
Looking For A Way Back

"Aiya is dead to me," I say walking out of the room. Since nothing here was mine, I leave empty-handed. Li Mei thinks I'm leaving in the morning, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm horrible with goodbyes. Horrible was being generous, I was incapable of handling them in a healthy way.

I walk over to the large stone wall and wave my hand, opening the wall to walk through. If I went through the manor, I was afraid I would be seen or stopped by the guards in the Li residence. I step out into the empty street and look both ways before heading towards the front city gates. The wall silently closes behind me as if it never happened.

Mago remains silent but I can feel that he too is upset. He had tried to spy on Aiya and her family in the past, but they have powerful wards that blocked him from doing so. I would always laugh it off and tell him to become stronger, but I never once doubted them.

Every witch and warlock worth their weight have wards. It's not an uncommon thing or a suspicious thing. In a world of magic and magic mirrors, you have to protect yourself.

As I walk through the city gates, the two guards glance at me with a frown. Probably concerned or confused that a young woman like me was out and alone at this time of the night. Well, it was technically morning. The sun would rise in about an hour or so.

I recall the walk I made with Li Mei a while back as I look up at the early morning sky. A few stars could still be seen but for the most part, they had already retired. Hidden by the approaching sun. I pass an older couple pulling a wooden wagon behind them, full of vegetables.

They're probably headed to the city to sell them. They give me a kind smile and nod, so I return the gesture. After a long while, the sun finally makes its appearance, washing the dark sky in colors of pink, red, and orange. The air carried a nip to it, a prelude to the cold winter that was soon to follow.

When the first rays of the warm sun touch my face, I slow to a stop and close my eyes. I lift my face up to the sun, enjoying its warmth. Suddenly I frown. If I can't find a way to return soon, I need to find a way to survive. Winter was coming and nature hated me.

Mago picks up on my mood once again as he finally speaks up and says, "What's on your mind?" I start walking again, deep in thought as I say, "Survival." I reach down and start picking up small pebbles and stones as I keep going.

I feel his curiosity grow as he asks, "What are you planning to do with those?" I shift them around in my hand as I come to a stop. I glance at the makeshift cart up ahead with several people surrounding it. The smell of delicious food drifts over to me as I say, "I told you, survival."

He seems annoyed with my answers, but I don't feel like explaining. Not when I don't even fully know what I'm going to do myself. I glance down at the stones with a frown. I was able to turn the metal earring in a mirror, could I change other things as well?

I've been taught elemental magic through theory, but I've never applied it until earlier. To be honest, it was much easier than I thought it would be. I was told elemental witches were rare and even then, it was still hard for them to control elements.

I hold all the small pebbles and stones in one hand and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing... I use my magic as I wave my other hand over it. I smile as shiny bits of gold glimmer up at me. Mago hisses as he says, "Isn't that illegal!?" I smirk as I say "How so? We aren't in our world anymore and it's not like this will turn back to stone after a while. I've turned the stone into gold for good, I'm not cheating anyone."

Mago pauses for a moment and then chuckles before saying, "Yes, yes, my beautiful Master is right! This is why I chose you as my Master! You are simply the best." I roll my eyes, ignoring his sugar-coated words as I head straight for the food stall. If he had a nose, it'd be brown.

I order a bowl of noodles, a bun, and a cup of warm tea. As soon as he sees the small nugget of gold, his eyes light up. He beams at me and says, "Have a seat, Miss! I will personally bring you the food." I raise my eyebrows but give him a polite smile as I nod my head and walk over to an open table.

He brings everything over and tries to hand me what looks like copper and silver. My change? I wave him off and say, "Keep it." His smile nearly blinds me as he says, "Let me know if you want seconds or need anything else!"

I chuckle and nod as I pick up the chopsticks and pull out the steaming hot noodles. I blow on them a few times before taking a bite. I fight back a moan as my shoulders drop. I do a little happy wiggle as I pull out more. This was so worth it.

After three bites in, I notice something's wrong. Suddenly, yelling breaks out. I keep my head down, pulling out more noodles as my table suddenly goes flying. Someone lands at my feet and the noodles on my chopsticks slip and fall onto the guy's face.

Annoyance and irritation bubble within me as Mago mutters "They must be seeking death messing with Master's food." Why is it that anytime I sit down to eat in this world, someone comes flying over to interrupt me!? The man yells out, grabbing the noodles and tossing them before looking up at me.

When our eyes meet, he looks momentarily stunned before giving me a lecherous smile. The chopsticks in my hands snap as I throw them down with a curse. I use my magic to kick the man at my feet straight into the other three standing by the stall.

They all cry out in pain and surprise as they all fall down like bowling pins. I turn to face them as I say, "Strike!" They're all quick to get back up as they all turn to glare at me. "This little girl doesn't know what's good for her." The man I kicked sneers while rubbing his ass.

I give him a dark smile as I say back, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you four."

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