
Dreaming of a cruel mercenary : infiltration

Top-tier assassins and mercenaries quietly infiltrated the various parts of the green world company .

"Haha, brother Francis, it is really wonderful to have you visit us," a rather young man said.

He was currently hosting Francis somewhere in the headquarters.

"Likewise," Francis responded courteously.

To his left was a familiar face, the lady who was always with him.

Francis was known for his playboyish nature because he always had a lady by his side.

And this lady in particular was also a top-notch assassin, but she was one of the assassins who had no face to go with the name.

They only had the name.

Mistress Red Dot was her name.

It was unclear whether this name was derived from her sniping abilities or from her method of murder.

But one thing was certain: she was a murderous monster.

Right now, she was just playing the role of one of Francis's many women.

"Brother Karth, I heard about the whole issue with the federation check. I hope I'm not causing a nuisance by being here," Francis said with a glass of wine in hand.

Although he said those words, he didn't really show concern.

This was his usual behavior; he was haughty.

"Well, it is quite hectic, but you and all members of the Kam family are always welcome here in the Green World Company," Karth said, paying no mind to Francis's haughtiness.

"Say brother Francis, when was the last time you had any contact with your twin brother?" karth asked

"It has been quite a long time, as you must be aware, and we don't really see eye to eye. Is there anything the matter?" Francis asked Karth in a very calm manner.

He wanted to see where this line of questioning would lead.

It was a known fact that he hated his twin brother with all his heart and didn't like talking about him, so for Karth to bring it up, he must want something.

Karth rose and walked slowly toward the gentle man Francis.

As Francis saw this, he gently dropped his glass of wine.

They both stared at each other for a few good seconds until Francis gestured for Mistress Red Dot to leave them.

As soon as she moved, Karth moved close to Francis and sat down beside him.

"It is really a sad thing that happened between yourself and your brother," Karth said.

"You know, I've always thought that you would make a better family head than that brother of yours." When those words left the mouth of Karth a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Get to the point, why don't you?" francis said

"The Green World Company sees you and your talent and is ready to render you any support needed. All we want is to see the Kam family regain their former glory," Karth said.

"The Green World Company would support him?" Francis laughed in his mind.

Yes, this sounded strange to him: the green world company he had come to wreck havoc in wanted to support his claim to the Kam family's seat of power?Laughable

They only wanted them to fight so they could swoop in like the vultures they were to pick them off when they were dead.

He knew better than to trust anything coming from the Green World Company, plus they killed his darling Scarlet.

One of them had to go.

He didn't show it, though.

A "beep" rang out from Karth's watch.

"hm?" He stood up and looked at his watch with a frown.

"You must excuse me, brother Francis. I have something to attend to. I will be back," Karth said.

"Think of what I said; I believe it will be beneficial for us both," he added, and then walked out of the room.

"Sigh," Francis exclaimed, relieved.

"He is finally gone," he thought.

"Come on, babe, let's go," Francis said to Mistress Red Dot.

And a few moments after Karth left, they also walked out of the room.

Karth shut the door from the outside, but it was ineffective in stopping them.

"That way," they began to move.

They all knew where the rendezvous point was.

They now had all the information they needed to move quickly in the headquarters because Francis's brother, the Trojan, had silently gotten into the green world companies' databases and extracted the blueprints they needed.

Plus, no one suspected them as they saw Francis come in with Karth.

They went through twists and turns.


Francis and his girl mistress Red Dot had just turned into the hallway where they were supposed to meet, but to their surprise,

A fully armed guard stood exactly where the rendezvous point was.

It was too late though, the guard had already spotted them.

"Hello guard, I'm sorry, I'm a bit lost. I am looking for Karth." The gentleman Francis thought of a solution: he would use Karth's name to get out of this one, and if it didn't work, he would directly kill the guard.

After all, they picked a place with no security cameras.

"It's me, Frankenstein," the guard blurted out.

"Sigh," they both sighed in relief.

They were already prepared to kill this guard here, only to find out that the guard is Agent Frankenstein.

"Take these," agent Frankenstein said as he handed over two ID cards to them.

The ID card read:


Name: Francis Kam

Specialization : general safety inspector

Sex: male


Name: Camila Dart's

Specialization :Building Integrity Inspector

Sex : female

These looked so real, partly because they were given to them by the federation themselves.

"You never cease to amaze me," the gentle man Francis said.

"What about the others?" francis asked

He and Frankenstein couldn't wait here forever; they had to get a move on if not the Green World Company would catch on to what they were up to.

"The old man is dressed as a cleaning staff and is changing his clothes right now," agent Frankenstein said.

"oh?" When Francis heard that, they were shocked.

"Did he just leave here?" Miss Red Dot asked

Agent Frankenstein nodded

They couldn't believe it; they just passed an old man on the way here, and he didn't look at all like the old man drizzle .

But then again, they knew the old man drizzle was much more experienced than they were, and he probably had some sort of advanced technique to change his facial features.

Although they had some too, the usage would force them to look like the person they changed into for at least 48 hours.

But it seemed like the old man had one that didn't have such limitations.

"There he is," Frankenstein said.

The old man drizzle walked in fully clothed in Federation combat wear; he also had a rifle on him.

"What about the Silverback and Jeff?" the gentle man Francis asked.

"Jeff and Silverback came together; they reported having come across some trouble on their way here, so they will be late," agent Frankenstein said.

"Okay, let's move then," Francis said.

"Take this box," Mr. Drizzle told Francis, handing him a box of equipment.

"All right," Francis said, grabbing it.

Now they really looked like an inspection team.

"Let's go down," agent Frankenstein said.

And so they began their decent.

The headquarters were much bigger than they seemed from the outside.

As they went down, they came across quite a few people who didn't even bother questioning them much.

Just a flash of the ID card, and they let them through.

But soon after a while they finally hit a brick wall

"Sorry you can't go on from here; it's a restricted area," the guard said.

"Even for Federation officials?" francis asked

"I'm sorry, I can't answer that," the guard replied, but he didn't seem to be budging.

"I will let the ambassador know of this." Francis looked annoyed at this point.

The guard was very stubborn.

"I apologise, sir, but if you give me a minute, I will contact the higher ups to see if you can be granted access," the guard said.

He didn't want things to get more complicated than they already were.

So he decided to call someone in charge.

"Okay," Francis said.

But as soon as the guard turned to go make the call,


A bullet was shot through his skull.

francis turned around to see where the shot had come from

It was agent Frankenstein.

"From this point on, the real thing begins," he said.

Yes, they had gotten to the point where their identities couldn't help anymore.

They all tensed up.

"There are pistols in the box; use them," agent Frankenstein said, pointing to the box in Francis' hand.

"What about the body?" Miss Red Dot asked

Frank grabbed the body and lifted it up.

Old man drizzle opened the air vent as if they could read each other's minds.

Frank then tossed it inside.

Before the body could release any sort of odor, they would be long gone.

And so they kept on advancing.

Killing en route

The bodies started to pile up slowly, but they didn't stop.

The chamber where the serum was being stored was deep underground.


"That's the door?"

"There are at least 10 guards there, and I don't know if I'm the only one seeing this, but isn't that a machine gun?" Mistress Red Dot asked in a panicky voice.

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