
A Promise.

"Mum!" Ivory's eyes flared up in anger.

"Don't you dare mum me!" Marissa hissed. "You're feeling this way because you know I'm telling the truth. Instead of bonding with your sister and me, you decided to choose a pretentious stranger over us.."

"Mum, you know I'm still here right?" Leon said in a slightly chilly tone. "The least you can do for me right now is not to talk ill of my wife in my presence."

"Okay, I wouldn't be talking about her if she had not brought herself down here to take away my children from me." Marissa resumed sobbing.

Ivory stared at her mum in bewilderment and frustration. A million questions raced through her mind and she wonders what spirit of jealousy had suddenly possessed her mother.

"Mum, you know I like speaking up my mind irrespective of who feels bad," Ivory said in a depressed tone.

"Ivory, let it be! Just go!" Yvonne cautioned.

"No!" Ivory replied angrily as tears rolled down her cheeks.

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