
Chapter 11: I got my own identity

Kei didn't change his principals; he will stay with his principals no matter what

The only thing he has changed is making himself ready to kill others, only if the other party wants to kill him and it was easy to adapt

For sure, he loves Vegeta but he is not Vegeta and that is what makes him different from Vegeta

Kei doesn't want to lose his own identity as he also holds a big pride in his legacy, the streak of not going down in any match so far.

Just like Vegeta holds pride in his Saiyan Blood, Kei also holds pride in his Legacy and both of them are not gonna yield to one another no matter what.

. . .


Kei is flying towards the Namekians Village where he can get a dragon ball but that is not his goal. His goal is to wait and see how things unfold if he doesn't interfere in the story.

Will things move fast forward or something new will be created?

While flying towards the village, Kei starts talking to himself

'I am truly a fool to think that I can use my world's principle here, there is a difference in our world.

Watching anime, I always thought that killing your enemies is the easiest thing you can do to make sure that they won't become a problem in the future but now that I am myself in that position… I can see why people hesitate to kill

Killing is no easy thing and if you start killing others nonstop, then the whole meaning of being a living person who can think becomes a total failure.

When I made myself ready to kill Cui, I held no feelings about it and killed him without breaking a sweat. There was no hesitation, it was as if I am already used to it and this could be troublesome


No matter how much I love you Vegeta, I am not YOU

I have my own identity and I won't let that thing go as I also have pride in myself.

I shall kill only those who desire to kill me, but apart from that… I won't!'


Vegeta soon reaches the Namekian's Village and stood behind a mountain to see how things go.

Time flowed and the story moves forwards, the soldier sent by Frieza to find the village arrives as expected and then sent information to him about the village.

Then Frieza himself came, takes Dragon Ball, and kills everyone as if their life held no meaning in this world.

[Thanks for reminding me his gender, reader- ObamaUchiha]

Kei watched all this while masking his Ki to 0, he held no expression while all the namekians were killed as if he didn't care.

He is all calm

'This is the reality and that man is my enemy.

Killing him is pure impossible right now as I am weak but it's a different story for our Main Protagonist.

*looking at dead bodies*

It truly won't take much time before I am being controlled by this body and that would mean an end to me.

Man, Vegeta of this time is truly Evil and I will be consumed by him in no time

I must keep my cool no matter what the situation is'


Kei leaves the place, as he got the answer he was looking for.

On Frieza's side-

Frieza got 6 dragon balls and right now he is finding the 7th one, he is by the side of his spaceship with Zarbon as Dodoria (pink fat man) is in the search of two rats (Gohan and Krillin) who took away a namekian kid (Dende)

They also know about the arrival of Vegeta and also his power level reaching 24,000.

On Dodoria's side-

"Damn it, I have wasted a good amount of time searching for those rats

I should leave now"

Dodoria has been searching for Gohan and Krillin for a much longer time than it should have been in the anime and this was noticed by Kei who is standing in the air, far away from him

Dodoria is not wearing his Scouter, as it was destroyed by the elder of namekian's village, thus it takes him so much time, and also he has not noticed Vegeta yet

'hmm… the story will move the way it should and because I was on my way to those kids, the world's time moved the way that would make me go against him.

I guess I should follow the story for now as they all are my enemies also. Or maybe not?'

While Kei was pondering about his next step, he saw that Dodoria has seen him when he was about to leave

"Oye Vegeta, it's a good thing that you have come here

Hand over your scouter and come back with me to hail Frieza Sama

Your past actions have made us really worried about you so it's better you listen to me or else …."

Dodoria, even though he knows that Vegeta is a lot stronger than before, still, tries to scare him when in truth he is really scared of him.

Kei wanted to let him go but seeing how situations have folded, it's clear that either he tries to show pity and die at the hands of him (Dodoria) or at the hands of Frieza when Dodoria goes back to him and tells him everything.

Kei smiles

"Or else what Dodoria Kun?"


"I know that you are scared of me because you have long seen my power level through Cui's Scouter and now you are bluffing to me, hoping that I will spare your puny existence"

Kei doesn't want to speak in such a tone but no matter what he tries to speak, only such a tone is coming out


Dodoria gets angry and starts attacking Vegeta, only to know that he can't compete against him when he tried to tell Vegeta the truth about Planet Vegeta- he paid no attention as Vegeta tells him that he knew the truth all along.

And then Kei kills him


"Even now, I felt nothing"

Kei clears the blood of Dodoria from his body and then he leaves to find Gohan and Krillin.

'If I am right, seeing how the story goes even if I do make a change, there is a high chance that the Ginyu Force will still be called, but how?

And of course, I will be also on the hunting list of the Ginyu Force but before that, I have to take down Zarbon who should be out by now

Though I can keep my energy safe by staying by the side, but still, need to get stronger, and for that… I need to be beaten into a shit

Guess I have to get ready for the beating.

. . .

To be continued-

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