
Goku vs the saints

A knock on the door of Issei's house. A girl with orange pigtails with orange eyes and another girl with blue hair and green strands. They waited until the door opened.

Issei's mother would open the door and would let the two robed girls in. The girl with blue hair gave Issei a dirty look as Issei looked at her. "Issei don't you remember me."

His mum showed Issei a memory book with Issei and a boy with orange hair. "That's Irina, Issei." Issei stumbled back, "No that's not possible. It can't be I thought you were a boy."

"Well, I acting like a boy didn't help it". Issei looked defeated as the flashback would end. "A new student that's as strong as me- I feel someone coming up the starts."

The doors burst open as a guy with jet-black spikey hair stood in the doorway. "Hey, best buddy. This is the guy who's stronger than me ."

Issei would laugh, and vegeta would pick up on this.

"Come on Goku. How could he be stronger than you." Vegeta would chuckle, "The scrawny puke calls me weak. If I was to get a fan in here you'd fall over. It looks like you've never trained a day in your life. You weak ingrate."

Issei grunted in frustration before letting it go. "Since everyone but Kakarot is weak I'm going to leave." He would just leave as Issei would stand up "He's a jerk." A voice "I heard that weakling."

The school would end when the two girls in robes would come into the old schoolhouse. "Thank you for meaning with us my name is xenoveiva and she is Irina."

"So why would followers of God want to meet devils?" Rias interrogated. "Out of 6 Holy weapons the church once had 3 of them had been stolen by fallen angels."

"So you came to us thinking that we'd side with the fallen angels." Her eyes glowed a crimson red. "If that's true we'd have to annihilate you." The tension in the room skyrocketed.

"Well let me tell you this we would never be sure with fallen angels but that doesn't mean I'd aid you." Xenoveiva stood up and started "That's what I told headquarters and I'll be taking my leave."

"Asia. The saint turned into a devil. We can't save something so rotten." Issei looked ready to attack but Koneko would stop him "Well do you still believe in God."

Asia would start to cry, "I can't give it up so easily." The girl had fully faced Asia at this point "then execute yourself saint. Or if you can't then I will."

Before Issei could get in front of Xenoveiva. Goku would already be standing in front of her. "I don't believe all that God stuff but if you look down on my friends I'll kill you where you stand," Goku said.

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