
Chapter 6 - Customization(Part 1)

"Wow, your reaction is seriously just 'huh...cool'? Usually there's a lot more excitement when I tell people they can customize their reincarnation," Sighed God, or whatever she is.

"Yeah, well, there's no guarantee that a life I reincarnate into will be any better than the one I just lived," I shrugged in response.

"True, but nothing's guaranteed. Just as a good life isn't guaranteed, neither is a bad one, regardless of your starting point," Came the objective reply.

"Whatever. If I'm being honest, I'm still kinda hung up on your appearance," I remarked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's inconsequential. I don't actually have a physical form, and the concept of gender doesn't apply to me...when I meet a new soul for customized reincarnation, I simply take the form of what I believe is their ideal preference," She informed me.

"Oh, I see. Gotta say, though, while this appearance is pretty hot, it's not exactly my ideal type," I replied, after briefly checking her out.

"Is that so? Then I'm guessing your type is depraved maids, correct?" She smirked smugly.

"...that was kinda uncalled for. And for the record, it was one depraved maid, not plural."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging or anything. I don't view humans with the same morals or preconceptions they apply to themselves...whether or not someone is good or evil doesn't matter to me.

And besides, human values are fickle and ever-changing, and differ from culture to culture. The concepts of heaven and hell don't exist, you don't get either rewarded or punished for any of your actions in life," She explained in response.

"Seriously? So, then, religion is utter bullshit?" I surmised with a laugh.

"Yeah, I don't understand the concept of religion at all, or why people invented it. It's nothing more than a form of delusion, as far as I'm concerned," She shrugged indifferently.

"Wow, since there are so many religions, naturally, I figured that, at the very least, most of them must be bullshit. But it looks like all of them are bullshit," I chuckled in amusement.

God is real, but religion is totally pointless...awesome, I've always found people who preach religion fanatically to be kinda crazy and illogical. I'd say I consider myself an atheist, though I'm not sure if that applies anymore since I've now got proof that God exists.

"Now, then, while time isn't a constraint here, I do have a lot more souls to deal with and this can be a long process depending on how specific you want to get with your customization, so let's cut right to it, shall we? What kind of world would you like to reincarnate in?" She inquired, getting down to business.

"Hm...tell me, do worlds with, like, Magic and stuff exist?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure do. There are all kinds of worlds out there. I can even reincarnate you into a world similar to the one you lived in, in any time period you specify," She answered in response.

Interesting...but I have no desire to return to a world like that one.

"Yeah, no, I'll pass on that. Reincarnate me in a world of Magic...but not one with, like, a medieval level of technology, I want a world more advanced, with at least an okay level of technological progress. Yeah, that sounds ideal, a world of Magic or superpowers, but with a decent level of technology," I surmised, after thinking about it for a bit.

The most important thing is the bathroom situation...I want to have access to proper toilets with running water, I don't want to have to use bedpans or pits in the ground or whatever.

"There actually aren't many worlds like that, and they're usually not used to reincarnate people into with their previous memories intact. But I guess I can make an exception. After all, I set these rules, so I can bend them if I want.

There's more than a few worlds right now that are overflowing with reincarnators who have memories of their past lives. But before we get into your customization...wanna know what happened in your old world after you died?" She offered with a grin.

"Hm...you know, what? I can't deny that I'm not curious. So...sure, lay it on me."

"Well, after you offed yourself, those men who had been about to torture you played around with your dying body. Very sexually, like, stuff went inside all the holes. Including the one you slit across your neck."

"...I think I'd have been better off without that knowledge. I was thinking more along the lines of whether people ever found out that I was framed or whatever," I sighed in exasperation.

"Oh, yup! See, one of your neighbors saw someone dragging the corpse onto your doorstep before driving away, they came forward to the police literally right as you killed yourself," She informed me.

Seriously? Oh, well, it's too late to undo what I did now.

"Heh, well, how about that?" I laughed in bemusement.

"After that, an investigation was carried out, and your aunt was discovered to have been the perpetrator, she was proven guilty in court and now she's in prison, where she'll soon be killed. The whole incident has been considered to be a big tragedy, you're kind of a martyr now.

Some of your old staff from your family's old mansion gave statements about how you were never involved in politics, and that you were shunned by the rest of your family, as well as how you were nicer to them that your parents or brother were. You ended up becoming pretty famous because of all that," She explained in response.

Huh, so that's how it turned out, huh? Maybe I was a bit too hasty in killing myself, after all. Oh, well, too late for that now, I'm already dead.

"Actually, based on probability, you would likely have died anyway. Those men who prompted you to kill yourself, their past actions indicate that they're severely violent. At best, you'd have probably been left on the verge of death by the time they were done with you, not to mention severely scarred psychologically," She surmised.

"Hey, stop reading my mind."

"Can't help it. To me, there's no difference between what you say and what you think, I hear it all," She shrugged in reply.

"Fine, whatever. Let's get to the reincarnation already. Oh, but first...would you mind if I mess around with your body?" I requested bluntly...I mean, it's worth a shot, right?

After all, who knows how long it'll be before I'm able to get laid in this new world?

"Oh? But I thought this appearance wasn't your type," She smirked knowingly.

"Well, yeah, it's not my ideal preference, I prefer dark hair, but I never said it's not an attractive appearance you're sporting right now."

"It's a pretty unusual request, but certainly not unheard of. Alright, do as you please," She responded, as I walked over in anticipation.

It's been a while since the last time I hooked up with that maid, so I'm kinda pent-up. And now that she's given me the green light, I'm not gonna hold back.

As I approached her, I reached over and grabbed her boobs, massaging them firmly...hm, no reaction, huh?

"I can fake realistic reactions if you want. This body is like...hm, what's a good analogy? Oh, I know, it's kinda like a video game character in a dating sim. I can control it as I please, but I can't actually feel anything that it feels. Human concepts like touch and feel don't apply to me, after all," She said, clarifying my thoughts.

"Hm, I see...no need to fake anything, I can just pretend like you're a super realistic sex doll," I shrugged in response, as I pulled off her dress and explored her body with my hands.

"You're, uh, really going all out, aren't you? Well, like I said before, time isn't a concept here, so it's not a problem or anything."

"Sweet. It's not everyday you get to fuck a God. Which, FYI, is exactly what I plan to do," I stated frankly.

"Yeah, I figured as much, I can hear all your thoughts, remember? Go nuts with it."

Time to dig in. Let's, uh, skip all the juicy details. Because, honestly, it wasn't that great...like, sure, it's a great body and all, but it really was like what I'd imagine a sex doll to feel like.

Kinda boring, honestly. The lack of any reaction was sort of a major turn off...I mean, I managed to, you know, finish, but still. And having her fake some reactions probably wouldn't have made a difference, since I'd have known they were fake.

"Okay, now that that's over...let's get to the reincarnation, already," I sighed, as I pulled my pants back on, "Huh, actually...how exactly do I have clothes right now?"

"Well, you don't, really. Even this current body of yours isn't technically real. After all, your real body is buried in a grave now," She pointed out.

"I guess that makes sense. Well, whatever, I don't need my old body anymore. By the way, could you reincarnate me in a grown up body? Like, at least mid-teens?" I requested hopefully.

"It's possible...but I wouldn't recommend it. It'll be suspicious if you suddenly appear out of nowhere, especially given the way the world I'm reincarnating you into works. And it'll be even more suspicious if you take over an existing body and act differently to how that person acted before.

Plus, there's this one world where the God in charge reincarnated someone into a teenage body. Long story short, that person became so powerful that he might as well be a God himself, and ended up killing the one who reincarnated him," She informed me with a wry smile.

I have...so many questions about that. Primarily...

"Wait, there's more than one God?" I inquired in bewilderment.

"Yup. Well, the one I mentioned was on the weaker side, only in charge of a handful of worlds. He didn't actually even consider himself to be a God," She explained, before adding, "There are countless different parallel worlds, it would be an impossible task for a single God to oversee every single one of them.

That said, I'm among the Gods who's in charge of the reincarnation process across a higher number of worlds than most, so I've got plenty of options to offer you to choose from."

"Good to know. But I'm only interested in whether or not you've got any worlds to offer with the specifications I mentioned," I responded with a raised eyebrow.

"Right, Magic or superpowers along with a decent level of technology, correct? Actually, I have a couple of worlds that meet those specifications. But one of them has a pretty high death rate and is constantly embroiled in war, so let's set that one aside.

Which leaves just one world I can reincarnate you into based on your specifications. It's not exactly a totally peaceful world, but the era I'll be reincarnating you into is fairly uneventful, for the most part, anyway, and should remain that way for at least a few decades. Now, then...let's finally get to customizing, shall we?" She suggested with a grin.

"Yeah...sounds good to me."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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