
Reactions of the World: Empire, Kislev, Dwarves & Undivided Chaos

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-Land of the Empire of Man/Talabecland, Lieske

Talabecland, formally known as the Grand Duchy of Talabecland or the Grand Freistadt of Talabecland, is one of the founding Electoral Provinces of the Empire and is located at its geographical centre.

The provincial capital city of Talabecland is Talabheim, a large city-state built inside a titanic meteorite crater miles upon miles wide, the very province itself is named after Taal, the god of the wilderness of the Old World Pantheon, and he is considered the province's patron god after Sigmar himself.

Talabecland is perhaps one of the largest of the Imperial provinces, and its dominant features include its dominion over the River Stir and the River Talabec, as well political control over nearly all of the Great Forest.

Much of the province's trade flows along these rivers, as well as trade that flows through to the north and south along the Great Forest Road.

Lieske is site of the largest fortified coaching inn in Talabecland outside of Talabheim itself, Lieske is also the unofficial southern headquarters for a large contingent of roadwardens, who patrol from Talabheim to the Stir to keep the Old Forest Road safe.

Right now the Emperor, Karl Franz with his entire army has gathered there from Reikland, for grave tidings came with the birth of a new Chaos God, and all the vile followers of the Ruinous Powers were strung to action just like now.

Archeon the Everchosen has come and with that threat in there lands, Karl Franz immediately set out to Lieske to prepare for battle.

To Karl Franz's sides were his most trusted commanders and advisors on his right a archwizard of the gold order, baring a golden mask his name Balthasar Gelt, often called the "Arch-alchemist," and is the Supreme Patriarch of the Imperial Colleges of Magic and one of the Empire's greatest wizards of the age, with his Staff of Volans that has a golden lion holding a great key while restin on the golden serpent that coils around the top of the staff, this staff belonged to the first Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic, who was taught by Teclis of Ulthuan during the Great War Against Chaos, it has then become the symbol of office for the Supreme Patriarchs ever since, allowing the wielder to bend the Winds of Magic more easily to his will.

And to the Emperor's left was the mighty Volkmar the Grim, the Grand Theogonist of the Cult of Sigmar, an Elector of the Empire of Man, and one of the most powerful Imperial religious leader, resembling a mature, wise, pious, zealous man with a scar on the left side of his face and a great jade griffon on his chestplate, this is the Jade Griffon a talisman is carved from enchanted jade and is said to have been blessed by Magnus the Pious himself, the Jade Griffon hangs upon the Grand Theogonist's chest, glowing with a green inner light that suffuses Volkmar with regenerative powers, while on his hands was his Sigmarite Hammer and his Staff of Commands, that staff is the Grand Theogonist's badge of office, it possess a unique ability to draws power from the War Altar of Sigmar and channels it into the Grand Theogonist ageing limbs, suffusing him with strength and vigor.

Galt has brought not only the Golden Order with him to answer Karl Franz's call to arms, but the full might of Imperial Colleges of Magic, and so did Volkmar answer the Emperor call and brought with him the proud warriors of Sigmar, from the Cult of Sigmar, so they can face the great threat of Chaos that is coming from the west, from deep within the World Edge Mountains.

None expected that Archeon would invade in such a way, and number not only that but Kislev refuse to accept the call of the Empire to aid in the upcoming battle, for they to are in threat of quite possibly the greatest chaotic invasion in years.

A Chaos Lord, known as the Chosen of the Gods, has just defeated the former kislevite prince Yuri and assimilated his army along with the vile Troll King, Throgg, by the threat and binding of the new Dark Power, the Bat God of Norsca, Laharl Valboga.

And there's been reports as well of the sighting of the infamous Harald Hammerstorm has also join the recent movement of Chaos, many suspect that the Hammerstorm seeks to join the Dark Legion and they're coming to the south from Sea of Claws to invade Kislev, which meant that they can't aid the Empire and should they fall before Archeon is driven out or slain, than the Empire could face it darkest hour...

Because of this not only the Elector Counts were called to defend the Empire, but also has called fort other great warriors and heroes of the Empire to join in its needed and most desperate defense.

From Nuln the Dark Lady of Nuln, Elspeth von Draken also known Graveyard Rose, along with her finest knight, the Hound of Judgement, Theodore Bruckner serves as the First Headsman of Nuln and champion of the Countess both them and Nuln mighty army of the College of Death, unique knightly orders and their engineers would be a great asset for the upcoming war, she promised to provide aid but her main focus is Nuln as the Maggot Lord along with the Lord of Tentacles have been reported to be on the move as well.

While Markus Wulfhart the Huntsmarshal sent a dire message that he cant answer the call of war, from his location in Lustria was a great blow to Karl Franz for he could use his magic marksmanship and leadership capabilities on the battle.

But Elector Counts are coming among them was the Elector Count of Hochland, Aldebrand Ludenhof a rather unimposing figure, being very tall and thin, the count was surprisingly strong a great and fine addition to their forces and Volkmar also reported that Luthor Huss, the Prophet of Sigmar, a mighty Warrior Priest of Sigmar, was spotted bringing more warrior priests to aid them which was welcomed news.

With this gathering of heroes of the Empire, the Emperor could see a light at the end of this gathering storm of Chaos, now wasn't the time to despair, but to fight for Sigmar and the Empire!!!

Location the Lands of Kislev, Outside of the Capital City of Kislev

Kislev is a country located to the north-east of the Empire and is separated from the Chaos Wastes to the north by the Troll Country.

Under the divine protection of the Bear God, Ursun, whose roar keeps the harsh winters and blizzard from overwhelming the proud people of Kislev, who act as the last line against chaotic invasions to the Known World.

Kislev has suffered much and it seems that that suffering wasn't over, despite saving Ursun from the Shadow Lord, Be'lakor, and the Traitor Prince, Yuri Barkov, he was still weak and wounded by Yuri's bullet and was forced to let the blizzards resume, for the new threat has made himself known to them.

Despite them hearing some stories and rumors that a new Chaos Lord was rising in power, ridding on a great beast with a castle on it's back, during a attack from the vile Troll King, the Bat God, Laharl Valboga reveal himself and now that God's chosen champion was targeting Kislev, hence all grievances and disputes amongst the kislevites were ceased.

The Tzarina, called for all the heroes and defenders of the motherland to come and fight for Kislev and Ursun once again.

Currently in the warcamp of Kislev, just outside the capital city, the territory of the Ice Court many warriors of the motherland were gathered from old veterans, to even the zealots of the Great Orthodoxy were standing side by side for their fellow brother and sister.

In the royal tent, Tzarina Katarin the Ice Queen has gathered all the leaders/commanders as well as the heroes of Kislev, for a war-council, and who is standing beside her was her trusted guarding and warrior the Golden Knight, Naryska Leysa.

Not only Leysa was there, but other great heroes of Kislev answering Ursun's call among them was Kostaltyn the Supreme Patriarch of the Ursunite Faith, also Grigori Medvezhiy, once a blacksmith that proved his strength facing the chaotic northmen was there with his curved blade strapped to his waist, there was also Olesya Pimenova, the Handle or as many have come to know her the Bane of Vermins, a proud old kislevite woman that has face and killed hordes of vile skaven and has become pivot in defense of Kislev from skaventides, sitting on chair at the side with her pike hanging on her right shoulder she'd rode for days to answer the call to defend the motherland.

And still to Katarin's happiness and relief her younger brother Ivan Radinov, a young prince of Kislev, has come to help her, he was smiling standing beside the table with his magical blade called the "Sword of Heroes" in between his hands he was listening in the reports of the Chosen of the Gods, starting to make his move further south after stopping for nearly three weeks his advance to Kislev.

Their enemy would most likely been in Kislev lands in a month if fortunately a bit more, this was both good and grim news, this allowed Tzarina to gather and prepare more troops for the upcoming battle, while also grim since it meant that quite possibly the greatest and most devastating battle in the history of the Motherland, would soon begin.

Tzarina was forced to deny sending aid to the Empire, which is under attack currently by other forces of Chaos, if they can't push back and defeat this new evil than the whole world would be at risk, so until Kislev is safe the Empire and them are on their own.

Not only that but Mother Ostankya has refuse time and time again to unite their forces against the upcoming enemy, last time she'd sent a negotiator he disappeared, and is most likely been killed.

So for now the Dukhlys Forests are under control and watch from Ostankya's hags and followers, making the western side of Kislev safe at least, but another trouble is brewing in the Motherland, a large warband of nurglish followers, under the leadership of the vile Priestess of Putrefaction has been taking advantage of the chaos and panic to attack the Kislev settlements.

Ivan then offered himself and his warriors to huntdown these Maggotkin, since his forces were the fastest amongst their army they can take advantage of their calvary to eliminate this problem before the forces of Dark Legion are in their lands.

Kostaltyn to Tzarina's surprise, agreed and supported the young prince, providing some of his patriarchs and kossar-archers to aid him, Tzarina accepted and allowed her brother to deal with these filth-ridden, drecks he thanked his sister and swore he'd be successful...and safe, hugging her before leaving the tent to gather his forces.

Meanwhile in the ice-tomb of Boris Ursus, he has awakened and started gathering kislevite warriors in secret of his daughter and son to provide aid should they need him, as the forces of Kislev were preparing for the greatest war that their land has ever faced, other races and forces were also reacting to the new Dark God rising and his Champion, being on the move.

Location Dwarven Mountains, the Capital of the Empire, Karaz-A-Karak

Karaz-a-Karak is the largest of the Dwarf Holds and is one of the most magnificent architectural structures in the Known World. 

Karaz-a-Karak which translates roughly as "Everpeak," or the "Pinnacle of Mountain" in the Dwarf tongue, is the capital city of the Dwarf race, and High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer's seat of power, this is the mightiest and most populous of all Dwarf cities, the capital of their kingdom of Karaz Ankor and the stronghold of the Dwarf High King.

Here, amongst its ancient temples to the Ancestor Gods, where the Dwarven High King holds court in a vaulted Great Hall large enough to engulf a Human town, the forest of pillars that form the mile-long nave of the hall tower high into darkness.

Despite suffering attacks beyond number, and surviving many catastrophes, Karaz-a-Karak has never fallen to an invader.

Here in the capital Dwarven Hold is where the Great Book of Grudges kept, along with the Book of Remembering and countless hoarded treasures, each an object of awe and veneration to any Dwarf.

After a great deal of bluster and grumbling, even the most independent of Dwarfs from one of the far-off holds will ultimately admit to a fierce pride of Karaz-a-Karak as the dwarven empire.

Although their empire may have crumbled, here at the stony heart of their realm, its power and splendour endure.

High King, Thorgrim Grudgebearer has called for not only for Kings Council, but all great heroes of the Dawi, for not only a great threat is upon the dwarves but to the world.

Some of their northern kin in Norsca have reported to him of the rise of the New Chaos God, and a Chaos Lord that is coming to the south on a giant beast like nothing seen before, the army of Chaos worshipers surpasses any that has managed to come south, so Thorgrim gathered all the kings and their armies to stand together, in the High-King's Hall many, many dwarves from across the Known World have answer his call.

Ungrim Ironfist the Slayer King answered the call especially with the sights of Archeon near his borders, he reported this to Thorgrim who grumbled, the Slayer King stood there proud with his Axe of Dargo, beside him ready to spill blood and finally fulfil his oath of the slayer, more than likely the last of the line of Slayer Kings of Karak Kadrin, hoping that his honorable death will regain the honor of his family and spare his son, Garagrim, from dying but that was wishful thinking knowing the Slayer Oath, Garagrim while more than likely join the upcoming battle against Chaos.

Master Runelord, Thorek Ironbrow of Karak Azul, was among those that came to the summons, swearing his and many runelords support in the upcoming battle beside him was Helgar Longplaits the Hard, also called Helgar Thrundsdottir was the Dwarf Queen of Krag Bryn, famous for a event involving the High Elves and a rival dwarven king.

The elves arrived on the nearby shore and began creating a port city they called Tol Eldroth, with a long standing grudge against the nearby hold of Kazad Thrund, all trade inland was heavily taxed but with the Elves she saw a new opportunity.

Helgar, she accepted Ambassadors from the city and whilst they had arrived uninvited, she declared she would accept their presence in return for their recognition of her as High Queen of the hold, which they did so and trade began between them and quickly proved successful, even if elven trade goods were called tribute and the dwarf treasure gifted in return would be termed subsidies, she also received their pledge to aid her in any battles, as her own forces were now very small.

Angered by the ongoing new trade and still hoping to fulfill his ancestors goal of taking Krag Bryn for himself, Drong the Hard, king of Kazad Thrund, sent his kinsman to ferment revolt in her mines, forcing Helgar to seek aid from Lord Eldroth, they dispatched a force under Fendar to intercept the growing band of angry, drunken miners which led to the Battle of Grudge Pass.

Despite the rebellion, Helgar kept her throne and prosper under her reign, when the High-King, Thorgrim called her, she immediately came hearing the reason of this council she swore her full support and army for the upcoming battles.

The famous White Dwarf, Grombrindal was also among the dwarves holding onto his Runic Axe of Grimnir, the mighty axe-wielding White Dwarf carries an axe that matches the description of Grimnir's Runic Axe that appear in several sagas and legends that say that perhaps Grimnir himself gave his legendary weapon to the White Dwarf.

King Alrik Ranulfsson is the King of Karak Hirn, was standing beside his followers of Karak Hirn, he is a very traditional dwarf and has spent considerable time and effort seeking to erase the many grudges in the holds a copy of the Book of Grudges, under the blessing of the High-King, Thorgrim, so asidious has he been that one entire volume has been scoured of unpaid blood debts, Alrik carries this book with him to inspire others of his race.

He joined with Thorgrim Grudgebearer to cleanse Black Fire Pass of greenskins, the two kings meeting amongst the slaughter to converse before they rejoined the battle. By the time they had achieved victory, they had struck out several grudges.

Lastly the last hero to join the council, is the legendary Josef Bugman, the most legendary Brewmaster of all time, this is really saying something, for dwarfs take their ale seriously, and there are many famous brews and renowned brewers, yet still, the name of Bugman stands as a paragon of quality.

Bugman has a unending hatred against goblins, for long ago while he went up river with a shipment of Bugman's Special Brew for the Emperor, when he returned home, he saw the smoke gently rising from his brewery among the trees and thought it was time that the great chimney was swept.

When his barge rounded the bend of the river, Bugman saw the smouldering ruins of his settlement, as a goblin raiding party had found the brewery, with all the ale having been consumed in a drunken orgy of destruction.

The vats were smashed, empty barrels floated on the river and there was no sign of any inhabitants, every last one of them had been taken off by the Goblins to who knew what fate, since then Bugman and his remaining companions swore vengeance on the Goblins for this foul deed and resolved to hunt them down and rescue their kinfolk if they could.

The band trailed the Goblins across the World's Edge Mountain and into the wilderness beyond, little was heard of them again except for rumors of the ravages of Bugman and his Dwarf Rangers, of cunning ambushes and night raids against Goblin camps.

The only one not at the meeting was Belegar Ironhammer, who was admits a grand battle to reclaim his ancestral hold of Karak Eight Peaks against the vile Night Goblin Warlor, and the Queek Headtaker of Mors, so he send one of his trusted aids to stand-in for him.

While outside the dwarven hold was the famous, Malakai Makaisson the Slayer Engineer, flying across the Known World on his airship the Spirit of Grungni.

He is bearing the shame of a tumultuous and tragic past, as the creator of the ironclad "Unsinkable" and the airship "Indestructible" which both malfunctioned with devastating results, he carries the weight of numerous Dwarfs' deaths on his shoulders, resulting in his ejection from the Engineers' Guild, in the wake of the tragedies, Makaisson took the Slayer Oath, though his days of tinkering and invention are not yet behind him.

He continues his craft, building wonders such as the "Spirit of Grungni" and the infamous "Goblin Hewer", in the hopes that one day his shame will be expunged in either triumph or glorious death, when one of his crew told him of the upcoming Chaos invasions to the Empire and to Kislev, meaning a great battle and opportunity of a honorable death was close so he turned the Spirit of Grungni towards the dwarven mountains to find out which of these battles if not both for him and his crew of slayers and warriors can join in.

Location the Norscan Shoreline in the East, the Lands of Vargs

Harald Hammerstorm and his warriors have finally made landfall, he didn't wait as he started marching southwest to meet with the Lord of the Dark Legion, Ixion Daemonhart, and join his campaign of destruction and anarchy across the Old World.

After they've managed to see the new God, the Bat God, Laharl Valboga, descend from their boat far from the snowy cost, Harald's decision to search for the Chosen of the Gods has proven to be a wise one, marching the Varg lands he and his warriors had to face several monsters, northmen that ended joining his army, or even some dwarves from the area but they'll ended the same crushed under the hammer of the Hammerstorm.

At last after centuries the Hammerstorm, has returned and found a worthy cause to serve under as his march will not be deterred, at long last he'll be able to participate in great war, cause utter destruction, and slaughter countless in the name of Chaos!!

As lead his warriors through the frost and snow his red eyes cutting through the snowfall, illuminating the dim, dark region of Norsca...one thing is certain Chaos has finally started to lay claim to the world that rightfully belong to them.

Location Land of the Empire of Man/Ostermark, somewhere in the Great Forest-The Main Camp of the Everchosen

Archeon and his Warhost of the Apocalypse, have cross through the World Edge Mountains after killing a goblin raid on their forces and attacking Ostermark which was completely caught off guard by the Everchosen forces and now the lands of Ostermark burn and serve as the main foothold in the campaign against the weak forces of the Empire, and the Sigmarite Cult.

Not only that but spies, and secret cults established in the Empire have reported much needed information not only of the defenders of the Empire but also from Norsca...Archeon listen to the reports with growing anger, that the Dark Legion are marching toward the Sea of Claws to finally attack Kislev, but not before the Fifth God has finally revealed himself instead of choosing him as his champion, he continued to favor that rival of his, Ixion Daemonhart!!

Also the soo called Chosen of the Gods, has gained the Troll King, Throgg's service and drastically expanded his forces number, this infuriated the Everchosen, he told his followers to prepare for war for he'll obtain the favor of Laharl Valboga and fulfill his destiny of swallowing the world in Chaos, and ascend to greater heights than any mortal champion has ever done.

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