
Serious Illness

-Dyson's Place/Clinic-

Dyson's place was in his clinic, so both of them layed their butts there. Next day when Jacob and Dyson woke up, Dyson did test's on Jacob's brain to learn more about it. It took him some time, but Dyson found what he was looking for. The reason why is Jacob's brain in such state or why is it happening at all. Dyson got close to Jacob and started to explain what kind of illness he have. It was cyberpsychosis all along but It wasn't normal cyberpsychosis either, It was combined cyberpsychosis with Alzheimer disease and some few disease's that Dyson couldn't identify. It was something that Dyson haven't saw ever in his career as ripperdoc. This was illness destroying Jacobs brain and changing him completely, he will start to forget basic things like where he put his drink or gun and this will go on and on. Then he will forget more important things like 'Who is he?' 'What was he doing?' He will forget his friends loved one's. Last stage of this is loss of cognitive functions, for example he want move his hand but his hand won't move, in that last stage his brain will be that much damaged that he won't be able to move properly. With this all there is few more things that can happen to Jacob and few that Dyson had noticed. One of them is personality change. If its not treated properly Jacob will forget who is he and he will create new personality. Second is aggression this is mainly because of cyberpsychosis, but will became more aggressive and toxic towards all people he meet. This all si caused by recent events that happened: Death of Close Friends, Getting a Cyberware and learing who is behind this all. But main reason why Jacob got this weird Illness is because of cyberware. First cyberware he got, his body didn't took it well, his brain couldn't adapt to new cyberware for some unknown reason and making it hell for Jacob, but that was also trigger for Jacob's sleeping Illness that woke after getting cyberware for first time and making Jacob's brain a mess.

Dyson told this to Jacob, that moment Jacob was fulfill with mixed emotion; fear, frustration, anxiety, depresion, all this Jacob felt. Jacob held his head and asked him self loudly; "What will happen to me?" His voice was trembling, Dyson who was still sitting in front of him heard what he said and answered him; "Probably you will forget who you are and you will be immobile for the rest for your life." After hearing that Jacob said to himself one quiet "Fuck." But Dyson didn't hear that. Jacob looked at ceiling and asked; "How much?" Dyson confusingly replied "What?" "How much time I got?" Jacob asked once again, Dyson thought for a second and then replied; "You are showing some symptoms so It's growing way faster than should. But with proper medicine I think you got about a year left at best."

Surprisingly Jacob wasn't sad or suprised, he smiled stood up from operanting table he was sitting on and with smile on his face told to Dyson; "That's more than enough." Dyson was suprised by Jacob's reaction, he also stood up grabbed Jacob's left shoulder and said; "Let's stop here for today and let's eat something." Dyson put his hand down from Jacob's shoulder. Jacob got dressed right after Dyson spoke to him and replied with words; "Yeah, let's grab something to eat." Dyson nod his head and said that he will change his clothes and will be right back.

After few minutes Dyson came out with clothes he had yesterday and they went to get something to eat. At first they wanted to go to some restaurant and eat there, but every restaurant where they wanted to eat was close for some reason. So they just found fast-food stand and eat there, they both got some noodles with meat and other stuff, they ate, talk, laugh. For Jacob this was his first happy and peaceful moment he really enjoy in fullest, and same goes for Dyson, seeing happy Jacob reminded him his young brother that looked almost like Jacob, but Dyson's little brother died long time ago when he got between two gang's who were fighting each other and they accidentally killed Dyson's little brother in front of his eyes.

After they finished eating they went to grab some drinks. Closest place was Afterlife so they went there and after arriving there they sat down at the bar. Claire greet both of them, both of them orders something and they started to drink, and they drink and drink and while drink they talked about past, they shared good and bad memories, told some jokes and laughing out loud. There was question that Dyson asked; "You know that you will get drink named after you if you became a Night City Legend. What drink would you choose and why? Tell me." Jacob was pretty drunk and his face red as blood, but he replied; "If I could choose it would be something with whisky, because I love Whiskey!" Dyson was suprised; "I didn't thought that you like whiskey and why whiskey?" Dyson asked, Jacob drank whole drink in one go and answered the Dyson's question; "I like it because my father used to drink whiskey and sometimes he would added some honey in it. Maybe you think that it's disgusting and yes it is, but If you have whiskey with honey and you will add lemon with some cold unsweetened tea. You will make best drink in the whole word."; "When you are drunk you talk a lot you know that?" Dyson said, and stared laughing because of Jacob's reaction. "Shut up fucker!" Jacob yelled at Dyson and continue to speak; "What drink would you choose if you could, Dyson?" Dyson stopped laughing and made a serious face; "To be honest. I don't know at all. I have no interest to became legend I just want live my life way I want to." Dyson said, Jacob slap his back and said with smile on his face; "That's pretty good answer. I like it!" Dyson smiled too, finished his drink paid for both of them and went straight to Dyson's place.

On their way, Jacob said; "Today was fun. It's been a while since I had this much fun as I had today." And Jacob looked at Dyson and he says; "I agree. It's been a while I relaxed this much as today." Jacob grabed Dyson around the neck because he was drunk and in a good mood, and Jacob said; "Let's do it again sometime!" Dyson showed happy expression and replied; "Yeah let's do it again sometime." After they both got inside Dyson's place, Jacob fell asleep soon as he fell to bed and Dyson changed his clothes and went to bed as well.

-To be continued-

Hi there! I would like to thank you all for reaching 40k views, you are amazing!!!!! I never thought that I would come this far but I did thanks to you guys. Once again thank you, leave your thoughts and opinions in comments if you want. And support this novel by gifting it a power stone. Take care guys and see you soon.

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