
The Prison

Rick's group has mostly settled in, Hershel put them by me since it's really the only spot there is. The old guy I saw on top of the RV is named Dale, and he actually owns the RV so he put his on the other side of mine. Then the rest of them set tents up in the open circle surrounded by the trees. Rick introduced me to everybody, and the first night, my parents and I hung out with them at their camp fire. Then the next morning I decided to talk to my dad about finding a new place for us.

I found my dad on the porch drinking coffee, "Hey dad."

He sipped on his coffee and replied "Hey Bear."

I sat down on a chair, "I'm going to be scouting today for a new base."

He continued to sip his coffee and about a minute later, "Hershel is hesitant to leave, but I'm hoping I can persuade him after a while. Reinforcing the fences should've been our first priority, but we've been safe so it slipped my mind. But, be safe out there, do you know how long you'll be?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, well sort of. I'm thinking at the very least for a few days."

He put his coffee down, and stood up "We should probably go tell your mom." Then he snuck in, "And Maggie."

My face went a little red, but I stood up as well "Right."

We told my mom, and she didn't like the idea at all. But, I convinced her I could handle myself and it needs to be done. Now, time to find Maggie. I decided to go upstairs and check her room first, her door was cracked so I peeked my head in and saw her putting clothes up. I walked in and said "Hey Maggie can we talk?"

She looked behind her and put a shirt up, and said "That's something you never want to hear, but yeah, what's up?"

I sat down on her bed, and said "I'm going to be away from the farm for a few days."

She seemed worried, and asked "For what?"

I laid back on her bed, and she came over and sat next to me, "I'm going to be looking for a possible new place we can all live at." She was about to say something about the farm, but I cut her off, "The farm isn't safe, we've been getting lucky. With that said though it'll probably be a while before we would make the move due to your dad, even if I found something this week."

She put her hand on my thigh, and said "You make sure your ass gets back to me."

I leaned back up and held her hand, "I'll make sure I do that, ma'am."

She hit my shoulder, "Don't ma'am me just be careful. I'll miss you!"

I acted hurt, "I'll miss you too, I love you."

She gave me a kiss, "I love you too."

I stood up, pulling her up in the process and gave her a hug, and I kissed for forehead, "I'll be back before you know it."

She teared up a little, "You better." Then she walked me down to the front door. We said our goodbyes again and I left for my RV to pack a few things.

I got my backpack loaded with clothes and supplies. Then as I grabbed my spear and stepped out, my dad was waiting for me, "Do you want to take my truck?"

I shook my head, "No, I planned on finding a car on the highway I could use, hopefully."

He walked up and gave me a hug, and said "Be careful out there son. If I could, I'd go along with you, but I trust you and your mom needs me here."

I just nodded, and he walked away. So, I started walking towards the woods since it would be faster to cut through.

The woods were pretty quiet, only found and killed a few walkers. Once on the highway I started looking in cars hoping they had keys. Now, I thought about taking my RV, but it's too big for this job. Also planned on being on foot for most of this anyways.

Eventually I found an older Toyota car and the keys were still in the ignition. It looked like shit, and it'll be a tight fit for my big ass but it's perfect for what I need. I squeezed in the driver seat and cranked it. It's trying at least, till finally *VROOM* ayeee. Let's go. Only half a tank, but with this little car it's enough. I checked the glove box and found a map so I shut the car off and studied the map.

There's a prison nearby, but I don't think people would appreciate it. But, I'll check it out anyways. Might already be somebody's camp for all I know.

I found the entrance pretty easily and parked the car on the side of the prison's driveway. I'll walk from here, I got to the front fence and there were a lot of walkers roaming the front field. Well, shit. I could easily clear them, but if I did it now then some other people might see that and try to move in before us.

For shits and giggles I wanted to try my nature sense to get a rough idea of how many walkers were in the prison. It wasn't easy, but I got it to cover the prison and like I thought there were a ton of walkers. But, I found five people as well. Three of them felt like everybody else up to this point, but the two others felt different than a normal person. It felt like a walker a little bit, I felt the need to kill them, but I pushed it down for now.

I wasn't going through the front so I walked to the back hoping to find an employee/co entrance. There was the next best thing, a giant hole in the wall. Something blew up right here it looks like. Finding them was easy since I could feel where they were, the same thing with walkers obviously but I only ran into 5 walkers and they ran into my spear to their head.

I was very close now, I was walking in the last hallway before the room I felt them in, and saw a walker with its back on the wall. I knew it was still 'alive' because I could still feel it so I just stabbed it with my spear. Then I turned the corner and saw some double doors that were locked with handcuffs. As I was walking up to the door, I pulled out one of my axes and hooked the head on the cuffs and pried upwards. It bent the locking part enough so it released and I was able to open the door.

As I ducked in the room I heard a bunch of commotion and once I was fully in I saw a Mexican dude, Three black guys and a white dude.

They were just staring at me then the Mexican guy was stepping closer to me, about to say something and that's when I noticed the Mexican guy felt corrupted in a sense, like a walker, and the shorter black guy felt about the same, slightly less but the same.

Then out of nowhere I felt like I did when I first fought the walkers. I couldn't control myself, I stepped forward and jabbed my spear into the Mexican guy's throat. He was dead before he knew it. The other four guys started freaking out and the shorter black guy tried to run past me and he got an axe to his back. I started to walk towards him, he was trying to crawl away and begging for his life. I stepped on his back and pulled out my axe then stabbed my spear in the back of his head. I walked back to the first guy I killed and stabbed him in his head.

Then I looked up at the white guy, he started begging, "Don't kill me, man. Please!" The two black guys were watching me.

Finally back in control of my body, I wanted to throw up. I just killed two living people. I noticed the white guy and the two black guys were just staring at me, "My name is Bear, what are your names?

The white guy hesitated, but answered first, "Axel."

The bigger black guy, said "People call me Big Tiny."

The last guy said, "Oscar."

Then Axel asked, "Why did you kill Tomas, and Andrew?"

I looked back at the bodies, and said "They felt like bad people, do you know what they were locked up for?"

*AN: This part might be AU, I don't think their charges were ever brought up.*

Axel fidgeted and looked at Oscar, but said "Well I don't know for sure, but Tomas always bragged about killing a few men and women in their homes. And, Andrew I heard through the grapevine he stole a ladies car, and crashed it. Unfortunately, there was a baby in the back seat, you follow me?"

I nodded my head, and asked "How long have you guys been locked in here?"

He started rubbing his hands, and said "A little over 2 months."

I asked, "Do you know what has been happening outside?"

They all three shook their heads, so I explained everything to the best of my ability. They had a lot of questions, and there were some I didn't know the answer to. They were worried about their loved ones, but I broke the news that most of the population has been wiped out.

After a few minutes of letting them soak it in, I said "I don't know what plans you have now since you're free again, but I have a group, you could join if you work and provide for the group."

Axel and Oscar seemed interested, but Oscar spoke first, "I'll join, I got no problem earning my spot."

Axel agreed, "Same. If you need any wrench turning, I'm your guy."

Big Tiny scratched his head, and said "I don't know, man. My family could still be alive."

I nodded, "Yes, they could be. The offer will still be good even if you go looking for them first."

Big Tiny responded, "I'll go with you guys for now."

Oscar walked over to Tomas' body and crouched down and went through his pockets, and finally he pulled out a snub nose revolver so I tightened my grip on my spear since I still don't trust them completely. But, he surprised me and tried handing the revolver to me. I put my empty hand up, and said "You keep it, but don't use it unless you have to. Sound draws the walkers."

I looked around the room, and asked "Is there anything y'all want to take with you?"

Oscar said "There's a bunch of food in the back we should take." Then Oscar and Axel grabbed some carts and started loading them up.

Big Tiny stepped in to help as well, and while they were loading, I said "When it comes to the walkers, you gotta aim for their head, as long as the brain is destroyed it's fine. Anything else like body shots are a waste of time."

After all the food was loaded, which was a lot, we started to roll the carts through the hallways. Backtracking to the hole was easy, and once we were outside again, I said "Alright, I'll go get my car and pull back here. You guys guard the food." As i was about to leave, I handed my spear to Big Tiny, "Remember to aim for their head." He nodded, and I started to jog back to my car.

As I was jogging back, I thought to myself, these guys are taking this well. Better than I would have if I was shut off from the rest of the world as it ended.

I got to the car, and started driving to the back of the prison. As I rolled up to them I pulled the trunk release, and they started loading the food. They got in, and Axel smiled and asked "Damn, how the hell are you fitting in this small ass car."

I started laughing, but Oscar and Big Tiny just smiled.

Well, I guess I should take them to the farm.

*AN: Short chapter, but because of my fuck up I wanted to upload this now so I can start brainstorming the alternate path I'm taking. I already have a few things lined up and in the works for the next chapters. Thanks with sticking with it, I'm still a newbie.*

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