his wife's honor echoed in his mind. It was his single ray of hope. Even if it was a trap, it presented a chance to escape, and surely nothing they planned could be worse than what he had already endured.

Sleep eluded him. His eyes remained wide open like a zombie's, a consequence of Askild cutting off his eyelids.

Tyr and Bjorn saw the man, and they were surprised by the state he was in. It was a gruesome sight for kids, but as aspiring warriors such a sight was nothing to them as they had witnessed sacrifices to the gods.

"What do you think he could have done to get such a treatment?" Bjorn asked Tyr but Tyr was confused, he did not understand why he was being tortured but this was because he did not understand his crime, he was fascinated by the torture method, because this way left no possibility for Arvid to sleep.

"That man deserves everything he's getting!" a voice said behind them. Startled, both boys turned to see who had spoken and discovered it was a 15-year-old boy.

Despite his age, he was relatively small compared to Bjorn who was much larger.

"What do you mean?" Tyr asked the stranger but Bjorn stepped in front of his brother.

"Do you have a problem?" The boy asked Bjorn the moment he saw him do this.

"Don't you know it is rude to eavesdrop on someone's conversation?" Bjorn questioned him, squaring up as he was mere inches from his face.

"Maybe do not speak in public then. I know who you are, Bjorn Ragnarsson." The boy's voice was one of contempt, Bjorn noticed his nostrils flare and instantly knew that this boy was looking for trouble, the trouble he would rather avoid. Tyr luckily was there to control the conflict from spinning out of hand. He held Bjorn back and apologized for the behavior of his confrontational brother.

"I apologize on his behalf. I am Tyr Ragnarsson, can you tell me more about that man?" Tyr changed the topic as Bjorn reluctantly stepped out of the way for Tyr to continue his conversation with this boy, who did not bother introducing himself.

"That man is the reason we are going to war with Vestfold! He is the reason that Kattegat has been on high alert." The boy was angry and spat on the floor in the direction of Arvid when he finished talking.

"What do you mean war?" Bjorn chipped in.

"You're Ragnar's sons and don't even know what's happening in Kattegat?" The boy asked with a raised brow, he was both surprised and disappointed by this revelation.

It was all the city was talking about but the lack of interaction Bjorn and Tyr had outside of themselves was minimal at best so the information they do receive is limited.

But they felt betrayed by this news because there was no way both their parents did not know about this, meaning it was kept from them. The killings in Kattegat as well, despite both brothers noticing that their parents were a lot more opposed to them going out at night and the increased number of warriors around Kattegat. They should have picked up on this.

"W-We knew, of course!" Tyr stammered, attempting to save face. But their expressions betrayed them..

The boy did not care much and returned to throwing stones at Arvid, who was to be executed in 3 days but until then, King Askild made sure he would do everything to strip away his pride as a warrior.

Whether or not he would grant him Valhalla was a different thing as King Askild has been shown to grant even past criminals this much. Egil was a first and that was because he was from an enemy's kingdom but with that possibility of sitting firmly at the back of Arvid's head, this was the only reason he thought to consider Erik's offer.

He knew how Askild felt about traitors, he lost his tongue giving his king a heads up on Asger's possible betrayal. He showed King Askild he was loyal to him above Asger, yet Askild did not appreciate this gesture and treated him instead like a criminal.

Arvid cursed them, his lifeless eyes was full of rage as he began to struggle to get loose with the last bit of strength he had. Everyone momentarily stopped what they were doing as he gnawed at the ropes in his mouth and growled like a wild beast.

The kids stepped back and the adults halted their verbal assault, the look in his eyes was one of pure undiluted rage. He looked like a person that was ready to slaughter everyone present and this struck terror into most of them.

Erik, however, appeared right there and then, and their eyes met. Erik at this moment knew that Arvid wanted to live and accepted his offer.

"At that moment, Erik appeared, and their eyes met. Erik recognized the flicker of life in Arvid and knew he wanted to live.

"Cut him down," Erik commanded. The crowd muttered among themselves, but no one dared to object. Erik's reputation ensured their compliance. "Do I need to repeat myself?" Erik asked, towering over the hesitant man he had addressed. Reluctantly, the man obeyed, cutting Arvid down.

The blood rushing to Arvid's head left his eyes bloodshot and his nose bleeding. In his dazed state, Erik displayed an uncharacteristic moment of compassion, a rare glimpse of humanity.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kelvin_Acreators' thoughts
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