
Chapter 260 - Reunited(Part 2)

"Hey, hold still, stop moving your face...come on, this isn't the first time we've been through this, you know the drill," I frowned, as Izzy fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Isn't it good enough already? Come on, this is taking way too long!" She responded impatiently.

"Wow, you're pretty good at that, kinda unexpected," Remarked Lumena in fascination, peering over my shoulder as I applied makeup on Izzy's face to hide her red skin.

We were in the forest to the east of Cusch Town, about half a kilometer or so from the entrance to the town.

As we flew over here and the town came into sight, it hit me that we can't just walk right in, we'd almost definitely be attacked, considering the fact that one of us is literally a Monster.

There's likely to be a handful of Knights in town as well, so I put on a wig, wore colored contacts to hide my eye colors, and covered up my scars with makeup. Don't want to get recognized, after all, since I am a wanted criminal.

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