
Chapter 13

It has been a year since Jack's transmigration. A lot of things have happened since then. Even though he had a few stressful days at the beginning, his life is much better now. He eats well, trains his body, and even reads a novel from time to time. He decided to train his body and wandless magic since he isn't making any progress in his Occlumency. However, he will not slack off on his Occlumency training.

His life has greatly improved since discovering the mansion. He would enter the pouch the moment he woke up. He would spend two hours exercising, and two hours of wandless magic, and sometimes he would do both. He is making great progress in his physical training. His body grew taller, more muscular, and his hair completely changed to silverish-blue. When he noticed the new hair color, understandably, he freaked out. However, he soon got over it, and attributed the change to magic.

Hagrid has no idea how powerful a wizard or a half-giant is physically. So, no matter how powerful he became, he has no one to compare it to.

On the other hand, he made almost no progress in wandless magic. There are two reasons for that. First, there are no books about wandless magic in the library. Second, there are no magic spell books in the library. So, he can't learn the principle behind wandless magic, or the principle behind magic spells. After all, the original Hagrid only cared about magical creatures not magical theory. He knew how to perform most second-year spells, but he had no idea how they work.

However, while he can't do any wandless spells, he can levitate books with surprising ease. His range is 30 feet. As for how much weight he can levitate? That's a question for the future. Because the heaviest thing in the mansion is the bookshelf, and he can levitate it with ease.

Oddly, in a grass field, a tall young man could be seen running. However, the odd thing isn't the running, but the books floating above his head. Hagrid ran while training his wandless magic and Occlumency. If anyone saw his expression, they might think that he is deep in thought. But, in reality, he is using his Occlumency to change his emotions to rage.

Hagrid stopped running, and the books fell to the ground.

Hagrid panted, trying to catch his breath. "Thats... a... good... workout. Hah, hah, hah. I wish I could figure out how fast I'm running. I'm positive that I'm faster then any muggle runner, but I dont know how I compare to a Wizard. A spell can travel very quickly, however a Wizard can still dodge it in time. I guess I have to wait and see! I hope my large size doesn't hinder my battle effectiveness."

Hagrid knows that a spell can travel as fast or faster than a bullet. So, if he can't evade in time, he's screwed.

"Alright! I should go and eat some delicious food." Hagrid said, as he headed to his mansion. He picked up the books and walked to the mansion.

No matter how many times he ate the same food, he would never get tired of it. That's just how delicious Perenelle's food is.

After Hagrid finished eating, he left the pouch.

His cell looked as gloomy as usual. However, the dreary atmosphere doesn't bother him as much as it used to. His only problem is that his head is almost touching the ceiling. He feared for his future because he is still growing. And he still has a year left on his sentence.

Hagrid sat down, only to feel something beneath him. He moved aside, and looked down, only to find an envelope.

While he was training, Fawkes came and left a letter.

Hagrid opened the letter and started reading.

The letter contained an apology from Dumbledore since he couldn't visit him when The Sleepless Night took place. He also mentioned what happened to the escort team, and he talked about his fights against Grindelwald. He expressed how apologetic he felt because he might be too busy in the following year. And he ended the letter with his well wishes to Hagrid.

Hagrid looked at the letter, waiting for it to disintegrate, but the letter stayed the same.


Hagrid sighed bitterly while thinking, "Just how busy is he to forget that he needs to charm the letter? I hope he wins, and nothing strange happens. If I remember correctly, then he will defeat Grindelwald in November 1945, and Tom will graduate in the same year. Furthermore, I will be released at the beginning of 1946. Ugh, I can't wait for that day to happen!"

Hagrid crumpled the letter, and shoved it into the pouch.

The following year passed very quickly. Hagrid continued his training, becoming more and more muscular. His wandless magic, well, if you can call it that, has improved tremendously and his range has doubled, reaching sixty feet.

He could probably use it as a weapon.

However, unfortunately, his Occlumency made very little progress. However, fortunately, that pushed him to focus on what more he could do with it. He can now talk without having any thoughts or feelings on his mind. Making anyone dumb enough to break into his mind or read his surface thoughts, extremely puzzled.

After all, how can you speak without thinking? A feat impossible to achieve, but miraculously, Hagrid did it. Hagrid himself has no idea how he did it, but he managed to do it anyway.

Furthermore, Hagrid somehow developed empathy. Idiotically, he tried to observe how Dementors amplify people's sadness in hopes of finally finding a solution to his problem. However, this resulted in him almost losing his life. He felt an overwhelming sense of hunger that left him catatonic for a day. But, thankfully, he survived, and now he can feel the prisoners's sadness and the Dementors's hunger.

But Hagrid's progress brought him no joy because his release time is approaching, and he hasn't received any letters from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore should have already defeated Grindelwald because, according to Hagrid's calculations, 1945 ended last weak.

Hagrid will be released in three month, and if something bad happens to Dumbledore, he will have no one to relay on.

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