

but my protest, my cry, was not having any effect on that oppressor.

Irfan! Then that tyrant brought me to a market, where birds were traded. sold me to a shopkeeper there, took 150 rupees in cash from this shopkeeper for my fees.

the shopkeeper took me out of the cage of this cruel and put me in another cage. and returned that cage to the oppressor. then the oppressor left there.

Irfan! I was shouting, yelling and making noise in the shopkeeper's cage too. There were many birds imprisoned in this shop before me.

those birds also sometimes supported me in shouting, screaming and making noise. After that, everyone would be quiet, but I continued my shouting, screaming, and making noise all day long.

Irfan! The business of birds was going on in this market all day, someone came to sell birds, someone came to buy birds.

when night came, the market was closed, that shopkeeper slept on a cot in this shop, but I screamed, I did not stop shouting and making noise, I continued to shout, shout and make noise all night.

when the morning was about to come, then the shopkeeper got up from his cot, picked up a stick, came straight to me, said to me.

You screamed and disturbed my sleep all night, so now I will punish you in such a way that you will remember it for the rest of your life.

Irfan! Then this cruel shopkeeper started beating me with this stick with complete cruelty, hit me so much, hit me so much, that I became unconscious.

seeing this cruel scene, the other birds also got scared. there was complete silence in this shop.

After a long time, this cruel shopkeeper sprinkled cold water on me, then I regained consciousness, at that time my head was spinning, I could not see anything right, my voice was also suppressed, my pain The body was bleeding.

I tried to scream, but I could not scream, the whole body was in great pain, the whole day passed in this state of semi-unconsciousness and helplessness.

Irfan! When the evening came, then this cruel shopkeeper washed the blood from my whole body with cold water, gave me some cold water to drink, put some pieces of fruit in my cage for me to eat.

Irfan! I drank a little water due to extreme thirst, but I did not eat that fruit, I spent the whole night in pain, every time I tried to scream, my whole body was in pain, my voice was completely hoarse. was suppressed.

Irfan! When the darkness of the night was disappearing, it was early morning, from the birds imprisoned in this shop.

One old Parrot said to me, son! You are listening to my voice, I want to say something to you.

I wanted to say yes to this old parrot. but my voice was not coming out.

I shook my head and said yes to this old parrot. When I saw towards him. tears were pouring from the eyes of this elderly parrot in my grief, I was looking at him very helplessly,

Irfan! This old parrot said to me, son!

Like you, I have been trapped in the cage of this oppression for many years,

I have been sold many times.

and I have been bought many times.

Son! These people are very cruel, they are worse than beasts, these people will never understand your screams and cries.

Son! If you are stubborn with these people, they will continue to oppress you all the time. they will continue to increase this cruelty.

but they will never have mercy in their hearts.

Continued on Post-90

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