
Asger In Danger!? [R18+]

Asger heard of the arrival of Birger and he was not pleased by the news but he had to accept it. He knew he was going to kill him, even if it meant being punished by King Askild.

Asger saw a man walking away hastily. It was strange, considering no one was supposed to be out as the moon illuminated the beautiful city of Kattegat.

Even the warriors standing guard were barely staying awake. However, Asger was alert because he took it upon himself to ensure the guards did not slack off. While Vestfold was not expected to attack Kattegat, the possibility could not be dismissed.

"Hey, you, stop!" Asger called out, but the person only quickened their pace, raising Asger's suspicions even further. He hurried after them, trying to catch up, but it was futile; the person he was chasing was not only faster but also far more nimble than Asger.

Asger lost sight of them quickly, but the swampy ground allowed him to track their footsteps. Unlike Ragnar, Asger was an excellent tracker. He followed the trail, but the footprints stopped at a dead end.

"Where did they go?" Asger thought to himself but someone crept up silently on Asger, intending to separate him from the view of others.


Herfjötur examined the clues. The news of the attempt on Ragnar's life had been shared only with her by King Askild, but she was under the same gag order as Ragnar and thus could not tell anyone.

She tried to decipher what it meant. The inscription was not a symbol but rather a letter.

It was the letter "D," and she pondered deeply over its significance.

Why would someone near death use their last breath to leave such a cryptic message? The letter had been written with the dying person's final strength, but the meaning remained unclear.

Why would anyone want to kill Ragnar Lothbrok? It made no sense.

"Something is not adding up," Herfjötur said, and a man was seated across from her and that man was Skarde.

"What is not?" Skarde questioned her, showing his interest in her thoughts but Herfjötur brushed it off. She could not tell him exactly what happened but she could present fragments of it.

"Say Skarde..." Herfjötur started, and Skarde gave her his full attention.

"If someone tried to kill me, what reason would you think it to be?" Herfjötur asked.

"I would say it is personal. No one would go to the length of murder for any other reason." Skarde responded before getting to his feet and walking up to Herfjötur.

"Personal?" Herfjötur asked as Skarde stopped behind her and began massaging her shoulders.

"Anyone would be jealous of your beauty, Herfjötur," Skarde responded and Herfjötur began to moan softly, she felt the stress gradually leave her body as Skarde massaged her.

"Now is not the time for this, Skarde…" Herfjötur whimpered but Skarde kept massaging her intimately.

"Even a strong woman like yourself must be treated like a lady. You have…desires." Skarde continued as his hands slipped down her shoulder, making their way to her cleavage but she stopped him abruptly.

"What do you think you are doing, Skarde?" Herfjötur asked but she got no response as he stopped immediately and he felt she was opposed to it.

"I am sorry, Herfjötur. I meant no disrespect." Skarde apologized and proceeded to back away immediately but Herfjötur chuckled faintly.

"You are such a gentleman. I only asked what you were doing, I never told you to stop." Herfjötur teased the warrior but things got awkward soon after because he did not know what to respond with and just kept quiet.

"You are not a man of action, Skarde," Herfjötur said, walking to him but Skarde backed away until he was up against a wall.

"I am a woman that has needs…" Herfjötur said, grabbing the crotch of Skarde, who grunted in pain.

"Let me use you Skarde… Let me use you to take care of my needs," Herfjötur whispered into Skarde's ear, Skarde could not resist it because Herfjötur was a muscular woman with masculine features, she had the strength to overwhelm Skarde.

"You always liked being in control…" Skarde whispered back, his breathing heavy with his hot breath brushing against her cold skin.

"You know what I like," Herfjötur said, stroking his cock from within his trousers while covering the mouth of Skarde simultaneously. It did not take long for her to take it out of his trouser and stroke it so gently and slowly.

Skarde could not believe the pleasure that ran through his body, no woman could measure up to her and Skarde wanted to stay here forever. He moaned like a boy that just got candy but Herfjötur's hand across his mouth muffled his moans.

Herfjötur kept stroking, spitting on it to give it moisture as she continued to stroke it with even more speed. She noticed the toes of Skarde curl up, he was about to cum, and then she stopped suddenly. The look on Skarde's face was enough to make her legs weak.

It was a turn-on seeing such a powerful Viking at her mercy.

"On your knees." She commanded and Skarde got on it with no resistance.

"You really are pathetic, Skarde," Herfjötur said as she raised her robe to reveal something she knew Skarde wanted, it took everything in his power to resist the urge.

"You want it, don't you?" Herfjötur asked and Skarde nodded like a domesticated puppy.

"Then have at it," Herfjötur gave him the go-ahead and Skarde jumped at it as lustful noises filled the room.


Asger turned quickly. The moonlight illuminated the scene, exposing both his position and that of the person creeping up behind him.

"You are…!" Asger exclaimed as blood splattered onto the ground.

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