
Bloodlet Throne (3)

Slamming open the door with my hammer again, I grinned over at Rayya as a skeleton was blasted apart from the blast, more creaking coming from the new room I unlocked.

Rayya took point, her shield raised as she entered into the room, while I stepped behind her, watching our backs.

Considering it was nighttime, and we were entering a large tower, it was entirely possible that there would be a surprise attack, but as Rayya cleared the room of the raised undead, nothing appeared.

Approaching the staircase, Rayya clicked her tongue in annoyance at the spiral, since it started on the left and rotated right.

This made it harder to advance up the tower, as the defenders could stab while being protected by the spire in the center, whereas the attackers had to switch their blades to their left hand, hoping to be able to see the defenders as they climbed upwards.

Of course, it worked in practice as well, but not when you could hear the skeleton chittering above you, letting you know when and where the attackers could be.

So, Rayya cautiously advanced up the stairs, her scimitar held in her left hand as she went up step by step.

If I was more skilled with my bow, I could attempt to ricochet arrows off the smooth, curved walls to hit the defending skeletons, but I sadly wasn't that talented yet.

Which meant we needed to slowly and steadily scale the tower, Rayya felling any skeletons that stood above us, her scimitar flashing forwards and shattering their skulls.

Her attacks were precise and controlled, using the required force needed to 'kill' the skeletons as we moved.

[One Handed: 37 -> 38]

Seeing that, I nodded to myself as I stared at Rayya's hips, watching her climb up ahead of me.

Before I could lose myself to the semi-hypnotic sway, I glanced back and searched the stairs behind us, checking just in case.

Finding nothing, I returned to the climb, pondering the exp gain.

Did I get 1/4th of what she earned?

Vice versa?

This was something I needed to check in the near future, and that also included determining whether or not her having sex or things related to sex raised my own debauchery levels.

Was she considered 'apart' of me in that regard as well, what with her being a Sexual Thrall?

I was curious, and I had a few ideas in mind for her, but currently...

Reaching the top of the tower, Rayya and I switched as I yet again busted open a door, the Redguard woman entering right after.

The top of the tower was a small circular room, about a dozen feet wide.

A bed was situated in the middle, and broken pieces of furniture were scattered around the room.

Sitting on the bed was a blonde woman, her lavish green robes hugging her thin body; although thin, she was curvy, and I nodded in appreciation at the gentle curves she had.

Laying on the bed beside her was a young man, his throat ripped out and his clothing stained with blood.

[Female Vampire, 50, Level 41]

Turning around, the blonde smiled widely at us, her bloody mouth and chin accentuated by her flaring crimson eyes.

"You killed my adorable little boy... He was born of me, both as a Mortal and Vampire, and yet..."

Her smile grew, and she raised her left hand, the snowy skin riddled with black veins.

Long, thin talons sprouted from her fingers, and she rubbed two together, the sound of metal on metal echoing around the room.

"You killed him. We've been lonely, these last three decades, and all we wanted was some company... and you killed him before he could offer you a gift."

Standing up, she raked her talons over the dead mans body, tearing at his flesh.

"My boy was getting lonely, even as I comforted him every day... he wanted someone new; and yet, women don't visit anymore. I did my best, satiating my baby, but..."

Piercing the mans body, she retrieved his heart and nibbled on it, her crimson eyes growing dark.

"He's dead now. My baby boy, dead..."

Squashing the heart, her features went from young and noble to twisted, an ugly sneer on her face.


Rayya raised her shield as the woman dashed forwards, her figure blurring.

Hearing the sound of the Vampire's talons screeching across Rayya's steel shield, I moved forwards and punched towards the woman, my flame coated fist making her back away.

She snarled as she stared at me, her crazed eyes focusing on my fist.

"It was you..."

Appearing before me, she screamed "YOU KILLED HIM!"

Raising her hand, she tried to stab her long talons towards my chest, but Rayya slammed her shields edge into them, making her shriek in pain as the hard edge shattered each one.

Following up, I grabbed her arm and slammed my axe into her petite chest, making the woman cough out a small amount of blood onto her stained clothes.

Wrenching the axe out of her body, I swung my fist into her jaw, the flames searing her pale flesh and making her shriek again.

Swatting at the charred skin, her bloodied palm shone a pale blue, and she hissed as frost coated her jaw.


Panting, she glared at Rayya and I, both of us staring warily at her.

"I'm going to KILL YOU!"

She charged forwards again, but her movements were more sluggish than before, so...

Stepping aside, I watched as she stumbled forwards before grunting, my axe buried in her skull while Rayya's scimitar lanced through her heart.

Watching as she fell forwards, I raised my hand and roasted her body, making her scream in agony as we truly killed her.

When she was little more than a pile of dust and charred bone, I looted her 'corpse' before looking around the damaged room.

Approaching the bloodied meal she had been eating from, I took his spare gold and ring, before glancing at the large chest behind the bed.

Rayya just followed behind me, watching as I looted everything.

The chest had a few more Silver Ingots, a coin pouch, and a large, uncut diamond, about half the size of my palm.

Quite the hall for just a 'side boss' inside this tower.

Giving Rayya a nod, we made our way back down the tower, chatting as we walked.

Now that the upper level had been cleared, we were going to make our way down, into the depths of the Bloodlet Throne.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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