

If it were in the past, Ryaa would unknowingly blushed upon being locked up by the gaze of Kian. His heart would jump out excitedly, happily. He would become even more sensitive and careful to the way he speaks and move just to look like a decent and mannered man.

But today, all of those feminine behavior have gone to hell. As if his manly attitude becomes his only reason to fight back. Not even a blink of hesitation will Ryaa tried to hide.

Not everyone deserves a second chance, that's why Ryaa decided that he will live a happy life without worrying about his past nor being able to encounter Kian in this life again.

Though, not everytime is a good time and so is Ryaa's luck, not only did his decision collapse right infront of him but also his future life. Knowing that Kian have the attitude of perseverance that no one can top to him, Ryaa will definitely have a hard time. But too bad that it is not in the past.

Two Weeks Later-

It's been two weeks since the job interview that supposed to be his starting point to start a new life turn out to be one of the most regrettable thing he did. Fortunately, Kian doesn't mind how Ryaa talk to him informally, infact, it's as if that bastard is enjoying the scene.

Though, in the end, Kian proposed a high position with even a higher salary than the rest only applicable to Ryaa himself yet Ryaa didn't even wink nor hesitate his refusal.

And apart of losing his future job, Ryaa is now experiencing nausea, dizzy and vomiting. This symptoms occured to him every now and then. Ryaa doesn't have to know the reason and he doesn't have to confirm the caused since experiencing it from the past is already enough to prove his condition.

He helplessly lay into the bed, thinking about nothing. His mind is empty. He doesn't want to think anything at the moment. He only want to have a peace of mind and to have his dizziness be gone away.

Aside from his morning sickness, Ryaa also becoming more and more have the urge to sleep. He wanted just to be glued in the bed almost everyday. Though, he is worried about his financial statistics, still the drowsiness is pulling him in.

Just then, when Ryaa is about to close his eyes ready to indulge into the dreamland, a knock was heard from the door. Ryaa was confused. He didn't expect any visitors nor food deliveries at his door steps, so who could it be? Nonetheless, it won't be Kian right? Because if he is, Ryaa will definitely runaway this instant. He  promised that he doesn't want to be tangled with the same man, not anymore. And seeing his face only makes Ryaa even more uncomfortable.

Ryaa forcefully get up with a groan. His dizziness is making his vision blurry and wavery for a second yet the knock is still on going. He hold his head momentarily inorder to subside his dizziness before he weakly stand up and walk into the door.

"In a minute"

He twisted the doorknob while slowly opening the door. With this, he took a slight peek at the space between and when he confirmed that it wasn't Kian himself, that's when Ryaa felt relieved.

Thank Goodness

Ryaa fully opened the door. It saw a man standing with a cap covering his face while lowering his head. At glance, Ryaa thought it was a delivery man since he is carrying a box on hand. But then, Ryaa suddenly realize that he didn't even ordered anything online as to why a delivery man is here?

"Umm.. excuse me, this, are you lost?"

Ryaa wanted to know and so is to help but the man didn't replied, instead he shove the box right into Ryaa's hand and hastily leave without saying anything.

"Hey... Mister delivery man, I didn't order anything. You're mistaken" Ryaa shouted.

He was left dumbfounded while looking at the back of the man slowly fading away from his sight just then shifted his gaze into the box. For a moment, he was left standing alone. He slowly put the box next to his ear and carefully shake it off trying to find out what is inside.

The box felt light like it doesn't have anything on it and the way it is sealed is somewhat different from any other deliveries. It has a blue wing-like print with a halo on top and it's name is confusing but peculiar at the same time.

Baby System

Before Ryaa decided to take it inside, he first confirmed that no one around is looking for this mystery box.

Inside, Ryaa gently put the box into the bed. Observing the possibility of him invading something he didn't posses nor opening the box without the owner's consent. But then, since the man didn't say anything owned by this mysterious box, and there's even no more details aside from it's brand name, Ryaa made a decision to open it.

He took a cutter from the drawer and open the box from the middle to the bottom. Splitting into two, Ryaa flip it's folder aside. The excitement in his heart makes him look nervous but in reality, Ryaa's mind was somewhat expecting something valuable. A jewelry perhaps or a brand new phone, money? But to his dismay, what is placed inside the box is nothing but full of shredded paper confetti. Not a typical confetti but a cotton one.

"What the?"

Ryaa dig inside. He took out the confetti bit by bit knowing that he might get nothing and was being prank by some strangers, but he didn't lose hope to search for more, search for something until at the most bottom, Ryaa found a treasure.

"Ahh, I finally got it hahaha"

Happily found out something, Ryaa grab what seems to be an envelope inside the box.

"Money, money, money"

He mumbled like a song and excitedly open the envelope thinking that he won a jackpot but this happiness instantly change. His excited expression becomes heavier. For the second time, a big disappointment showed in his face.

I don't like it anymore.

The envelope only had a piece of small paper inside with a sentence written in Milasian Circa.

*Congratulations. You are chosen as one of the lucky selected participants that will join to our newly develop program.

To start with, please press the 'ACCEPT' word below.


Ryaa thought he was being played but mindlessly pressed the word and in an instant, a flash of light came out of the paper. It blinded Ryaa momentarily. He was force to withdraw his hand inorder to cover his eyes. When the light subsided, both the box and the paper along with the envelope disappeared leaving only a small creature floating in the midair.

"Congratulations! Welcome to Baby System. I am your OIC (Operator In Charge) YaYa that will guide you into your journey until you find your Happily Ever After"

An angel-fairy-like size with small wings and a halo above her head float like a dust.

"Nice to meet you dearest host"

Ryaa was utterly froze. When he regain his sight, not even a wink or blink could his body make. Even his mind that wanted to act all shocked couldn't process a thing.

By this time, YaYa knows exactly what this kind of reaction is. Just then, she made a fake cough and smile in order to get back Ryaa's attention.

"For the meantime, I'll tell you our terms and condition in using our services. It should be as follows"

YaYa tap something by the air. And it's as if a magic happened, a mini screen popped out containing the full terms and conditions of the system.


Terms and Conditions

* 1. A host must not told or tell anyone about this matter no matter how close he/she to someone.

* 2. A host must never forget to finish his mission according to the type of goal the system set upon signing in.

* 3. A host must not or may not hold and let any mission be missing or left incomplete or else the OIC must take the punishment accordingly.

* 4. A host must willingly accept any condition in terms of providing the most suitable mission into account.

* 5. A host should hold no grudge or any negative emotions against the system and it's OIC to avoid conflict between the host and the system provider

"And for your account, the system has randomly selected the best mission in reaching your Goal:  Happily Ever After. Please Read:

Switching from one to another, another file popped out.


Baby System Account: BSA-009L

Name: Rim Neal Ryaa

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Days of delivery and counting: 256 Days

Keys: ---

Rewards: Key Memory Chapter Unlock (Randomly Selected)

Goal: Happily Ever After

Mission: Missing Memory (All Selected)

Level: ---

Level of Difficulty by Percentage: ---

"Your account informations are based on your current status, thus, if you are displeased with anything, please feel free to asked"

YaYa clenched her hands. Her wings flap so hard making an air at the back and her face is started to get dark.

"As a sign in bonus, the system has automatically send you a 'key' to unlock one chapter of any memory of those you've met that played an important role in your life in the past. In this process, the name listed on screen might be or may not be one of those that made your life miserable"


Please Select:

* Kwon Ken Kian

* Kwon McSivle

* Hamlin Nicco John

* Dyle Cheaster

* Dyle Chelsea

* Butler Zhang

* Mr. Rim

* Mrs. Rim

* Dr. Hindelr

* Kim Aster

* Sean Robert

* Woo Mia

* Jean

* Maria

* Caramel

"The name listed are provided by the system data along with the memories locked due to the effect of Rebirth. In which, if the host wishes to unlock a memory of one person, the system will automatically stop the present time to take in pass the gateway of the past. By means, only the selected person will his/her time slot be cease until the chapter memory ended"

YaYa could no longer hold her temper. She pouted her mouth in displeased and cross her arms but still continue.

"The most exciting part in this mission is that the more mission you completed, the more you get a change to win a mystery box. Every mystery box contains various of treasures that will benefit to both mother and child"

"Further more, if the host requested more information aboutghe future mission, please select the Key Words that applies"


*Baby Unlock (Chapter Memories Unlocking Keys)

*Baby Request (Request to hold, stop and play/resume)

*Baby Status (Mission's current Status and Level)

*Baby Options (Skip- Not Applicable until Level 5)

*Baby Question (Unable to fully understand the mission. Surveys provided)

*Baby Freeze (Applicable upon unpredicted emergencies/accident- Limited Time Offer)

"This key words are only applicable when the mission starts"

"Important note: If the host reached the last trimester, the system will automatically shut down and will resume until the host is fully recovered. Which means, I, Yaya, your OIC will have to temporarily closed down until further notice"

She looked on the other side while making a 'hmp' sound hoping she could atleast received any small reactions with everything she just said. But this time around, it was still the same. If it weren't because of it's automatic response, YaYa would have ended her talk.

"You are now officially registered as one of our most valued host that will partake this once in a lifetime event. In hope of your journey, the whole Baby System is wishing you a good luck"

A virtual confetti burst along with a victory horn as YaYa wears a hat and whistle. Her gloomy face becomes instantly bright that her smile becomes even more sweet but not for long.

Darn it.

Just then, the room was stuffed with silence. She's been doing all the talk trying to get  Ryaa's attention but failed. That's why,  without a choice, YaYa move closer to Ryaa's face and wave her little hand.

"Hello, hello dear host, can you hear me? Do you have any questions?"

With a snap of her finger, Ryaa seems like he have gone back to reality. Only then, he remembered YaYa's words slowly sinking in.

"Host, are you there?"

There's still a hint of confusion and shocked in Ryaa's eyes but more or less only curiosity have a greater weight.

"What.... are you?"

YaYa didn't hesitate to answer "Your OIC. A system"

"What system? Wha... What's going on?"

"Was that your question?"

Ryaa didn't answer. He's still trying to digest all of the event. Though, there's more questions piling up his head, he chooses to asked the most basic one. He doesn't know if it is right to asked but he couldn't help but wanting to know the truth. As then, Ryaa take a deep breath before opening his lips.

"Was my Rebirth connected to this.... this system?"

YaYa titled her head with a question mark on her head. On the second thought, she was only given a tasked to provide comfort and ease in every host but wasn't restricted by giving their host a truthful answer according to their knowledge.

"Correct. Your presence here is not only a void to the current time but also to the future. Your Rebirth alone made a huge impact to the time, place and people, as then, the memories of you in the past with each person you've encounter was locked in order not to conflict between the past and present"

With this, Ryaa was in deep thought. If this so-called system locked the memories of those people purposely, then should they remain locked and out of each other's reach?

The more Ryaa think it through, the more he gets confused. Just then he asked "Then what will happen if the locked memories of those people be regained?"

"It depends on how they will believe it or not. It's not like the system has full control over their emotions and minds. It might be possible that they will treat it as a dream or prediction. I don't know"

"If that's the case, what will happened to them when the memories of the past are being rejected?"

YaYa put her hand against her chin, as if she's in a deep thinking, she uttered "Hmmm. There's no rejection in memories. The way they process the events will naturally made them confused at the moment but either way, it's their own decision that will reflect to their own actions. If what they witness in the past won't change in the presence, it will be a difficult challenge for you"

Ryaa becomes silent. If what YaYa means by 'difficult challenge' is what he's thinking of, then why does he have to unlocked their memories? It might be a good thing that their memories will stay and remain locked forever.

"What if I won't do this mission?"

Upon hearing this, it's as if YaYa is being possessed as she vigorously shakes her head.

"No, no, no. That won't do. It is already stated in the Terms and Conditions * 3. A host must not or may not hold and let any mission be missing or left incomplete or else the OIC must take the punishment accordingly. Are you even listening to me? Dear host, have mercy"

Ryaa sighed. Nothing beats more than knowing nothing as sort specially this Baby System that come out of God knows where.


"Do you know the reason why it has to be the OIC that will be punished? It's because the Baby System takes better care of the host' condition inside out specially the baby's condition inside the womb. Every mother host' body is sensitive to anything in particular that's why, instead of the host, it is 'US' that will carry the punishment"

"Us? You mean your not alone?"

"Why of course. We are hundreds and counting"

"YaYa, you said right? Your my OIC which means you are the one whom will have the remote in every mission and I, the host will do the work. Aren't I your slave?"

This time, YaYa landed in the bed followed by Ryaa's gaze. She took a cup of tea into nowhere and leisurely drink it off before answering.

"Not necessarily. Since you cannot access your account without an OIC, that's why I am here to assist you. You on the other hand has to do the work. And it's not beneficial to me in anyway but it is to you. So it's like you work with your own gain"

Ryaa wasn't fully convince but still nodded.

"Okay. I have this last question. How did I undergo Rebirth?"

YaYa stops. The words that aren't meant to be the topic was blurted out. She signed deeply and comes back with a serious face.

"Well, in that part, let's leave it as your special mission"

"What do you mean?"

She look at Ryaa straight from the eyes as if giving of a warning.

"It's because if you know the reason of your Rebirth, you might encounter much more danger that will affect both you and your child that's why the system purposely put it as a Special Mission to avoid the future trouble. If you're qualified enough to enter that section, that's when the system will allow you to take the Special Mission on your own occurred"

"Wait, wait.. So you know I'm pregnant all along?"

"Of course. How am I even exist if not because of your child?"

"Where's the sense with that?"

"Just as the system name derived from the word 'Baby', what do you expect?"

Ryaa couldn't help but to gently slap his head using his palm. Only by this he finally understand the word 'Baby System' is not what he think it is.

It is a system specialized only for those whom are worthy of the second chance.

A moment there, YaYa broke the silence.

"Your first mission is ready"

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