
New Blacksmiths

The sudden attack on the people and the resulting stampede left a great impression on Alexander, making him realize the dangers of outdoor meetings.

No wonder so many lords did not like getting out of their castles, preferring the safety of the cold, hard walls. 

It even gave him an urge to follow in their steps.

Especially given Alexander also found the piles of treasure he had shown to the crowd to be lost in that way, most likely looted by the nobles and common people alike.

Yes, do not think just because they were fleeing the common city folk would let go of the opportunity to plunder.

The vast treasures were enough to make most men literally die for it.

But that loss was not what truly bothered Alexander. The money could be as easily earned as it was lost.

No, what really stung for him was the loss of the captives- the ones Alexander planned to make an example out of. 

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