
Maggie's Dramatic Phase Two Scheme

Maggie sat on her bed analyzing her next plan to get Ella's attention. She knew that Ella was avoiding her like a plague.

The previous night, she waited patiently for Ella to arrive from work. However, to her shock, Ella didn't return, and neither did Leon. Even when she called Ella severally, the line never connected. It became obvious that they both slept out because of her.

Before arriving at Amzone city, Maggie had factored in this sort of behavior from Ella. She knew that Ella would avoid her rather than confront her. Hence, she acquired some NSAIDs from a drugstore at Springchad. These drugs when taken at a high dosage were capable of causing dizziness, blurred vision, seizures, and coma.

Maggie planned on initiating a dramatic phase two scheme to drive a wedge between Leon and Ella. Although she had no intention of initiating this phase of her mission, Ella's stubbornness had given her limited choice.

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