

「Does this place have a back exit?」

「Of course it does. Why do you ask?」

「Because we should probably leave through there to avoid being seen.」

「Very well then. Allow me to show you the way. It's just over here.」

Alan-san showed us the way.

「Here we are. I suggest that you use this entrance to get into the shop when you will come back here at dawn. The alleyway is connected to that street over there, so even if the front door will be constantly monitored, no one should notice you when you arrive. Just be sure to remember which building is ours to avoid any needless complications.」

「Thanks, but I think we will manage somehow.」

All we have to do is to Warp over here, so that takes care of that problem.

He opened the door and let us out. There really was a narrow alley between the buildings. In such a tight space no one would really see us, and getting here would only require a small detour from us, so using this back entrance might really be a good decision. After we confirmed everything we wanted to know, Alan-san walked us all the way back to the front door.

「Well then, thank you for your patronage today.」

「Yeah, you've really been a huge help.」

I said that in an especially loud voice to be sure that the Bandit watching over the shop could hear us.

「I look forward to your next visit here.」

And like that we have left the Slave shop. We went straight ahead, without any needless wandering around, but when we were passing the alley adjucent to the shop, I couldn't see the Bandit's figure anymore.

「Is he there?」

「I can't really see him, but I can definitely smell him from behind the building.」


I had a quiet conversation with Roxanne once we went past the Explorer's Guild. As expected of Roxanne, even in the crowded city filled with all kinds of smells, she was still able to track down that particular one like it was nothing.

「Uhm… I'm sorry for being so selfish during the meeting.」

「You don't have to be. I was the one who made him the offer, and he accepted it out of his own volition.」

「But I was the one who blurted out that that man was a Bandit because I allowed my emotions to get the better of me.」

So she realizes how risky that was. True, things could have gone very bad if I didn't come up with an excuse, but since I did then I guess it's all fine. I managed to keep my secrets, so there's no use mulling over it now.

「It's all fine with me. Just try to be more careful in the future, okay? And remember: any trouble of yours is a trouble of mine as well.」

「Yes! Thank you so very much!」

With Roxanne thanking me once again, we have returned to the Veil Pavilion. Initially I just wanted to eat dinner and go to bed, but with our current arrangement I guess that won't be happening. For the time being, Roxanne performed both the usual maintenance of our equipment and the laundry of our underwear by using the hot water delivered to our room after we finished eating. She had to do it, because, to be frank, I sweat a lot. Not because the Labyrinth is a particularly hot place, but because of all the fighting I was doing, which should be an obvious thing, right? Fighting requires you to move your body around a lot, and moving around a lot causes you to sweat, all the more if the equipment and armor you are carrying around with you weights a hefty amount. And since sleeping in sweaty, smelly underwear would be a straight-up unpleasant experience, I was grateful to have someone ready and willing to do my laundry for me. Unfortunately, there are no normal baths or showers available for everyone is this world, so we have to get by with the closest equivalent available, which is wiping our bodies with towel dowsed in hot water. It cannot hold a candle to a long, refreshing soak in the bathtub, but it was definitely better than not washing ourselves at all. Given the circumstances, it was actually quite comfortable. And since Roxanne was wiping herself without voicing any complaints, then she must be thinking that as well. And now it is my job to carefully wash every part of that work-of art body of hers.

A fresh and clean-looking skin. A bust so magnificently big and well proportioned that it almost seemed like a miracle. Once again I have felt something slowly accumulating inside of me, but it shouldn't be a problem for now, because if it will be close to bursting, I have someone who will readily take care of it for me.

「Mmm… ngh….」

A few hours later, after Roxanne made me spit out all of my accumulated lust, she once again woke me up with a passionate kiss. Since I managed to catch a good amount of z's, I was in a refreshingly good mood even though I have just woken up.

Since we had a job to do very early in the morning, I asked her to wake me up a little bit earlier than usual. I gotta say, having my tongue massaged by Roxanne's own soft tongue is the best way to wake up ever. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine that there will come a time in my life where I will be able to be woken up in such a wonderful way.

After fighting off my initial drowsiness, I hugged Roxanne strongly, having the bulges of her chest bounce and press against my own torso. Enjoying that unearthly elasticity, I slowly extended my own tongue to give her tongue a friendly greeting, and our wet tongues started playing with one another, slowly returning the pleasurable favors, occasionally stretching deeper into our oral cavities and deeply entwining around each other.

「Good morning, master.」

「Yeah… good morning, Roxanne.」

After tasting Roxanne's sweet tongue for a good while, I finally let go of it so we could exchange our usual morning greetings. As usual, I needed a moment to properly catch my breath after such an intense exercise first thing in the morning.

「It is about time for us to leave.」

Prompted by Roxanne, we proceeded to put on our clothes and armor, finishing our preparations. I just hope that we didn't kiss for long enough to actually be late to the meeting with the Slave Merchant.

「Ready? Then let us be on our way.」

「Yes, let's go.」

「Actually, I was thinking if it wouldn't be better if you sat this one out, Roxa…」

「I. Am. Going. As. Well.」

Roxanne said, putting emphasis on every word.

「Fine. You can come with me, but I want you to stay behind me as much as possible. Putting you in unnecessary danger is the last thing I need.」

If things get too dangerous for her, I can always order her to escape. I understand that she wants to protect those who helped her during what was probably the most difficult time in her life, but that does not mean that it is okay for her to be putting herself in danger.

「Yes, of course!」

After leaving the room, we left the key at the front desk and walked out of the inn. I took Roxanne's hand and proceeded to go along the inn's outer wall, entering the labyrinth of the back alleys so that we would avoid being detected. Like that, we made our way to the alley behind the Slave shop which we were shown just few hours earlier. As expected, there was no one there and no one bothered us on the way. Shifting myself so that Roxanne was being placed between myself and the building's wall, I confirmed the door's exact location with my hand and knocked on it, doing so very lightly in order not to make too much noise. The door was opened not even a few seconds later. The one to greet us was Alan-san himself.

「I have been expecting you. Please, come inside.」

We nodded at his invitation and went inside the Slave shop, ready for whatever might have been awaiting us.

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