
2. We meet again.



As I heard my name, I shifted my gaze up and there in front me, he stood .....the one I was thinking about. I can't believe it, he is right there, in front of me. He looks way better than before and I would be lying if I don't mention it to myself that every single second that he spent in front me has made me....feel.....indescribably good. Our this meeting may be the second one yet I feel comfortable around him.

"Adrian? What a coincidence meeting you here.." I remarked as I walked towards him. He smiled and started to walk forward as well. "I know..." he said as now he stood almost only 1 ft. away from me. "You know...Armin....I was actually thinking about you...." he continued his words as he put his left hand behind his neck...he was a little embarrassed. He looked better than before, his gaze met mine and I just sank in them more and more...until...he spoke...

"Were you planning to avoid me?" He asked, and I came to my senses as I realized that maybe my staring and not speaking make him feel like that.....As soon as the realization hit me, I spoke "WHAT? no, of course not! I actually was looking at you with a glad feeling that you look healthy and way better than before.".....he looked happy and relaxed upon hearing my words.

"you sure Armin?" ...his question made me realize that how much now I like my name ....specifically when he says it.

"yes...honestly I was actually wondering about you as well..." I spoke as we started to take a walk together. "Really?" Adrian asked as his tone was sheepishly-joke like....I looked at him and his was just trying to control his smile. "Yes? I mean why?" I asked .

" So when did you think about me?"

"Every now and then."

"Every now and then? Miss. Armin are we in love????" he said sheepishly while just smirking... I paused for a moment and he just raised an eyebrow...it was obvious that he was in a playful mood. I just shook my head in disbelief while laughing. "What???I have got the personality and looks!" he remarked. "Yeah Yeah.....I was mostly thinking of our brief introduction and stuff. so what have you been up to recently?" I asked.

"nothing much...just work and stuff...what about you?"

" Same here, I am actually here for a project term business trip but since the office here has burnt down so the process of my returning has turned quite....bumpy."

"That is a news but then for how long were you supposed to be here?"

"Like half a year, but now I guess staying for more than that is possible, maybe?" Afterwards he just hummed in understanding of the situation. "What is your job?" he asked after thinking for a while.

"Well I am a full time architect but I also am an honorary police agent sort, I would have been a full time one but let's just say I didn't have the eligibility so I am now an honorary one. for now I am thinking of doing side courses as well."

"Y-you are a police agent?" he asked but in a low serious voice.

"Yes but an honorary one, that means almost equivalent to just training about different variants of different stuff like defense. But the basis only, my training is sufficient to be put in use when high state of emergency occurs." I explained.

"So...you are not of police or detective like duty?"

"No, of course not! Since my full time job is of architect that's why I am not on duty like the usual" I explained.

"So can you arrest someone?" he asked

"Barely. I took my honorary training like years ago. I can do certain things but only when a full time police officer or detective agent has commanded or supervised. Honestly it is a great increment in skill but I am not really a fan of this police job."

"Not a fan?" Adrian whispered in a questioning tone and I just shrugged. "lets change the subject Adrian! so what have you been up to?" I responded and he smiled in return before telling me what was happening these days around him. He seems like a good guy but my honorary police duty and me, not being so fond of it, goes way back....to that one blood filled night.

For a long time, we just talked and walked and honestly...it was heavenly for me .We bid our goodbyes again and went our own way yet we decided to exchange contacts. I reached my apartment and started to enter by password key. But soon, I felt a pair of eyes staring me from behind like a creep. I heard some silent giggles and knew immediately who it was.

"Casiee stop staring me like that!" I exclaimed as i turned around to see her standing in the hallway giggling. "HOW did you know it was me?" she asked as she threw her arm around me. "NO ONE looks at me like a CCTV camera like you do!" I exclaimed as i entered my pin number and entered the apartment. She immediately removed her heels and went to fall on the couch dramatically.

"Sooooooooo....another day without your prince charming? Oh where are you my love?? Thy grant me peace and the feeling of love. Where are you???" she asked as i was in the kitchen preparing drinks from the champagne bottle she brought. "prince charming? Who?" i asked as i just chuckled over her words...."You know....that man you met at the fire...Adrian" she asked and I felt a proud moment to announce that.."oh him, yeah I did met him today..." "WAIT WHAT???HOW and mostly WHERE????" she bombarded me with many questions at once and even after I sat down she just interrogated me like as if i am a criminal and I kept asking her like I really was some criminal. she awed and swung her legs. After sometime, she finally slept and I started to clean up our glasses and kept thinking about him.


in the morning


I got up and saw Casiee sleeping on the couch in a questionable position. And I left for office. The air was crisp and refreshing. My mind was on my work for today and I started the day of mine with positive vibes. Yet before leaving, I made her something to eat because otherwise she may never leave the couch.

That is when my phone's screen blinked with a message.

???: I am so glad to see you doing well my child. I hope you are way past those traumas. Love, Regiee!

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