
Chapter 2

In the hallways of Hogwarts, in the middle of the night, the sound of boots can be heard echoing against the stone floor. The sound creating an eerie contrast to the silence of the night.

Only for the sound to stop, and the sound of a door, with a sign that says Professor Dumbledore, to be slammed shut. The Professor sat in silence behind his desk, appearing to be deep in thought, tapping his finger from time to time, and sighing in helplessness. For he is not only burdened with the task of stopping his friend from committing more evil, but also with the task of saving Hagrid, and guiding Tom back to the right path.

"Fawkes!" The Professor called after an hour of thinking.

After the Professor called out, a flaming bird appeared throughout a ball of fire. The bird identified as Fawkes, is a large eagle-sized scarlet magical bird with flaming red and gold plumage, along with a golden beak and talons, black eyes full of intelligence, and a tail as long as a peacock's. Its scarlet feathers glowed faintly in the darkness, while its golden tail feathers were hot to the touch. A phoenix was also one of the most independent magical animals in the world, but somehow Dumbledore managed to tame one.

Dumbledore, stared at his magical friend for a moment, making it tilt it's head in confusion, as Dumbledore contemplated the feasibility of his plan before opening his mouth asking his friend.

"Fawkes, can you deliver a letter to Azkaban without being detected?" The bird nodded and then shock it's head. Dumbledore looked confused for a seconed before understanding what Fawkes meant.

"So, you can deliver the letter without being detected by wizards, but dementors might discover you. Then, what if I send my patronus with you?" Enquired Dumbledore in anticipation.

Fawkes, used his phoenix song to convey that it is willing to try first, and then see the result. Since dementors exist in large numbers in Azkaban, it didn't want to risk drawing their attention. As that might place Hagrids live in jeopardy, causing his already tragic situation to become more tragic.

Dumbledore thought about it and then said "Very good let's try a test trip first, and in the mean time I will prepare a pouch, with an undetectable extension charm containing all the things he might need to survive the next two years in Azkaban."

Dumbledore turned to Fawkes and asked. "Are you ready?

The Phoenix nodded to show that it's prepared.


"Patronus! Now go Fox and please be careful"

The Phoenix nodded, and with the patronus disappeared into a flaming ball.

Dumbledore watched as his companion vanished into flames, and started to prepare the pouch, hoping for the best.

With a burst of flames a glowing bird manifested in the skies of Azkaban. The bird hoverd there for a while before diving down to find Hagrid's cell.

Two days has passed since the transmigration of Jack, and he is doing much better than before; at very least he is no longer shivering in the corner of his cell, and he has started to accept his situation. Well, he would still cower from time to time when a dementor passes by his 'little castle'.

Jack stared at the wall. Convincing himself that he can survive, and that he will not allow this world to break him; not noticing that a reddish golden bird with a silver halo is observing him from outside his window, but he did discover that he is feeling warmer and happier, so he decided to look out his window, but Fawkes had already teleported back before Jack can see him. Making Jack believe that he is losing his mind.

"I need to escape, this place is making me go mad. l can't take it any more. Hagrid lasted six month before he started to hallucinate, and I can't even last two days. What should I do? I've tried calling out to the guards but no one answered, food, water, and clothing appear out of nowhere, and my excrement vanishes immediately. Why didn't Dumbledore visit me? Did he give up on me, or is he too busy dealing with Tom and Grindelwald?" Wondered Jack aloud.

While Dumbledore was busy packing books related to the mind, and preparing potions for Hagrid, Fawkes teleported in, making Dumbledore look at him in anticipation.

"Where you detected?" Dumbledore asked the bird.

Fawkes, shook his feathery head in denial, and looked at Dumbledore with sorrow in his eyes.

Dumbledore saw the look in Fox's eyes, and his heart stopped in fear.

"What's wrong? Is Hagrid okay?" Asked Dumbledore with a crack in his voice.

Fawkes shook his head and looked at Dumbledore in silence. Seeing Fox's expression increased the trepidation in Dumbledore's heart.

"Fawkes, can i see your memory?" Dumbledore asked with increasing agitation in his voice. The bird nodded, giving Dumbledore his consent.

"Legilimens!" Dumbledore said with a flick of his wand.

Dumbledore's point of view changed to that of Fawkes, and he started searching for his newest memories. He started skipping the memories until he saw Hagrid, but Hagrid has changed. What used to be a burly giant, has become a frail young man. Hagrid looked as if he had not eaten for month. His face pale, sunken, and shriveled. Painting a picture of the absolute tragedy that he went through.

"What have I done!? I'm so sorry Hagrid! I have failed you. No. It's not over I might not be able to save him, but I can send him the tools that he needs to survive." Dumbledore said with conviction in his voice.

He will not fail him like he failed his Sister. He will make sure to send Hagrid every thing he needs to survive this ordeal.

Dumbledore pulled a piece of parchment, and started writing Hagrid a letter. After Dumbledore finished writing the letter, he enchanted it, so that it will be destroyed after Hagrid finishes reading it. He didn't want to take the risk of making Hagrid's situation any worse.

"Fawkes, take this letter to Hagrid, and please be careful." Dumbledore said in a solemn way. The bird nodded its head, and vanished into flames.

Dumbledore watched as his trusty companion left, and then he started to search his office for a certain portkey.

After rummaging for a while, Dumbledore finally found the portkey that he needed. Dumbledore held the key in his hand and said "Le Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques" After saying these words, Dumbledore disappeared into a swirl, and with a pop he appeared in what appears to be an alchemy laboratory.

Dumbledore started to look around for his friend only to be startled by a voice behind him.

"Dumbledore my friend you are finally here!" Said a frail voice.

Dumbledore spun around only to see what appeared to be a walking corpse.

Dumbledore smiled at the walking corpse."Nicolas, how are you? How is your wife?"

"I'm fine and so is Perenelle" Said the corpse, now identified as the famous Alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

"Nicolas, I'm sorry for coming without notice, but I need your help." Dumbledore said apologetically.

Nicolas looked at Dumbledore. "My friend you look worse than I do. Are you okay? You look as if you've aged 10 years since the last time I saw you. What happened?

Dumbledore sighed. "it's Hagrid he is in a worse situation than I thought. He needs our help.

"Of course, anything you need."

Dumbledore struggled for a while before he said. "I need the elixir of life, and a pouch with an undetectable extension charm"

Nicolas' eyes widened for a second before going back to normal. " How bad is his condition?"

"Terrible, he is dying, and if we don't do anything he won't last a week. I failed him Nicolas I should have fought harder. I should have broken the law and saved him." Said a grim Dumbledore.

"Then, Grindelwald would win, and the wizarding world will be destroyed. You did the best you could do, given the circumstances. Now come let's prepare the things you need. Every second we waste, extends Hagrid's suffering." Said Nicolas in a solemn voice

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