
Sebastian the true coward

Sebastian's heart was beating so fast out of his chest that even an average human with no special sense of hearing could have heard it from a metre away. 

He was currently moving into the dark faction side of the battlefield and although the terrain was the same as the light faction. With the same trees and the same rocks, somehow everything felt more sinister and dangerous once he crossed the border. 

A part of Sebastian knew that it was all mostly psychological, but the way of the coward rule number #4 said " If your gut says something is wrong, then trust the goddamn thing and run " 

As a true believer of the way of the coward, Sebastian wanted to run for his life instantly, however, the mission demanded that he did not. 

" Why am I so charming? Because of my inexhaustible stamina in bed and my sexy beard I'm always put on the frontline of dangerous missions " Sebastian muttered as he contemplated if being so handsome was even worth it. 

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