
Tick for tack.

Tick for tack.

I enter the cafe and find all eyes on me.

Finding everyone's eyes upon you, always become a moment where in a matter of seconds you recall all your deeds, to make a conclusion of any of your wrongs. But then I moved my eyes around and discovered Lucas,Ed and Katty sitting at a corner with a smirk and an evil dark look which gives me a clear picture. This rings a bell in my mind ,that something is not right here. I slowly step in and head towards the counter ignoring them,

" One mini packet of lunch. Please. And …..does something happen here?" I place my order and ask the counter person why everything was so silent? and he... refuses to answer any of my questions.

I take my food silently and try to find a seat.

" Sorry, it's taken." The person who was sitting at the table told me when I was heading towards it.

"Okay." I moved forward with a usual face, to find a place.

" Taken."_

" Taken"_

"Sorry, occupied. "_

" Taken "_____"Taken".

All the tables were occupied? Isn't it too fishy?.....even the empty chairs were unnecessarily occupied, as if it was placed for the ghosts.

Whenever I move to grab a chair, the person sitting next to it grabs it swiftly. First,I thought that it was only a coincidence,but after seeing it for a long time, I understood that everyone was trying to say that; I should not sit next to them and.... why? I don't think that I need any answer.

A cruel look appears on Mr.Rock's face,and I find an empty set of tables and chairs in my sight. I head my steps towards it as fast and quick I can be,..however ,Katty swiftly slides and drops her bag on that chair. I looked up with disgrace and in a sarcastic tone her looks replied as she said,``Oh! It's occupied. Find another.``

" But you were sitting there now! " I exclaimed with a strange face, pointing towards the place where she was a second before.

"Now I want to sit here! any problem ?" in a straight tone she says and grabs the seat. Which nearly ends the argument and my patience.

I moved towards a boy sitting next to a table with a vacant chair and asked him in a polite way, " Can I take this seat? please. "

" Sorry....sorry . But I can't.." with a nervous tone and fear in his voice, he answered.

" They warned us to not give you any seat…,others…,otherwise they will punish that person....who helped you. I'm so sorry but I can't... "

"It's okay, don't worry ...and no need to say sorry." with a smile I answered him, as he was painted with their warning. I got it beforehand that this is clearly their plan to bother me.

I bend my sight and luckily catch a seat in a corner, and as I walk there again ,Ed hops and grabs that seat . Sitting opposite on the chair with an annoying smile Ed passes a look which can make anyone uncomfortable. His witty eyes went around me as he was going to paint me.

" Sorry this is taken, yeah...if you wanted sit on my lap, you are welcome....." and his looks were more annoying then his stupid words.

I reply with some confidence in my words,"I'd love to stand than take your help ,thanks."

The time was flying and my hunger was uncontrollable, wherever I kept my eyes,I saw people with turning their faces. Did I do something wrong ? As I'm getting treated like this, and there is not a single person to stand by me here now.

I looked around and noticed the missing faces in the crowd. Arina was missing even though Dorothy and Adrian were not present there ,but relying on them all the time isn't a solution. Innumerable feelings and expressions of thoughts were getting tolerated by my mind, and even the time was on its speed which could soon end the Lunch break.

Lucas and his friends were sitting with occupied empty seats,..which was frustrating .

" Now this is enough! " I state and firmly moved my step towards them. My mind, driven crazy by them, ends me in front of Mr.Rock.

" This girl is out of her mind!" Katty exclaims.

" Perfect! She is getting arrogant and annoying day by day." Ed speaks out with a smirk on his face.

I step towards Lucas's table and with a Furious speed and thoughts..I grab a chair on his table facing him ; in front of him.

He was alone on the table as Ed and Katty were quite far away from him.

As I get seated on it; again every one sees me with a wonder and or in an astonished way . Here, on the table with him ,his expressions were impossible to understand as he locked his eyes on me sitting in front of him and ignoring him. Confusion and wonder, and strange, these looks were mixed in his face which was different and difficult to read . He didn't say a word ,and just kept looking at me . Katty moved her steps towards me in anger but he stopped her by just one single look. She slowly steps back and I keep myself busy eating my food, because food is more important . After a couple of moments ,I put my head up and saw his eyes on me,in my mind; which was full of thoughts and words ready to answer him back were bracing themselves but,....then I thought why to waste my time? ;let's concentrate on my lunch. And I hold back my words.

While chewing my food I ask him in a straight tone," You never saw a girl chewing her food?".

"Why? I had." Lucas answered in an annoyed tone.

"So...why are you staring me ..?..have your lunch ...it's so long, you didn't have a bit of it, chop chop!." I answer him in a straight tone and continue with my lunch.

With a stranger look he continues with his lunch .

Meanwhile, from the front door Dorothy, Adrian and Arina enter and they get their eyes wide open, as they are witnessing an astonishing scene in front of their eyes . Imagining me and Lucas on the same table alone without any fights and arguments ,it's impossible to even dream but..,The impossible scene was going in front of their eyes. And we; we were busy having our lunch facing each other. I looked aside after a while, and found Katty sitting there, giving an anguished look and rubbing her teeth against each other...

"Oh my ,what's wrong with her?"..I think in my mind.

After having his lunch, he stands up and walks out of the table, to leave and his friends follow him...till he reaches the door ,I say in one voice, "Have a good day " with a smile and coke in my hands.

He turns back with bemused body language, which was giving a strange look to me, while slowly muttering his words,

" So Annoying! " In a rude tone, he looks at me with a sigh at the end.

As he walked out , Dorothy and Arina ran towards me , and in a one voice copied each other's words. They said," What in the world happened now?" .

"What...? something wrong? " in a confused tone I ask them.

" Did you sort out problems between you and him.....? sharing the same table without any fights and arguments! Pinch me now! Am I dreaming? " Arina freaks out with her question.

"Oh ! don't overreact. We just share the same table, because…. he warned everyone sitting here that if they give me their seats ,he will not leave them. So .....I sat with him,...he can't punish himself. Can he? " I explain them with normal looks .

"But it's not so easy to sit with him, you need guts ! and how did Katty allow you? Katty is so possessive about Lucas. She don't allow any girl to roam around him. How did she allowed you?" while thinking deep Dorothy tells us.

"She didn't allow me . I just grabbed the seat directly. And why do I need her permission? Is she his girlfriend? " I ask out with curiosity.

"Nope . She's not ...but sometimes they act like they are together and sometimes, they avoid each other...., but she's still possessive. Good gifted her beautiful face but her heart is as ugly as a demon."Dorothy informs us with all the information and assumptions she had.

"Oh!.....they are not a couple.... I thought they are,....cause the way they cuddle and the way she holds him...anyone will think that they are in a relationship...I wonder if they are not ,umm.....so she and Adrian...?" Arina questions Dorothy and as Adrian's name spills out from her mouth my all attention goes with it.

A voice from back lies in our ear," No, I'm not!"

We turn back and Adrian walks towards us and grabs a seat next to me . Maybe I forget to breathe.....oh my !Why did he do that?

"Ahhhhh!."...I scream loudly with excitement .....internally.

"I'm not in any relationship, and with katty , not even in dreams. But today you shock me (turns towards me), I never imagined that you're so brave ,I'm impressed. Tolerating Lucas is very hard as I'm his best friend. I've experienced it.You really stand so strong"....He complimented me with a pretty smile in which I got lost. Seeing his beauty from this close, glitters my eyes.


I come out from my daydream...and he vanishes away from my eyes ," Where did he go?and when?"is asked in a puzzled manner.

"He just went. Where were you? He was just asking if any of us are interested in an annual event with him. But no one answered anything ,....so he went to ask others.."Dorothy informs while checking her phone.

"Oh ! I'm interested, I want to take part, where is he?...guys I'll meet you soon bye!`` I quickly grab my stuff while informing them and run towards his direction.

After the school ended , I was relieved that I signed up with Adrian for annual events, and while thinking about him ....I walked towards my bicycle.I kept my bag in the front basket ,and then noticed the wheels of my bicycle. My eyes went down towards them as they were not moving easily. They were punched ."Huh!?...what in the world happened to you ?I just filled you yesterday and you both ditch me, why?" I yell in the words on my cycle's wheels ,and then revolve my eyes around to see whose hand is there in it.

I observed katty ,with her two best friends laughing at me . Yeah ,I get it ,she's really very possessive. With a deep sigh, I leave the place while walking with my hands holding the cycle's handle and taking it along with me . Until I reach out of the campus gate, the familiar engine noise lies in my ears. And again with full speed Lucas passes by with words,"keep going mirror!. "

" Yeah thanks!! you stupid Rock ! " I yelled out of frustration and again my words echoed in the sky.

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