

Doctor Phil went ahead to check the woman on the bed amidst the chaos he had just walked right into.

It was funny that they fought after killing another woman. However, this wouldn't be the first time he gets to experience this, rich people are always like this. They end lives and then walk free like those who haven't committed a crime a day in their lives.

They have killed another homeless girl and as usual, want him to confirm before they dispose of her body.

He could call the cops on them. But cops be damned. Not when they walk hand in hand with these wealthy men.

The three men in the room waited anxiously for his results. Ben glares at Alex as if he would kill him if Hazel is pronounced dead. Lukas thinking of what to say to Carie just in case her best friend is dead. But he had little hope she wasn't even if the doctor didn't arrive in time.

Alex... He's lost in his thoughts.

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